abstract class CallGraph extends AnyRef
- Source
- CallGraph.scala
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- CallGraph
- AnyRef
- Any
- by any2stringadd
- by StringFormat
- by Ensuring
- by ArrowAssoc
- Hide All
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- Public
- All
Instance Constructors
- new CallGraph()
Type Members
ArgInfo extends AnyRef
Information about invocation arguments, obtained through data flow analysis of the callsite method.
case class
Callee(callee: MethodNode, calleeDeclarationClass: ClassBType, isStaticallyResolved: Boolean, sourceFilePath: Option[String], annotatedInline: Boolean, annotatedNoInline: Boolean, samParamTypes: IntMap[ClassBType], calleeInfoWarning: Option[CalleeInfoWarning]) extends Product with Serializable
A callee in the call graph.
A callee in the call graph.
- callee
The callee, as it appears in the invocation instruction. For virtual calls, an override of the callee might be invoked. Also, the callee can be abstract.
- calleeDeclarationClass
The class in which the callee is declared
- isStaticallyResolved
True if the callee cannot be overridden
- annotatedInline
True if the callee is annotated @inline
- annotatedNoInline
True if the callee is annotated @noinline
- samParamTypes
A map from parameter positions to SAM parameter types
- calleeInfoWarning
An inliner warning if some information was not available while gathering the information about this callee.
case class
Callsite(callsiteInstruction: MethodInsnNode, callsiteMethod: MethodNode, callsiteClass: ClassBType, callee: Either[OptimizerWarning, Callee], argInfos: IntMap[ArgInfo], callsiteStackHeight: Int, receiverKnownNotNull: Boolean, callsitePosition: Position, annotatedInline: Boolean, annotatedNoInline: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable
A callsite in the call graph.
A callsite in the call graph.
- callsiteInstruction
The invocation instruction
- callsiteMethod
The method containing the callsite
- callsiteClass
The class containing the callsite
- callee
The callee, as it appears in the invocation instruction. For virtual calls, an override of the callee might be invoked. Also, the callee can be abstract. Contains a warning message if the callee MethodNode cannot be found in the bytecode repository.
- argInfos
Information about the invocation receiver and arguments
- callsiteStackHeight
The stack height at the callsite, required by the inliner
- callsitePosition
The source position of the callsite, used for inliner warnings.
- final case class ClonedCallsite(callsite: Callsite, clonedWhenInlining: Callsite) extends Product with Serializable
case class
ClosureInstantiation(lambdaMetaFactoryCall: LambdaMetaFactoryCall, ownerMethod: MethodNode, ownerClass: ClassBType, capturedArgInfos: IntMap[ArgInfo]) extends Product with Serializable
Metadata about a closure instantiation, stored in the call graph
Metadata about a closure instantiation, stored in the call graph
- lambdaMetaFactoryCall
the InvokeDynamic instruction
- ownerMethod
the method where the closure is allocated
- ownerClass
the class containing the above method
- capturedArgInfos
information about captured arguments. Used for updating the call graph when re-writing a closure invocation to the body method.
- final case class ForwardedParam(index: Int) extends ArgInfo with Product with Serializable
- final case class LambdaMetaFactoryCall(indy: InvokeDynamicInsnNode, samMethodType: Type, implMethod: Handle, instantiatedMethodType: Type) extends Product with Serializable
Abstract Value Members
- abstract val postProcessor: PostProcessor
Concrete Value Members
- def addCallsite(callsite: Callsite): Unit
- def addClass(classNode: ClassNode): Unit
- def addClosureInstantiation(closureInit: ClosureInstantiation): Unit
- def addIfMissing(methodNode: MethodNode, definingClass: ClassBType): Unit
- def addMethod(methodNode: MethodNode, definingClass: ClassBType): Unit
callsitePositions: Map[MethodInsnNode, Position]
Store the position of every MethodInsnNode during code generation.
Store the position of every MethodInsnNode during code generation. This allows each callsite in the call graph to remember its source position, which is required for inliner warnings.
callsites: Map[MethodNode, Map[MethodInsnNode, Callsite]]
The call graph contains the callsites in the program being compiled.
The call graph contains the callsites in the program being compiled.
Indexing the call graph by the containing MethodNode and the invocation MethodInsnNode allows finding callsites efficiently. For example, an inlining heuristic might want to know all callsites within a callee method.
Note that the call graph is not guaranteed to be complete: callsites may be missing. In particular, if a method is very large, all of its callsites might not be in the hash map. The reason is that adding a method to the call graph requires running an ASM analyzer, which can be too slow.
Note that call graph entries (Callsite instances) keep a reference to the invocation MethodInsnNode, which keeps all AbstractInsnNodes of the method reachable. Adding classes from the classpath to the call graph (in addition to classes being compiled) may prevent method instruction nodes from being GCd. The ByteCodeRepository has a fixed size cache for parsed ClassNodes - keeping all ClassNodes alive consumed too much memory. The call graph is less problematic because only methods being called are kept alive, not entire classes. But we should keep an eye on this.
- def capturedSamTypes(lmf: LambdaMetaFactoryCall): IntMap[ClassBType]
closureInstantiations: Map[MethodNode, Map[InvokeDynamicInsnNode, ClosureInstantiation]]
Closure instantiations in the program being compiled.
Closure instantiations in the program being compiled.
Indexing closure instantiations by the containing MethodNode is beneficial for the closure optimizer: finding callsites to re-write requires running a producers-consumers analysis on the method. Here the closure instantiations are already grouped by method.
- def computeArgInfos(callee: Either[OptimizerWarning, Callee], callsiteInsn: MethodInsnNode, prodCons: ⇒ (backendUtils)#ProdConsAnalyzer): IntMap[ArgInfo]
- def computeCapturedArgInfos(lmf: LambdaMetaFactoryCall, prodCons: ⇒ (backendUtils)#ProdConsAnalyzer): IntMap[ArgInfo]
- def containsCallsite(callsite: Callsite): Boolean
- def findCallSite(method: MethodNode, call: MethodInsnNode): Option[Callsite]
inlineAnnotatedCallsites: Set[MethodInsnNode]
Stores callsite instructions of invocations annotated
f(): @inline/noinline
.Stores callsite instructions of invocations annotated
f(): @inline/noinline
. Instructions are added during code generation (BCodeBodyBuilder). The maps are then queried when building the CallGraph, every Callsite object has an annotated(No)Inline field. - val noInlineAnnotatedCallsites: Set[MethodInsnNode]
- def removeCallsite(invocation: MethodInsnNode, methodNode: MethodNode): Option[Callsite]
- def removeClosureInstantiation(indy: InvokeDynamicInsnNode, methodNode: MethodNode): Option[ClosureInstantiation]
- def samParamTypes(methodNode: MethodNode, receiverType: ClassBType): IntMap[ClassBType]
- object FunctionLiteral extends ArgInfo with Product with Serializable
- object LambdaMetaFactoryCall extends Serializable
The Scala compiler and reflection APIs.