trait Infer extends Checkable

This trait contains methods related to type parameter inference.

Self Type


Linear Supertypes
Type Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Infer
  2. Checkable
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. by any2stringadd
  2. by StringFormat
  3. by Ensuring
  4. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait InferCheckable extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  2. abstract class Inferencer extends Analyzer.InferencerContextErrors with Analyzer.InferCheckable

    The context-dependent inferencer part

  3. class NoInstance extends Throwable with ControlThrowable

Value Members

  1. final def falseIfNoInstance(body: ⇒ Boolean): Boolean
  2. def formalTypes(formals: List[Global.Type], numArgs: Int, removeByName: Boolean = true, removeRepeated: Boolean = true): List[Global.Type]

    The formal parameter types corresponding to formals.

    The formal parameter types corresponding to formals. If formals has a repeated last parameter, a list of (numArgs - numFormals + 1) copies of its type is appended to the other formals. By-name types are replaced with their underlying type.


    allows keeping ByName parameters. Used in NamesDefaults.


    allows keeping repeated parameter (if there's one argument). Used in NamesDefaults.

  3. def freshVar(tparam: Global.Symbol): Global.TypeVar

    A fresh type variable with given type parameter as origin.

  4. def normalize(tp: Global.Type): Global.Type

    Automatically perform the following conversions on expression types: A method type becomes the corresponding function type.

    Automatically perform the following conversions on expression types: A method type becomes the corresponding function type. A nullary method type becomes its result type. Implicit parameters are skipped. This method seems to be performance critical.

  5. def propagateKnownTypes(from: Global.Type, to: Global.Symbol): Global.Type

    The applied type of class 'to' after inferring anything possible from the knowledge that 'to' must also be of the type given in 'from'.

    The applied type of class 'to' after inferring anything possible from the knowledge that 'to' must also be of the type given in 'from'.

    Definition Classes
  6. def skipImplicit(tp: Global.Type): Global.Type
  7. def solvedTypes(tvars: List[Global.TypeVar], tparams: List[Global.Symbol], variances: List[Variance], upper: Boolean, depth: Depth): List[Global.Type]

    Solve constraint collected in types tvars.

    Solve constraint collected in types tvars.


    All type variables to be instantiated.


    The type parameters corresponding to tvars


    The variances of type parameters; need to reverse solution direction for all contravariant variables.


    When true search for max solution else min.

    Exceptions thrown
  8. object instantiate extends Global.TypeMap

    Map every TypeVar to its constraint.inst field.

    Map every TypeVar to its constraint.inst field. throw a NoInstance exception if a NoType or WildcardType is encountered.