class ReflectGlobal extends Global with ReflectSetup with SymbolTable
A version of Global that uses reflection to get class infos, instead of reading class or source files.
- Source
- ReflectGlobal.scala
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- ReflectGlobal
- SymbolTable
- ThreadLocalStorage
- Gil
- SynchronizedOps
- SynchronizedTypes
- SynchronizedSymbols
- SymbolLoaders
- JavaMirrors
- TwoWayCaches
- JavaUniverse
- ReflectSetup
- Global
- Parsing
- Reporting
- Positions
- DocComments
- Printers
- Trees
- PhaseAssembly
- Plugins
- CompilationUnits
- Closeable
- AutoCloseable
- SymbolTable
- SymbolTable
- Reporting
- Internals
- FreshNames
- Translations
- PrivateWithin
- ReificationSupport
- StdCreators
- StdAttachments
- CapturedVariables
- Importers
- TypeDebugging
- Positions
- Printers
- Trees
- AnnotationCheckers
- AnnotationInfos
- StdNames
- Transforms
- InfoTransformers
- BaseTypeSeqs
- Constants
- Definitions
- Mirrors
- Scopes
- FlagSets
- ExistentialsAndSkolems
- Kinds
- Variances
- Types
- FindMembers
- TypeConstraints
- TypeMaps
- GlbLubs
- CommonOwners
- TypeToStrings
- TypeComparers
- Symbols
- Names
- Collections
- Universe
- Universe
- Internals
- Quasiquotes
- Liftables
- Printers
- Mirrors
- StandardLiftables
- StandardNames
- StandardDefinitions
- ImplicitTags
- TypeTags
- Exprs
- Positions
- Annotations
- Constants
- Trees
- Names
- Scopes
- FlagSets
- Types
- Symbols
- AnyRef
- Any
- by any2stringadd
- by StringFormat
- by Ensuring
- by ArrowAssoc
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- Protected
Instance Constructors
- new ReflectGlobal(currentSettings: Settings, reporter: Reporter, rootClassLoader: ClassLoader)
Type Members
- class CompilationUnit extends Global.CompilationUnitContextApi
One unit of compilation that has been submitted to the compiler.
One unit of compilation that has been submitted to the compiler. It typically corresponds to a single file of source code. It includes error-reporting hooks.
- Definition Classes
- CompilationUnits
- Annotations
- @nowarn()
- class GlobalMirror extends Roots
- Definition Classes
- Global
- abstract class GlobalPhase extends Phase
- Definition Classes
- Global
- trait GlobalStats extends ReflectStats with TypersStats with ImplicitsStats with MacrosStats with BackendStats with PatternMatchingStats
- Definition Classes
- Global
- class Run extends RunContextApi with RunReporting with RunParsing
A Run is a single execution of the compiler on a set of units.
A Run is a single execution of the compiler on a set of units.
- Definition Classes
- Global
- Annotations
- @nowarn()
- class PerRunParsing extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Parsing
- trait RunParsing extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Parsing
- class PerRunReporting extends (Reporting.this)#PerRunReportingBase
- Definition Classes
- Reporting
- case class DocComment(raw: String, pos: Global.Position = NoPosition, codePos: Global.Position = NoPosition) extends Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- DocComments
- class ExpansionLimitExceeded extends Exception
- Definition Classes
- DocComments
- case class UseCase(comment: Global.DocComment, body: String, pos: Global.Position) extends Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- DocComments
- class ValidatingPosAssigner extends Global.InternalTraverser with Global.PosAssigner
- Definition Classes
- Positions
- class CompactTreePrinter extends Global.AstTreePrinter
A tree printer which is stingier about vertical whitespace and unnecessary punctuation than the standard one.
A tree printer which is stingier about vertical whitespace and unnecessary punctuation than the standard one.
- Definition Classes
- Printers
- case class DocDef(comment: Global.DocComment, definition: Global.Tree) extends Global.Tree with Product with Serializable
Documented definition, eliminated by analyzer
Documented definition, eliminated by analyzer
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- case class InjectDerivedValue(arg: Global.Tree) extends Global.SymTree with Global.TermTree with Product with Serializable
Derived value class injection (equivalent to:
new C(arg)
after erasure); only used during erasure.Derived value class injection (equivalent to:
new C(arg)
after erasure); only used during erasure. The classC
is stored as a tree attachment.- Definition Classes
- Trees
- case class Parens(args: List[Global.Tree]) extends Global.Tree with Product with Serializable
Only used during parsing
Only used during parsing
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- case class SelectFromArray(qualifier: Global.Tree, name: Global.Name, erasure: Global.Type) extends Global.SymTree with Global.RefTree with Global.TermTree with Product with Serializable
Array selection
<qualifier> . <name>
only used during erasureArray selection
<qualifier> . <name>
only used during erasure- Definition Classes
- Trees
- class Transformer extends Global.InternalTransformer
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- Annotations
- @nowarn()
- trait TreeCopier extends Global.InternalTreeCopierOps
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- case class TypeTreeWithDeferredRefCheck(precheck: Global.TypeTree)(check: () => Global.TypeTree) extends Global.Tree with Global.TypTree with Product with Serializable
emitted by typer, eliminated by refchecks
emitted by typer, eliminated by refchecks
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait AbstractTypeRef extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeRef with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.NonClassTypeRef
- Definition Classes
- Types
- class AbstractTypeSymbol extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeSymbol
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- trait AliasTypeRef extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeRef with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.NonClassTypeRef
- Definition Classes
- Types
- class AliasTypeSymbol extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeSymbol
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- case class Alternative extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Tree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TermTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.AlternativeApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait AlternativeApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TermTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class AlternativeExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait Annotatable[Self] extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationInfos
- case class Annotated extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Tree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.AnnotatedApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait AnnotatedApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class AnnotatedExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- case class AnnotatedType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Type with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.RewrappingTypeProxy with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.AnnotatedTypeApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Types
- trait AnnotatedTypeApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TypeApi
- Definition Classes
- Types
- abstract class AnnotatedTypeExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Types
- type Annotation = AnnotationInfo
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationInfos → Annotations
- trait AnnotationApi extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Annotations
- trait AnnotationChecker extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationCheckers
- abstract class AnnotationExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Annotations
- trait AnnotationFilter extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeMap
- Definition Classes
- TypeMaps
- abstract class AnnotationInfo extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.AnnotationApi
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationInfos
- case class AntiPolyType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Type with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Types
- type ApiTransformer = ReflectGlobal.Transformer
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- case class AppliedTypeTree extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Tree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.AppliedTypeTreeApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait AppliedTypeTreeApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TypTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class AppliedTypeTreeExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- class AppliedTypeVar extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeVar
- Definition Classes
- Types
- case class Apply extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.GenericApply with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ApplyApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait ApplyApi extends reflect.api.Universe.GenericApplyApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- case class ApplyDynamic extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.SymTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TermTree with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class ApplyExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- class ApplyImplicitView extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Apply
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- class ApplyToImplicitArgs extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Apply
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- class ArgsTypeRef extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeRef
- Definition Classes
- Types
- case class ArrayAnnotArg extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ClassfileAnnotArg with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationInfos
- case class ArrayValue extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Tree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TermTree with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- class AsSeenFromMap extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeMap with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.KeepOnlyTypeConstraints
- Definition Classes
- TypeMaps
- case class Assign extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Tree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TermTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.AssignApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait AssignApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TermTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class AssignExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- final type AstTransformer = Transformer
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- final type AstTreePrinter = TreePrinter
- Definition Classes
- Printers
- Annotations
- @nowarn()
- trait Attachable extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- class BaseTypeSeq extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- BaseTypeSeqs
- case class Bind extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.DefTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.BindApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait BindApi extends reflect.api.Universe.DefTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class BindExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- case class Block extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Tree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TermTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.BlockApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait BlockApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TermTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class BlockExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- case class BooleanFlag extends Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Printers
- case class BoundedWildcardType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ProtoType with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.BoundedWildcardTypeApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Types
- trait BoundedWildcardTypeApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TypeApi
- Definition Classes
- Types
