abstract class ByteCodeRepository extends PerRunInit
The ByteCodeRepository provides utilities to read the bytecode of classfiles from the compilation
classpath. Parsed classes are cached in the classes
- Source
- ByteCodeRepository.scala
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- ByteCodeRepository
- PerRunInit
- AnyRef
- Any
- by any2stringadd
- by StringFormat
- by Ensuring
- by ArrowAssoc
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- Show All
- Public
- All
Instance Constructors
- new ByteCodeRepository()
Abstract Value Members
- abstract val postProcessor: PostProcessor
Concrete Value Members
- def add(classNode: ClassNode, sourceFilePath: Option[String]): Unit
classNode(internalName: InternalName): Either[ClassNotFound, ClassNode]
The class node for an internal name.
The class node for an internal name. If the class node is not yet available, it is parsed from the classfile on the compile classpath.
classNodeAndSourceFilePath(internalName: InternalName): Either[ClassNotFound, (ClassNode, Option[String])]
The class node and source file path (if the class is being compiled) for an internal name.
The class node and source file path (if the class is being compiled) for an internal name. If the class node is not yet available, it is parsed from the classfile on the compile classpath.
compilingClasses: Map[InternalName, (ClassNode, String)]
Contains ClassNodes and the canonical path of the source file path of classes being compiled in the current compilation run.
fieldNode(classInternalName: InternalName, name: String, descriptor: String): Either[FieldNotFound, (FieldNode, InternalName)]
The field node for a field matching
, accessed in classclassInternalName
.The field node for a field matching
, accessed in classclassInternalName
. The declaration of the field may be in one of the superclasses.- returns
The FieldNode of the requested field and the InternalName of its declaring class, or an error message if the field could not be found
initialize(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- PerRunInit
methodNode(ownerInternalNameOrArrayDescriptor: String, name: String, descriptor: String): Either[MethodNotFound, (MethodNode, InternalName)]
The method node for a method matching
, accessed in classownerInternalNameOrArrayDescriptor
.The method node for a method matching
, accessed in classownerInternalNameOrArrayDescriptor
. The declaration of the method may be in one of the parents.Note that the JVM spec performs method lookup in two steps: resolution and selection.
Method resolution, defined in jvms- and jvms-, is the first step and is identical for all invocation styles (virtual, interface, special, static). If C is the receiver class in the invocation instruction: 1 find a matching method (name and descriptor) in C 2 then in C's superclasses 3 then find the maximally-specific matching superinterface methods, succeed if there's a single non-abstract one. static and private methods in superinterfaces are not considered. 4 then pick a random non-static, non-private superinterface method. 5 then fail.
Note that for an
instruction, a method referenceB.m
may resolve toA.m
, if classB
doesn't specify a matching methodm
, but the parentA
does.Selection depends on the invocation style and is defined in jvms-6.5.
- invokestatic: invokes the resolved method
- invokevirtual / invokeinterface: searches for an override of the resolved method starting at the dynamic receiver type. the search procedure is basically the same as in resolution, but it fails at 4 instead of picking a superinterface method at random.
- invokespecial: if C is the receiver in the invocation instruction, searches for an override
of the resolved method starting at
- the superclass of the current class, if C is a superclass of the current class
- C otherwise again, the search procedure is the same.
In the method here we implement method *resolution*. Whether or not the returned method is actually invoked at runtime depends on the invocation instruction and the class hierarchy, so the users (e.g. the inliner) have to be aware of method selection.
Note that the returned method may be abstract (ACC_ABSTRACT), native (ACC_NATIVE) or signature polymorphic (methods
in classMethodHandles
).- returns
The MethodNode of the requested method and the InternalName of its declaring class, or an error message if the method could not be found. An error message is also returned if method resolution results in multiple default methods.
parsedClasses: Map[InternalName, Either[ClassNotFound, ClassNode]]
Cache for parsed ClassNodes, an LRU or size maxCacheSize For Java classes in mixed compilation, the map contains an error message: no ClassNode is generated by the backend and also no classfile that could be parsed.
Cache for parsed ClassNodes, an LRU or size maxCacheSize For Java classes in mixed compilation, the map contains an error message: no ClassNode is generated by the backend and also no classfile that could be parsed. Note - although this is typed a mutable.Map, individual simple get and put operations are threadsafe as the underlying data structure is synchronized.
perRunInit(init: ⇒ Unit): Unit
- Definition Classes
- PerRunInit
The Scala compiler and reflection APIs.