


trait NamesDefaults extends AnyRef

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. NamesDefaults
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. by any2stringadd
  2. by StringFormat
  3. by Ensuring
  4. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class CaseApplyDefaultGetters extends AnyRef
  2. class ConstructorDefaultsAttachment extends AnyRef
  3. class DefaultsOfLocalMethodAttachment extends AnyRef
  4. case class NamedApplyInfo(qual: Option[Global.Tree], targs: List[Global.Tree], vargss: List[List[Global.Tree]], blockTyper: Analyzer.Typer) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. def addDefaults(givenArgs: List[Global.Tree], qual: Option[Global.Tree], targs: List[Global.Tree], previousArgss: List[List[Global.Tree]], params: List[Global.Symbol], pos: Position, context: Analyzer.Context): (List[Global.Tree], List[Global.Symbol])

    Extend the argument list givenArgs with default arguments.

    Extend the argument list givenArgs with default arguments. Defaults are added as named arguments calling the corresponding default getter.

    Example: given def foo(x: Int = 2, y: String = "def") foo(y = "lt") the argument list (y = "lt") is transformed to (y = "lt", x = foo$default$1())

  2. def allArgsArePositional(a: Array[Int]): Boolean

    returns true if every element is equal to its index

  3. def defaultGetter(param: Global.Symbol, context: Analyzer.Context): Global.Symbol

    For a parameter with default argument, find the method symbol of the default getter.

  4. def isNamedArg(arg: Global.Tree): Boolean
  5. def isVariableInScope(context: Analyzer.Context, name: Global.Name): Boolean
  6. def makeNamedTypes(syms: List[Global.Symbol]): collection.immutable.List[Global.NamedType]
  7. def missingParams[T](args: List[T], params: List[Global.Symbol], argName: (T) ⇒ Option[Global.Name]): (List[Global.Symbol], Boolean)

    Returns the parameter symbols of an invocation expression that are not defined by the list of arguments.

    Returns the parameter symbols of an invocation expression that are not defined by the list of arguments.


    The list of arguments


    The list of parameter symbols of the invoked method


    A function that extracts the name of an argument expression, if it is a named argument.

  8. def removeNames(typer: Analyzer.Typer)(args: List[Global.Tree], params: List[Global.Symbol]): (List[Global.Tree], Array[Int])

    Removes name assignments from args.

    Removes name assignments from args. Additionally, returns an array mapping argument indices from call-site-order to definition-site-order.

    Verifies that names are not specified twice, and positional args don't appear after named ones.

  9. def reorderArgs[T](args: List[T], pos: (Int) ⇒ Int)(implicit arg0: ClassTag[T]): List[T]


    maps indices from old to new

  10. def transformNamedApplication(typer: Analyzer.Typer, mode: Mode, pt: Global.Type)(tree: Global.Tree, argPos: (Int) ⇒ Int): Global.Tree

    Transform a function application into a Block, and assigns typer.context .namedApplyBlockInfo to the new block as side-effect.

    Transform a function application into a Block, and assigns typer.context .namedApplyBlockInfo to the new block as side-effect. If tree has the form Apply(fun, args) first the function "fun" (which might be an application itself!) is transformed into a block of the form { val qual$1 = qualifier_of_fun val x$1 = arg_1_of_fun ... val x$n = arg_n_of_fun qual$1.fun[targs](x$1, ...)...(..., x$n) } then for each argument in args, a value is created and entered into the block. finally the application expression of the block is updated. { val qual$1 = .. ... val x$n = ... > val qual$n+1 = arg(1) > ... > val qual$n+m = arg(m) > qual$1.fun[targs](x$1, ...)...(..., x$n)(x$n+1, ..., x$n+m) }


    the typer calling this method; this method calls typer.doTypedApply


    the mode to use for calling typer.doTypedApply


    the expected type for calling typer.doTypedApply


    the transformed application (a Block) together with the NamedApplyInfo. if isNamedApplyBlock(tree), returns the existing context.namedApplyBlockInfo