- abstract class BoundedWildcardTypeExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Types
- trait CannotHaveAttrs extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Tree
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- case class CaseDef extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Tree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.CaseDefApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait CaseDefApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class CaseDefExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- case class ChangeOwnerAttachment extends Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- class ChangeOwnerTraverser extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.InternalTraverser
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class ChildSolidDescendantsCollector extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Traverser
- Definition Classes
- Positions
- case class ClassDef extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ImplDef with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ClassDefApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait ClassDefApi extends reflect.api.Universe.ImplDefApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class ClassDefExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- case class ClassInfoType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.CompoundType with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ClassInfoTypeApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Types
- trait ClassInfoTypeApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TypeApi
- Definition Classes
- Types
- abstract class ClassInfoTypeExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Types
- trait ClassMirror extends reflect.api.Universe.TemplateMirror
- Definition Classes
- Mirrors
- class ClassSymbol extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeSymbol with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ClassSymbolApi
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- trait ClassSymbolApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TypeSymbolApi
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- class ClassUnwrapper extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeUnwrapper
- Definition Classes
- Types
- sealed abstract class ClassfileAnnotArg extends Product with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.JavaArgumentApi
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationInfos
- class CodePrinter extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.InternalTreePrinter
- Definition Classes
- Printers
- class CollectTreeTraverser[T] extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.InternalTraverser
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- class CollectTypeCollector[T] extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeCollector[List[T]]
- Definition Classes
- TypeMaps
- abstract class CommonNames extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.NamesApi
- Definition Classes
- StdNames
- class CompleteAnnotationInfo extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.AnnotationInfo
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationInfos
- abstract class CompoundType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Type with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.CompoundTypeApi
- Definition Classes
- Types
- trait CompoundTypeApi extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Types
- case class CompoundTypeTree extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Tree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.CompoundTypeTreeApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait CompoundTypeTreeApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TypTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class CompoundTypeTreeExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- case class CompoundTypeTreeOriginalAttachment extends Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- case class Constant extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ConstantApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Constants
- abstract class ConstantApi extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Constants
- abstract class ConstantExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Constants
- abstract class ConstantType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.SingletonType with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ConstantTypeApi
- Definition Classes
- Types
- trait ConstantTypeApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TypeApi
- Definition Classes
- Types
- abstract class ConstantTypeExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Types
- class ContainsAnyKeyCollector extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ExistsTypeRefCollector
- Definition Classes
- TypeMaps
- class ContainsCollector extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ExistsTypeRefCollector
- Definition Classes
- TypeMaps
- case class CyclicReference extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeError with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- case class DefDef extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ValOrDefDef with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.DefDefApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait DefDefApi extends reflect.api.Universe.ValOrDefDefApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class DefDefExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- sealed abstract class DefTree extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.SymTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.NameTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.DefTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait DefTreeApi extends reflect.api.Universe.SymTreeApi with reflect.api.Universe.NameTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait DefinitionsApi extends reflect.api.Universe.StandardTypes
- Definition Classes
- StandardDefinitions
- abstract class DefinitionsClass extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.DefinitionsApi with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ValueClassDefinitions
- Definition Classes
- Definitions
- class DottyOpaqueTypeAlias extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- class DottyParameterisedTrait extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- abstract case class ErasedValueType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.UniqueType with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Types
- class ErroneousAnnotation extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.CompleteAnnotationInfo
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationInfos
- class ErrorScope extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Scope
- Definition Classes
- Scopes
- class ExistentialExtrapolation extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.VariancedTypeMap
- Definition Classes
- TypeMaps
- case class ExistentialType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Type with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.RewrappingTypeProxy with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ExistentialTypeApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Types
- trait ExistentialTypeApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TypeApi
- Definition Classes
- Types
- abstract class ExistentialTypeExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Types
- case class ExistentialTypeTree extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Tree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ExistentialTypeTreeApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait ExistentialTypeTreeApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TypTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class ExistentialTypeTreeExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class ExistsTypeRefCollector extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeCollector[Boolean]
- Definition Classes
- TypeMaps
- trait Expr[+T] extends Equals with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Exprs
- final class ExtraLazyAnnotationInfo extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.LazyAnnotationInfo
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationInfos
- trait FieldMirror extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Mirrors
- class FilterTreeTraverser extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.InternalTraverser
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- class FilterTypeCollector extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeCollector[List[reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Type]]
- Definition Classes
- TypeMaps
- class FindTreeTraverser extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.InternalTraverser
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- class FindTypeCollector extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeCollector[Option[reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Type]]
- Definition Classes
- TypeMaps
- case class FixedMirrorTreeCreator extends TreeCreator with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- StdCreators
- case class FixedMirrorTypeCreator extends TypeCreator with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- StdCreators
- trait FlagAgnosticCompleter extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.LazyType
- Definition Classes
- Types
- trait FlagAssigningCompleter extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.LazyType
- Definition Classes
- Types
- trait FlagOps extends Any
- Definition Classes
- FlagSets
- type FlagSet = Long
- Definition Classes
- FlagSets → FlagSets
- trait FlagValues extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- FlagSets
- abstract case class FoldableConstantType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ConstantType with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Types
- class ForEachTypeTraverser extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeTraverser
- Definition Classes
- TypeMaps
- class ForeachPartialTreeTraverser extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.InternalTraverser
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- class ForeachTreeTraverser extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.InternalTraverser
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait FreeSymbol extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Symbol
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- class FreeTermSymbol extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TermSymbol with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.FreeSymbol with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.FreeTermSymbolApi
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- trait FreeTermSymbolApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TermSymbolApi
- Definition Classes
- Internals
- class FreeTypeSymbol extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeSkolem with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.FreeSymbol with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.FreeTypeSymbolApi
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- trait FreeTypeSymbolApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TypeSymbolApi
- Definition Classes
- Internals
- class FreshNameExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- FreshNames
- case class Function extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.SymTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TermTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.FunctionApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait FunctionApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TermTreeApi with reflect.api.Universe.SymTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class FunctionExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class GenericApply extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Tree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TermTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.GenericApplyApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait GenericApplyApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TermTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- class HKTypeVar extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeVar
- Definition Classes
- Types
