


abstract class ExplicitOuter extends SubComponent with InfoTransform with TypingTransformers with TreeDSL

This class ...



Known Subclasses
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. ExplicitOuter
  2. TreeDSL
  3. TypingTransformers
  4. InfoTransform
  5. Transform
  6. SubComponent
  7. AnyRef
  8. Any
  1. by any2stringadd
  2. by StringFormat
  3. by Ensuring
  4. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new ExplicitOuter()

Type Members

  1. abstract class StdPhase extends GlobalPhase

    A standard phase template

    A standard phase template

    Definition Classes
  2. class ExplicitOuterTransformer extends OuterPathTransformer

    The phase performs the following transformations (more or less...):

    The phase performs the following transformations (more or less...):

    (1) An class which is not an interface and is not static gets an outer accessor (@see outerDefs). (1a) A class which is not a trait gets an outer field.

    (4) A constructor of a non-trait inner class gets an outer parameter.

    (5) A reference C.this where C refers to an outer class is replaced by a selection this.$outer$$C1 ... .$outer$$Cn (@see outerPath)

    (7) A call to a constructor Q.(args) or Q.$init$(args) where Q != this and the constructor belongs to a non-static class is augmented by an outer argument. E.g. Q.(OUTER, args) where OUTER is the qualifier corresponding to the singleton type Q.

    (8) A call to a constructor this.(args) in a secondary constructor is augmented to this.(OUTER, args) where OUTER is the last parameter of the secondary constructor.

    (9) Remove private modifier from class members M that are accessed from an inner class.

    (10) Remove protected modifier from class members M that are accessed without a super qualifier accessed from an inner class or trait.

    (11) Remove private and protected modifiers from type symbols

    Note: The whole transform is run in phase

    TODO: Make this doc reflect what's actually going on. Some of the deviations are motivated by separate compilation (name mangling based on usage is inherently unstable). Now that traits are compiled 1:1 to interfaces, they can have private members, so there's also less need to make trait members non-private (they still may need to be implemented in subclasses, though we could make those protected...).

  3. abstract class OuterPathTransformer extends TypingTransformer with Global.UnderConstructionTransformer

    A base class for transformers that maintain outerParam values for outer parameters of constructors.

    A base class for transformers that maintain outerParam values for outer parameters of constructors. The class provides methods for referencing via outer.

  4. class Phase extends ExplicitOuter.Phase
  5. class RemoveBindingsTransformer extends Global.Transformer
  6. abstract class TypingTransformer extends Global.Transformer
    Definition Classes

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract val global: Global
    Definition Classes
  2. abstract val runsAfter: List[String]

    Names of phases that must run before this phase.

    Names of phases that must run before this phase.

    Definition Classes
  3. abstract val runsRightAfter: Option[String]

    Name of the phase that this phase must follow immediately.

    Name of the phase that this phase must follow immediately.

    Definition Classes

Concrete Value Members

  1. object CODE
    Definition Classes
  2. final def afterOwnPhase[T](op: ⇒ T): T
    Definition Classes
  3. final def beforeOwnPhase[T](op: ⇒ T): T
    Definition Classes
  4. def changesBaseClasses: Boolean

    This class does not change linearization

    This class does not change linearization

    Definition Classes
  5. def enabled: Boolean

    Is this component enabled? Default is true.

    Is this component enabled? Default is true.

    Definition Classes
  6. def hasOuterField(clazz: Global.Symbol): Boolean

    Does given clazz define an outer field?

  7. def hashCode(): Int

    SubComponent are added to a HashSet and two phases are the same if they have the same name

    SubComponent are added to a HashSet and two phases are the same if they have the same name

    Definition Classes
    SubComponent → AnyRef → Any
  8. val initial: Boolean

    True if this phase runs before all other phases.

    True if this phase runs before all other phases. Usually, parser.

    Definition Classes
  9. val internal: Boolean

    True if this phase is not provided by a plug-in.

    True if this phase is not provided by a plug-in.

    Definition Classes
  10. def newOuterAccessor(clazz: Global.Symbol): Global.MethodSymbol
  11. def newOuterField(clazz: Global.Symbol): Global.TermSymbol
  12. def newPhase(prev: nsc.Phase): StdPhase

    Create a new phase which applies transformer

    Create a new phase which applies transformer

    Definition Classes
  13. def outerAccessor(clazz: Global.Symbol): Global.Symbol
  14. def ownPhase: nsc.Phase

    The phase corresponding to this subcomponent in the current compiler run

    The phase corresponding to this subcomponent in the current compiler run

    Definition Classes
  15. val phaseName: String

    the name of the phase:

    the name of the phase:

    Definition Classes
  16. def phaseNewFlags: Long

    The following flags may be set by this phase:

    The following flags may be set by this phase:

    Definition Classes
  17. def phaseNextFlags: Long

    New flags defined by the phase which are not valid until immediately after it

    New flags defined by the phase which are not valid until immediately after it

    Definition Classes
  18. val requires: List[String]

    Names of phases required by this component.

    Names of phases required by this component. Default is Nil.

    Definition Classes
  19. val runsBefore: List[String]

    Names of phases that must run after this phase.

    Names of phases that must run after this phase. Default is Nil.

    Definition Classes
  20. val terminal: Boolean

    True if this phase runs after all other phases.

    True if this phase runs after all other phases. Usually, terminal.

    Definition Classes
  21. def transformInfo(sym: Global.Symbol, tp: Global.Type): Global.Type

    The type transformation method:

    The type transformation method:

    - Add an outer parameter to the formal parameters of a constructor in an inner non-trait class;

    - Add a protected $outer field to an inner class which is not a trait.


    Add an outer accessor $outer$$C to every inner class with fully qualified name C that is not an interface. The outer accessor is abstract for traits, concrete for other classes.

    3a. Also add overriding accessor defs to every class that inherits mixin classes with outer accessor defs (unless the superclass already inherits the same mixin).

    - Make all super accessors and modules in traits non-private, mangling their names.

    - Remove protected flag from all members of traits.

    Note: this transformInfo need not be reflected as the JVM reflection already elides outer pointers.

    Definition Classes