- case class Ident extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.SymTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.RefTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.IdentApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait IdentApi extends reflect.api.Universe.RefTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class IdentExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- case class If extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Tree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TermTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.IfApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait IfApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TermTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class IfExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- sealed abstract class ImplDef extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.MemberDef with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ImplDefApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait ImplDefApi extends reflect.api.Universe.MemberDefApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- case class Import extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.SymTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ImportApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait ImportApi extends reflect.api.Universe.SymTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class ImportExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- case class ImportSelector extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ImportSelectorApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait ImportSelectorApi extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class ImportSelectorExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- case class ImportType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Type with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Types
- trait ImportableAttachment extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- trait Importer extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Internals
- abstract class InfoTransformer extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- InfoTransformers
- abstract class InlineAnnotatedAttachment extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- trait InstanceMirror extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Mirrors
- class InstantiateDependentMap extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeMap with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.KeepOnlyTypeConstraints
- Definition Classes
- TypeMaps
- type Internal = MacroInternalApi
- Definition Classes
- Internals → Internals
- trait InternalApi extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Internals
- class InternalTransformer extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Transformer
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- class InternalTraverser extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Traverser
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class InternalTreeCopierOps extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TreeCopierOps
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- final type InternalTreePrinter = ReflectGlobal.TreePrinter
- Definition Classes
- Printers
- class InvalidateTypeCaches extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeFolder
- Definition Classes
- Types
- type JavaArgument = ClassfileAnnotArg
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationInfos → Annotations
- trait JavaClassCompleter extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- JavaMirrors
- class JavaKeywords extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- StdNames
- class JavaRestrictedIdentifiers extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- StdNames
- trait KeepOnlyTypeConstraints extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeMap with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.AnnotationFilter
- Definition Classes
- TypeMaps
- abstract class Keywords extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.CommonNames
- Definition Classes
- StdNames
- abstract class Kind extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Kinds
- case class KindErrors extends Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Kinds
- case class LabelDef extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.DefTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TermTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.LabelDefApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait LabelDefApi extends reflect.api.Universe.DefTreeApi with reflect.api.Universe.TermTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class LabelDefExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- class LazyAnnotationInfo extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.AnnotationInfo
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationInfos
- final type LazyAstTreeCopier = LazyTreeCopier
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- Annotations
- @nowarn()
- class LazyPackageType extends reflect.runtime.SymbolTable.LazyType with reflect.runtime.SymbolTable.FlagAgnosticCompleter
- Definition Classes
- SymbolLoaders
- abstract class LazyPolyType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.LazyType
- Definition Classes
- Types
- abstract class LazyType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Type
- Definition Classes
- Types
- trait Liftable[T] extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Liftables
- case class Literal extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Tree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TermTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.LiteralApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- case class LiteralAnnotArg extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ClassfileAnnotArg with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationInfos
- trait LiteralApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TermTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class LiteralExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract case class LiteralType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ConstantType with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Types
- class LocalOwnersTraverser extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.InternalTraverser
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- class Locator extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Traverser
- Definition Classes
- Positions
- case class LookupAmbiguityWarning extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.PlainAttachment with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- case class LookupAmbiguous extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.NameLookup with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Scopes
- case class LookupInaccessible extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.NameLookup with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Scopes
- case class LookupSucceeded extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.NameLookup with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Scopes
- trait MacroInternalApi extends reflect.macros.Universe.InternalApi
- Definition Classes
- Universe
- class MalformedType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeError
- Definition Classes
- Types
- class MappedBaseTypeSeq extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.BaseTypeSeq
- Definition Classes
- BaseTypeSeqs
- case class Match extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Tree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TermTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.MatchApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait MatchApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TermTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class MatchExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- sealed abstract class MemberDef extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.DefTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.MemberDefApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait MemberDefApi extends reflect.api.Universe.DefTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- type MemberScope = Scope
- Definition Classes
- Scopes → Scopes
- trait MemberScopeApi extends reflect.api.Universe.ScopeApi
- Definition Classes
- Scopes
- trait MethodMirror extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Mirrors
- class MethodSymbol extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TermSymbol with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.MethodSymbolApi
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- trait MethodSymbolApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TermSymbolApi
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- case class MethodType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Type with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.MethodTypeApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Types
- trait MethodTypeApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TypeApi
- Definition Classes
- Types
- abstract class MethodTypeExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Types
- type Mirror = JavaMirror
- Definition Classes
- ReflectGlobal → JavaMirrors → JavaUniverse → Mirrors → Mirrors
- final type MirrorImpl = JavaMirror
- Definition Classes
- JavaMirrors
- class MissingAliasControl extends ControlThrowable
- Definition Classes
- Types
- class MissingTypeControl extends ControlThrowable
- Definition Classes
- Types
- case class Modifiers extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ModifiersApi with HasFlags with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class ModifiersApi extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class ModifiersExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- class ModuleClassSymbol extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ClassSymbol
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- case class ModuleDef extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ImplDef with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ModuleDefApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait ModuleDefApi extends reflect.api.Universe.ImplDefApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class ModuleDefExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait ModuleMirror extends reflect.api.Universe.TemplateMirror
- Definition Classes
- Mirrors
- class ModuleSymbol extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TermSymbol with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ModuleSymbolApi
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- trait ModuleSymbolApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TermSymbolApi
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- class ModuleTypeRef extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.NoArgsTypeRef
- Definition Classes
- Types
- sealed abstract class Name extends reflect.internal.Names.NameApi with NameHasIsEmpty with CharSequence
- Definition Classes
- Names
- abstract class NameApi extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Names
- sealed trait NameHasIsEmpty extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Names
- sealed trait NameLookup extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Scopes
- case class NamePos extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.PlainAttachment with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- trait NameTree extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Tree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.NameTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait NameTreeApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- case class NamedArg extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Tree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TermTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.NamedArgApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait NamedArgApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TermTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class NamedArgExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- case class NamedType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Type with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Types
- trait NamesApi extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- StandardNames
- case class NestedAnnotArg extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ClassfileAnnotArg with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationInfos
- case class New extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Tree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TermTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.NewApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait NewApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TermTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class NewExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- class NoArgsTypeRef extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeRef
- Definition Classes
- Types
- class NoCommonType extends ControlThrowable
- Definition Classes
- Types
- class NoSymbol extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Symbol
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- trait NonClassTypeRef extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeRef
- Definition Classes
- Types
- case class NullaryMethodType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Type with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.NullaryMethodTypeApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Types
- trait NullaryMethodTypeApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TypeApi
- Definition Classes
- Types
- abstract class NullaryMethodTypeExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Types
- final case class OverloadedArgProto extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ProtoType with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.SimpleTypeProxy with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Types
- case class OverloadedType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Type with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Types
- class PackageClassInfoType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ClassInfoType
- Definition Classes
- Types
- class PackageClassSymbol extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ModuleClassSymbol
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- case class PackageDef extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.MemberDef with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.PackageDefApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait PackageDefApi extends reflect.api.Universe.MemberDefApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class PackageDefExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- class PackageObjectClassSymbol extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ModuleClassSymbol
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- class PackageScope extends reflect.runtime.SymbolTable.Scope with reflect.runtime.SymbolTable.SynchronizedScope
- Definition Classes
- SymbolLoaders
- class PackageTypeRef extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ModuleTypeRef
- Definition Classes
- Types
- case class PatShadowAttachment extends Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- abstract class PerRunReportingBase extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Reporting
- type Period = Int
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- case class PermittedSubclassSymbols extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.PlainAttachment with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- case class PermittedSubclasses extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.PlainAttachment with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- trait PlainAttachment extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ImportableAttachment
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- case class PolyType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Type with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.PolyTypeApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Types
- trait PolyTypeApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TypeApi
- Definition Classes
- Types
- abstract class PolyTypeExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Types
- trait PosAssigner extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.InternalTraverser
- Definition Classes
- Positions
- type Position = reflect.internal.util.Position
- Definition Classes
- Positions → Positions
- class ProperTypeKind extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Kind
- Definition Classes
- Kinds
- abstract class ProtoType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Type
- Definition Classes
- Types
- class QualTypeSymAttachment extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- implicit class Quasiquote extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Quasiquotes
- class RawTreePrinter extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TreePrinter
- Definition Classes
- Printers
- case class RecoverableCyclicReference extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeError with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Types
- trait RefTree extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.SymTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.NameTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.RefTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait RefTreeApi extends reflect.api.Universe.SymTreeApi with reflect.api.Universe.NameTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class RefTreeExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- case class ReferenceToBoxed extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Tree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TermTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ReferenceToBoxedApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait ReferenceToBoxedApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TermTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Internals
- abstract class ReferenceToBoxedExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Internals
- case class RefinedType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.CompoundType with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.RefinedTypeApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Types
- final class RefinedType0 extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.RefinedType
- Definition Classes
- Types
- trait RefinedTypeApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TypeApi
- Definition Classes
- Types
- abstract class RefinedTypeExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Types
- class RefinementClassSymbol extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ClassSymbol
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- class RefinementTypeRef extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.NoArgsTypeRef
- Definition Classes
- Types
- trait ReflectStats extends BaseTypeSeqsStats with TypesStats with SymbolTableStats with TreesStats with SymbolsStats with ScopeStats
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- trait ReflectiveMirror extends reflect.api.Mirror[Mirrors.this.type]
- Definition Classes
- Mirrors
- trait ReificationSupportApi extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Internals
- class ReificationSupportImpl extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ReificationSupportApi
- Definition Classes
- ReificationSupport
- case class RepeatedType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Type with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Types
- case class Return extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.SymTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TermTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ReturnApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait ReturnApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TermTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class ReturnExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait RewrappingTypeProxy extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Type with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.SimpleTypeProxy
- Definition Classes
- Types
- trait RootSymbol extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Symbol
- Definition Classes
- Mirrors
- abstract class Roots extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.RootsBase
- Definition Classes
- Mirrors
- abstract class RootsBase extends reflect.api.Mirror[Mirrors.this.type]
- Definition Classes
- Mirrors
- type RunId = Int
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- trait RunReporting extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Reporting
- type RuntimeClass = Class[_]
- Definition Classes
- ReflectGlobal → JavaUniverse → Global → Mirrors
- trait RuntimeClassApi extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Mirrors
- trait RuntimeMirror extends reflect.api.Mirror[Mirrors.this.type] with reflect.api.Universe.ReflectiveMirror
- Definition Classes
- Mirrors
- case class SAMFunction extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.PlainAttachment with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- class Scope extends AbstractIterable[reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Symbol] with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ScopeApi with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.MemberScopeApi
- Definition Classes
- Scopes
- trait ScopeApi extends Iterable[reflect.api.Universe.Symbol]
- Definition Classes
- Scopes
- class ScopeEntry extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Scopes
- case class Select extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.SymTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.RefTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.SelectApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait SelectApi extends reflect.api.Universe.RefTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class SelectExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- case class SelectFromTypeTree extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.SymTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.RefTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.SelectFromTypeTreeApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait SelectFromTypeTreeApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TypTreeApi with reflect.api.Universe.RefTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class SelectFromTypeTreeExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait SimpleTypeProxy extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Type
- Definition Classes
- Types
- abstract case class SingleType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.SingletonType with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.SingleTypeApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Types
- trait SingleTypeApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TypeApi
- Definition Classes
- Types
- abstract class SingleTypeExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Types
- abstract class SingletonType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.SubType with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.SimpleTypeProxy with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.SingletonTypeApi
- Definition Classes
- Types
- trait SingletonTypeApi extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Types
- case class SingletonTypeTree extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Tree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.SingletonTypeTreeApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait SingletonTypeTreeApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TypTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class SingletonTypeTreeExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class StandardImporter extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Importer
- Definition Classes
- Importers
- trait StandardLiftableInstances extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- StandardLiftables
- trait StandardTypes extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- StandardDefinitions
- trait StandardUnliftableInstances extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- StandardLiftables
- case class Star extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Tree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TermTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.StarApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait StarApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TermTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class StarExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- final type StrictAstTreeCopier = StrictTreeCopier
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- Annotations
- @nowarn()
- class StubClassSymbol extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ClassSymbol with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.StubSymbol
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- trait StubSymbol extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Symbol
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- class StubTermSymbol extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TermSymbol with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.StubSymbol
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- abstract class SubType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.UniqueType
- Definition Classes
- Types
- final case class SubTypePair extends Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- TypeComparers
- case class SubpatternsAttachment extends Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- abstract class SubstMap[T >: Null] extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeMap
- Definition Classes
- TypeMaps
- class SubstSymMap extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.SubstMap[reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Symbol]
- Definition Classes
- TypeMaps
- class SubstThisMap extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeMap
- Definition Classes
- TypeMaps
- class SubstTypeMap extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.SubstMap[reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Type]
- Definition Classes
- TypeMaps
- class SubstWildcardMap extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeMap
- Definition Classes
- TypeMaps
- case class Super extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Tree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TermTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.SuperApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait SuperApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TermTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class SuperExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract case class SuperType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.SingletonType with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.SuperTypeApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Types
- trait SuperTypeApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TypeApi
- Definition Classes
- Types
- abstract class SuperTypeExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Types
- abstract class SymLoader extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.LazyType
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- abstract class SymTree extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Tree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.SymTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait SymTreeApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class Symbol extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.SymbolContextApiImpl with HasFlags with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Annotatable[reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Symbol] with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Attachable
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- trait SymbolApi extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- abstract class SymbolContextApiImpl extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.SymbolApi
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- sealed abstract class SymbolNames extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- StdNames
- case class SymbolOps extends Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- type SymbolPair = nsc.Global.overridingPairs.SymbolPair
- Definition Classes
- Global
- trait SymbolTableInternal extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.MacroInternalApi
- Definition Classes
- Internals
- trait SynchronizedBaseTypeSeq extends reflect.runtime.SymbolTable.BaseTypeSeq
- Definition Classes
- SynchronizedOps
- trait SynchronizedClassSymbol extends reflect.runtime.SymbolTable.ClassSymbol with reflect.runtime.SymbolTable.SynchronizedTypeSymbol
- Definition Classes
- SynchronizedSymbols
- trait SynchronizedMethodSymbol extends reflect.runtime.SymbolTable.MethodSymbol with reflect.runtime.SymbolTable.SynchronizedTermSymbol
- Definition Classes
- SynchronizedSymbols
- trait SynchronizedModuleClassSymbol extends reflect.runtime.SymbolTable.ModuleClassSymbol with reflect.runtime.SymbolTable.SynchronizedClassSymbol
- Definition Classes
- SynchronizedSymbols
- trait SynchronizedModuleSymbol extends reflect.runtime.SymbolTable.ModuleSymbol with reflect.runtime.SymbolTable.SynchronizedTermSymbol
- Definition Classes
- SynchronizedSymbols
- trait SynchronizedScope extends reflect.runtime.SymbolTable.Scope
- Definition Classes
- SynchronizedOps
- trait SynchronizedSymbol extends reflect.runtime.SymbolTable.Symbol
- Definition Classes
- SynchronizedSymbols
- trait SynchronizedTermSymbol extends reflect.runtime.SymbolTable.Symbol with reflect.runtime.SymbolTable.SynchronizedSymbol
- Definition Classes
- SynchronizedSymbols
- trait SynchronizedTypeSymbol extends reflect.runtime.SymbolTable.TypeSymbol with reflect.runtime.SymbolTable.SynchronizedSymbol
- Definition Classes
- SynchronizedSymbols
- case class Template extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.SymTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TemplateApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait TemplateApi extends reflect.api.Universe.SymTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class TemplateExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait TemplateMirror extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Mirrors
- final class TermName extends Name with reflect.internal.Names.TermNameApi
- Definition Classes
- Names
- trait TermNameApi extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Names
- abstract class TermNameExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Names
- abstract class TermNames extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Keywords with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TermNamesApi
- Definition Classes
- StdNames
- trait TermNamesApi extends reflect.api.Universe.NamesApi
- Definition Classes
- StandardNames
- class TermSymbol extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Symbol with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TermSymbolApi
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- trait TermSymbolApi extends reflect.api.Universe.SymbolApi
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- trait TermTree extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Tree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TermTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait TermTreeApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- case class This extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.SymTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TermTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ThisApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait ThisApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TermTreeApi with reflect.api.Universe.SymTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class ThisExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- type ThisPlatform = JavaPlatform { val global: ReflectGlobal.this.type }
- Definition Classes
- Global
- class ThisSubstituter extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.InternalTransformer
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract case class ThisType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.SingletonType with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ThisTypeApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Types
- trait ThisTypeApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TypeApi
- Definition Classes
- Types
- abstract class ThisTypeExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Types
- trait ThreadLocalStorage[T] extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- ThreadLocalStorage
- case class Throw extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Tree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TermTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ThrowApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait ThrowApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TermTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class ThrowExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- class TopClassCompleter extends reflect.runtime.SymbolTable.SymLoader with reflect.runtime.SymbolTable.FlagAssigningCompleter
- Definition Classes
- SymbolLoaders
- class Traverser extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class Tree extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TreeContextApiImpl with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Attachable with Product
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait TreeApi extends Product
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class TreeContextApiImpl extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class TreeCopierOps extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait TreeGen extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Universe
- class TreeReplacer extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.InternalTransformer
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait TreeStackTraverser extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Traverser
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- class TreeSubstituter extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.InternalTransformer
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- class TreeSymSubstTraverser extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeMapTreeSubstituter
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- class TreeSymSubstituter extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.InternalTransformer
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- class TreeTypeSubstituter extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeMapTreeSubstituter
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- case class Try extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Tree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TermTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TryApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait TryApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TermTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class TryExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- class TwoWayCache[J, S] extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- TwoWayCaches
- trait TypTree extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Tree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait TypTreeApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class Type extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeApiImpl with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Annotatable[reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Type]
- Definition Classes
- Types
- abstract class TypeApi extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Types
- abstract class TypeApiImpl extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeApi
- Definition Classes
- Types
- case class TypeApply extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.GenericApply with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeApplyApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait TypeApplyApi extends reflect.api.Universe.GenericApplyApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class TypeApplyExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract case class TypeBounds extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.SubType with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeBoundsApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Types
- trait TypeBoundsApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TypeApi
- Definition Classes
- Types
- abstract class TypeBoundsExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Types
- case class TypeBoundsTree extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Tree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeBoundsTreeApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait TypeBoundsTreeApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TypTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class TypeBoundsTreeExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class TypeCollector[T] extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeFolder
- Definition Classes
- TypeMaps
- class TypeConKind extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Kind
- Definition Classes
- Kinds
- class TypeConstraint extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- TypeConstraints
- case class TypeDef extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.MemberDef with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeDefApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait TypeDefApi extends reflect.api.Universe.MemberDefApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class TypeDefExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- class TypeError extends Throwable
- Definition Classes
- Types
- abstract class TypeFolder extends (reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Type) => Unit
- Definition Classes
- TypeMaps
- abstract class TypeMap extends (reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Type) => reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Type
- Definition Classes
- TypeMaps
- class TypeMapTreeSubstituter extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.InternalTraverser
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- final class TypeName extends Name with reflect.internal.Names.TypeNameApi
- Definition Classes
- Names
- trait TypeNameApi extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Names
- abstract class TypeNameExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Names
- abstract class TypeNames extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Keywords with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeNamesApi
- Definition Classes
- StdNames
- trait TypeNamesApi extends reflect.api.Universe.NamesApi
- Definition Classes
- StandardNames
- case class TypeParamVarargsAttachment extends Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- abstract case class TypeRef extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.UniqueType with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeRefApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Types
- trait TypeRefApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TypeApi
- Definition Classes
- Types
- abstract class TypeRefExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Types
- class TypeSkolem extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeSymbol
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- abstract class TypeSymbol extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Symbol with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeSymbolApi
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- trait TypeSymbolApi extends reflect.api.Universe.SymbolApi
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- trait TypeTag[T] extends reflect.api.Universe.WeakTypeTag[T] with Equals with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- TypeTags
- Annotations
- @implicitNotFound()
- abstract class TypeTraverser extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeMap
- Definition Classes
- TypeMaps
- case class TypeTree extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Tree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeTreeApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait TypeTreeApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TypTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class TypeTreeExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- class TypeUnwrapper extends (reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Type) => reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Type
- Definition Classes
- Types
- abstract case class TypeVar extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Type with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Types
- case class Typed extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Tree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TermTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypedApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait TypedApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TermTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class TypedExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- class TypedLocator extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Locator
- Definition Classes
- Positions
- case class UnApply extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Tree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TermTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.UnApplyApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait UnApplyApi extends reflect.api.Universe.TermTreeApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class UnApplyExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- class UndoLog extends Clearable
- Definition Classes
- TypeConstraints
- final class UniqueConstantType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.FoldableConstantType
- Definition Classes
- Types
- final class UniqueErasedValueType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ErasedValueType
- Definition Classes
- Types
- final class UniqueLiteralType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.LiteralType
- Definition Classes
- Types
- final class UniqueSingleType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.SingleType
- Definition Classes
- Types
- final class UniqueSuperType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.SuperType
- Definition Classes
- Types
- final class UniqueThisType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ThisType
- Definition Classes
- Types
- abstract class UniqueType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Type with Product
- Definition Classes
- Types
- final class UniqueTypeBounds extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeBounds
- Definition Classes
- Types
- trait Unliftable[T] extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Liftables
- trait UntouchableTypeVar extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeVar
- Definition Classes
- Types
- case class ValDef extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ValOrDefDef with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ValDefApi with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait ValDefApi extends reflect.api.Universe.ValOrDefDefApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- abstract class ValDefExtractor extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- sealed abstract class ValOrDefDef extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.MemberDef with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ValOrDefDefApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- trait ValOrDefDefApi extends reflect.api.Universe.MemberDefApi
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- class ValidateException extends Exception
- Definition Classes
- Positions
- trait ValueClassDefinitions extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Definitions
- class VarianceValidator extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.InternalTraverser
- Definition Classes
- Variances
- abstract class VariancedTypeMap extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeMap
- Definition Classes
- TypeMaps
- trait WeakTypeTag[T] extends Equals with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- TypeTags
- Annotations
- @implicitNotFound()
Deprecated Type Members
- class TreePrinter extends Global.InternalTreePrinter
- Definition Classes
- Printers
- Annotations
- @nowarn() @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.13.4) use AstTreePrinter instead
- class LazyTreeCopier extends Global.LazyTreeCopier with Global.TreeCopier
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- Annotations
- @nowarn() @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.13.4) use LazyAstTreeCopier instead
- class StrictTreeCopier extends Global.StrictTreeCopier with Global.TreeCopier
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- Annotations
- @nowarn() @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.13.4) use StrictAstTreeCopier instead
- type Compat = MacroCompatApi
- Definition Classes
- Internals → Internals
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.13.0) compatibility with Scala 2.10 EOL
- trait CompatApi extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Internals
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.13.0) compatibility with Scala 2.10 EOL
- class CompatToken extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Internals
- Annotations
- @implicitNotFound() @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.13.0) compatibility with Scala 2.10 EOL
- trait CompilationUnitContextApi extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Universe
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.11.0) c.enclosingTree-style APIs are now deprecated; consult the scaladoc for more information
- trait JavaArgumentApi extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Annotations
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.11.0) use
to inspect annotation arguments
- class JavaMirror extends reflect.runtime.SymbolTable.Roots with reflect.runtime.SymbolTable.JavaMirror
- Definition Classes
- JavaMirrors
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.13.4) use MirrorImpl instead
- trait MacroCompatApi extends reflect.macros.Universe.CompatApi
- Definition Classes
- Universe
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.13.0) compatibility with Scala 2.10 EOL
- type ModifiersCreator = ModifiersExtractor
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.11.0) use ModifiersExtractor instead
- trait RunContextApi extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Universe
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.11.0) c.enclosingTree-style APIs are now deprecated; consult the scaladoc for more information
Value Members
- object CompilationUnit
- Definition Classes
- CompilationUnits
- object NoCompilationUnit extends Global.CompilationUnit
An object representing a missing compilation unit.
An object representing a missing compilation unit.
- Definition Classes
- CompilationUnits
- object async extends AsyncPhase
- Definition Classes
- Global
- object cleanup extends CleanUp
- Definition Classes
- Global
- object constfold extends ConstantFolder
Fold constants
Fold constants
- Definition Classes
- Global
- object constructors extends Constructors
- Definition Classes
- Global
- object delambdafy extends Delambdafy
- Definition Classes
- Global
- object erasure extends Erasure
- Definition Classes
- Global → Transforms
- object explicitOuter extends ExplicitOuter
- Definition Classes
- Global
- object extensionMethods extends ExtensionMethods
- Definition Classes
- Global
- object fields extends Fields
- Definition Classes
- Global
- object flatten extends Flatten
- Definition Classes
- Global
- object gen extends ast.TreeGen
Tree generation, usually based on existing symbols.
Tree generation, usually based on existing symbols.
- Definition Classes
- Global → SymbolTable
- object genBCode extends GenBCode
- Definition Classes
- Global
- object icodes
For sbt compatibility (
For sbt compatibility (
- Definition Classes
- Global
- object lambdaLift extends LambdaLift
- Definition Classes
- Global
- object mixer extends Mixin
- Definition Classes
- Global
- object nodePrinters extends NodePrinters
Print tree in detailed form
Print tree in detailed form
- Definition Classes
- Global
- object overridingPairs extends OverridingPairs
Computing pairs of overriding/overridden symbols
Computing pairs of overriding/overridden symbols
- Definition Classes
- Global
- object patmat extends SubComponent with PatternMatching
- Definition Classes
- Global
- object pickler extends Pickler
- Definition Classes
- Global
- object postErasure extends SubComponent with PostErasure
- Definition Classes
- Global → Transforms
- object refChecks extends RefChecks
- Definition Classes
- Global
- object scalaPrimitives extends ScalaPrimitives
Scala primitives, used the backend
Scala primitives, used the backend
- Definition Classes
- Global
- object specializeTypes extends SpecializeTypes
- Definition Classes
- Global
- object statistics extends Statistics with GlobalStats
Redefine statistics to include all known global + reflect stats.
Redefine statistics to include all known global + reflect stats.
- Definition Classes
- Global → SymbolTable
- object superAccessors extends SuperAccessors
- Definition Classes
- Global
- object tailCalls extends TailCalls
- Definition Classes
- Global
- object terminal extends SubComponent
- Definition Classes
- Global
- object treeBrowsers extends TreeBrowsers
Representing ASTs as graphs
Representing ASTs as graphs
- Definition Classes
- Global
- object treeChecker extends TreeCheckers
Tree checker
Tree checker
- Definition Classes
- Global
- object typeDeconstruct extends StructuredTypeStrings
- Definition Classes
- Global
- object typer extends (analyzer)#Typer
- Definition Classes
- Global
- object uncurry extends UnCurry
- Definition Classes
- Global → Transforms
- object noopTransformer extends Global.AstTransformer
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- object treeInfo extends TreeInfo
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- val AllOps: SymbolOps
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- implicit val AlternativeTag: ClassTag[Alternative]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val AnnotatedTag: ClassTag[Annotated]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val AnnotatedTypeTag: ClassTag[AnnotatedType]
- Definition Classes
- Types
- implicit val AnnotationTag: ClassTag[AnnotationInfo]
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationInfos
- implicit val AppliedTypeTreeTag: ClassTag[AppliedTypeTree]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- def Apply(sym: Symbol, args: Tree*): Tree
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- def ApplyConstructor(tpt: Tree, args: List[Tree]): Apply
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- implicit val ApplyTag: ClassTag[Apply]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val AssignTag: ClassTag[Assign]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- def Bind(sym: Symbol, body: Tree): Bind
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- implicit val BindTag: ClassTag[Bind]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- def Block(stats: Tree*): Block
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- implicit val BlockTag: ClassTag[Block]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- final val BooleanTag: Int(2)
- Definition Classes
- Constants
- implicit val BoundedWildcardTypeTag: ClassTag[BoundedWildcardType]
- Definition Classes
- Types
- final val ByteTag: Int(3)
- Definition Classes
- Constants
- def CaseDef(pat: Tree, body: Tree): CaseDef
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- implicit val CaseDefTag: ClassTag[CaseDef]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- final val CharTag: Int(5)
- Definition Classes
- Constants
- def ClassDef(sym: Symbol, constrMods: Modifiers, vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], body: List[Tree], superPos: Position): ClassDef
Construct class definition with given class symbol, value parameters, supercall arguments and template body.
Construct class definition with given class symbol, value parameters, supercall arguments and template body.
- sym
the class symbol
- constrMods
the modifiers for the class constructor, i.e. as in
class C private (...)
- vparamss
the value parameters -- if they have symbols they should be owned by
- body
the template statements without primary constructor and value parameter fields.
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val ClassDefTag: ClassTag[ClassDef]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val ClassInfoTypeTag: ClassTag[ClassInfoType]
- Definition Classes
- Types
- implicit val ClassSymbolTag: ClassTag[ClassSymbol]
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- final val ClazzTag: Int(12)
- Definition Classes
- Constants
- implicit val CompoundTypeTag: ClassTag[CompoundType]
- Definition Classes
- Types
- implicit val CompoundTypeTreeTag: ClassTag[CompoundTypeTree]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val ConstantTag: ClassTag[Constant]
- Definition Classes
- Constants
- implicit val ConstantTypeTag: ClassTag[ConstantType]
- Definition Classes
- Types
- val CyclicInheritance: java.lang.Throwable
- Definition Classes
- BaseTypeSeqs
- implicit val DefDefTag: ClassTag[DefDef]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val DefTreeTag: ClassTag[DefTree]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- final val DoubleTag: Int(9)
- Definition Classes
- Constants
- def EmptyPackageClass: ClassSymbol
- Definition Classes
- Global
- lazy val EmptyTreeTypeSubstituter: TreeTypeSubstituter
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- final val EnumTag: Int(13)
- Definition Classes
- Constants
- implicit val ExistentialTypeTag: ClassTag[ExistentialType]
- Definition Classes
- Types
- implicit val ExistentialTypeTreeTag: ClassTag[ExistentialTypeTree]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- def FlagOps(mask: Long): SymbolOps
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- implicit val FlagSetTag: ClassTag[FlagSet]
- Definition Classes
- FlagSets
- final val FloatTag: Int(8)
- Definition Classes
- Constants
- implicit val FreeTermSymbolTag: ClassTag[FreeTermSymbol]
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- implicit val FreeTypeSymbolTag: ClassTag[FreeTypeSymbol]
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- implicit val FunctionTag: ClassTag[Function]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val GenericApplyTag: ClassTag[GenericApply]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- val GlbFailure: java.lang.Throwable
- Definition Classes
- GlbLubs
- def Ident(sym: Symbol): Ident
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- def Ident(name: String): Ident
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- implicit val IdentTag: ClassTag[Ident]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val IfTag: ClassTag[If]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val ImplDefTag: ClassTag[ImplDef]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val ImportSelectorTag: ClassTag[ImportSelector]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val ImportTag: ClassTag[Import]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- final val IntTag: Int(6)
- Definition Classes
- Constants
- implicit val JavaArgumentTag: ClassTag[ClassfileAnnotArg]
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationInfos
- implicit val LabelDefTag: ClassTag[LabelDef]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val LiteralTag: ClassTag[Literal]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- final val LongTag: Int(7)
- Definition Classes
- Constants
- implicit val MatchTag: ClassTag[Match]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val MemberDefTag: ClassTag[MemberDef]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val MemberScopeTag: ClassTag[MemberScope]
- Definition Classes
- Scopes
- implicit val MethodSymbolTag: ClassTag[MethodSymbol]
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- implicit val MethodTypeTag: ClassTag[MethodType]
- Definition Classes
- Types
- implicit val MirrorTag: ClassTag[Mirror]
- Definition Classes
- ReflectGlobal → JavaMirrors → Global → ImplicitTags
- def Modifiers(flags: FlagSet): Modifiers
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- def Modifiers(flags: FlagSet, privateWithin: Name): Modifiers
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val ModifiersTag: ClassTag[Modifiers]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val ModuleDefTag: ClassTag[ModuleDef]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val ModuleSymbolTag: ClassTag[ModuleSymbol]
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- implicit val NameTag: ClassTag[Name]
- Definition Classes
- Names
- implicit val NameTreeTag: ClassTag[NameTree]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val NamedArgTag: ClassTag[NamedArg]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- def New(sym: Symbol, args: Tree*): Tree
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- def New(tpe: Type, argss: List[List[Tree]]): Tree
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- def New(tpe: Type, args: Tree*): Tree
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- def New(tpt: Tree, argss: List[List[Tree]]): Tree
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- def NewFromConstructor(constructor: Symbol, args: Tree*): Apply
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val NewTag: ClassTag[New]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- val NoFlags: FlagSet
- Definition Classes
- FlagSets → FlagSets
- val NoKindErrors: KindErrors
- Definition Classes
- Kinds
- lazy val NoMods: Modifiers
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- final val NoPeriod: Int(0)
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- val NoPosition: reflect.internal.util.NoPosition.type
- Definition Classes
- Positions → Positions
- final val NoRunId: Int(0)
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- lazy val NoSymbol: NoSymbol
- Definition Classes
- Symbols → Symbols
- final val NoTag: Int(0)
- Definition Classes
- Constants
- final val NullTag: Int(11)
- Definition Classes
- Constants
- implicit val NullaryMethodTypeTag: ClassTag[NullaryMethodType]
- Definition Classes
- Types
- implicit val PackageDefTag: ClassTag[PackageDef]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val PolyTypeTag: ClassTag[PolyType]
- Definition Classes
- Types
- implicit val PositionTag: ClassTag[Position]
- Definition Classes
- Positions
- def PrimarySuperCall(argss: List[List[Tree]]): Tree
Factory method for a primary constructor super call
Factory method for a primary constructor super call
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val RefTreeTag: ClassTag[RefTree]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val ReferenceToBoxedTag: ClassTag[ReferenceToBoxed]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val RefinedTypeTag: ClassTag[RefinedType]
- Definition Classes
- Types
- implicit val ReturnTag: ClassTag[Return]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- def RootClass: ClassSymbol
- Definition Classes
- Global
- implicit val RuntimeClassTag: ClassTag[RuntimeClass]
- Definition Classes
- ReflectGlobal → JavaUniverse → Global → ImplicitTags
- implicit val ScopeTag: ClassTag[Scope]
- Definition Classes
- Scopes
- def Select(qualifier: Tree, sym: Symbol): Select
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- def Select(qualifier: Tree, name: String): Select
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- implicit val SelectFromTypeTreeTag: ClassTag[SelectFromTypeTree]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val SelectTag: ClassTag[Select]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- final val ShortTag: Int(4)
- Definition Classes
- Constants
- implicit val SingleTypeTag: ClassTag[SingleType]
- Definition Classes
- Types
- implicit val SingletonTypeTag: ClassTag[SingletonType]
- Definition Classes
- Types
- implicit val SingletonTypeTreeTag: ClassTag[SingletonTypeTree]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val StarTag: ClassTag[Star]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- final val StringTag: Int(10)
- Definition Classes
- Constants
- def Super(sym: Symbol, mix: TypeName): Tree
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- def SuperSelect(clazz: Symbol, sym: Symbol): Tree
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val SuperTag: ClassTag[Super]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val SuperTypeTag: ClassTag[SuperType]
- Definition Classes
- Types
- implicit val SymTreeTag: ClassTag[SymTree]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val SymbolTag: ClassTag[Symbol]
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- def Template(sym: Symbol, body: List[Tree]): Template
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val TemplateTag: ClassTag[Template]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val TermNameTag: ClassTag[TermName]
- Definition Classes
- Names
- implicit val TermSymbolTag: ClassTag[TermSymbol]
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- implicit val TermTreeTag: ClassTag[TermTree]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- def This(sym: Symbol): Tree
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- implicit val ThisTag: ClassTag[This]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val ThisTypeTag: ClassTag[ThisType]
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def Throw(tpe: Type, args: Tree*): Throw
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- implicit val ThrowTag: ClassTag[Throw]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val TreeCopierTag: ClassTag[TreeCopier]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val TreeTag: ClassTag[Tree]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- def Try(body: Tree, cases: (Tree, Tree)*): Try
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- implicit val TryTag: ClassTag[Try]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val TypTreeTag: ClassTag[TypTree]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val TypeApplyTag: ClassTag[TypeApply]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val TypeBoundsTag: ClassTag[TypeBounds]
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def TypeBoundsTree(sym: Symbol): TypeBoundsTree
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- def TypeBoundsTree(bounds: TypeBounds): TypeBoundsTree
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val TypeBoundsTreeTag: ClassTag[TypeBoundsTree]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val TypeDefTag: ClassTag[TypeDef]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val TypeNameTag: ClassTag[TypeName]
- Definition Classes
- Names
- implicit val TypeRefTag: ClassTag[TypeRef]
- Definition Classes
- Types
- implicit val TypeSymbolTag: ClassTag[TypeSymbol]
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- implicit val TypeTagg: ClassTag[Type]
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def TypeTree(tp: Type): TypeTree
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- implicit val TypeTreeTag: ClassTag[TypeTree]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val TypedTag: ClassTag[Typed]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val UnApplyTag: ClassTag[UnApply]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- final val UnitTag: Int(1)
- Definition Classes
- Constants
- implicit val ValDefTag: ClassTag[ValDef]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- implicit val ValOrDefDefTag: ClassTag[ValOrDefDef]
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- def abort(msg: String): Nothing
- Definition Classes
- Reporting
- def adaptAnnotations(tree: Tree, mode: Mode, pt: Type): Tree
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationCheckers
- def adaptBoundsToAnnotations(bounds: List[TypeBounds], tparams: List[Symbol], targs: List[Type]): List[TypeBounds]
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationCheckers
- def adaptTypeOfReturn(tree: Tree, pt: Type, default: => Type): Type
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationCheckers
- def addAnnotationChecker(checker: AnnotationChecker): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationCheckers
- def addAnnotations(tree: Tree, tpe: Type): Type
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationCheckers
- implicit def addFlagOps(left: FlagSet): FlagOps
- Definition Classes
- FlagSets → FlagSets
- def addMember(thistp: Type, tp: Type, sym: Symbol, depth: Depth): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def addMember(thistp: Type, tp: Type, sym: Symbol): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def addSerializable(ps: Type*): List[Type]
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def afterEachPhase[T](op: => T): List[(Phase, T)]
Returns List of (phase, value) pairs, including only those where the value compares unequal to the previous phase's value.
Returns List of (phase, value) pairs, including only those where the value compares unequal to the previous phase's value.
- Definition Classes
- Global
- final def allNames(): Iterator[TermName]
- Definition Classes
- Names
- lazy val analyzer: Analyzer { val global: ReflectGlobal.this.type }
- Definition Classes
- Global
- def annotatedType(annots: List[AnnotationInfo], underlying: Type): Type
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def annotationsConform(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationCheckers
- def annotationsGlb(tpe: Type, ts: List[Type]): Type
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationCheckers
- def annotationsLub(tpe: Type, ts: List[Type]): Type
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationCheckers
- def appliedType(tyconSym: Symbol, args: Type*): Type
- Definition Classes
- Types → Types
- def appliedType(tyconSym: Symbol, args: List[Type]): Type
- Definition Classes
- Types → Types
- def appliedType(tycon: Type, args: Type*): Type
- Definition Classes
- Types → Types
- def appliedType(tycon: Type, args: List[Type]): Type
- Definition Classes
- Types → Types
- def arrayToRepeated(tp: Type): Type
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- def asCompactDebugString(t: Tree): String
- Definition Classes
- Printers
- def asCompactString(t: Tree): String
- Definition Classes
- Printers
- def asString(t: Tree): String
- Definition Classes
- Printers
- final def assert(assertion: Boolean, message: => Any): Unit
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- Annotations
- @inline()
- def assertCorrectThread(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- Annotations
- @elidable()
- final def atPhaseStack: List[Phase]
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- def atPhaseStackMessage: String
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- def atPos[T <: Tree](pos: Position)(tree: T): tree.type
- Definition Classes
- Positions → Positions
- def backquotedPath(t: Tree): String
- Definition Classes
- Printers
- def baseTypeSingletonSeq(tp: Type): BaseTypeSeq
- Definition Classes
- BaseTypeSeqs
- def basetypeRecursions: Int
- Definition Classes
- SynchronizedTypes → Types
- def basetypeRecursions_=(value: Int): Unit
- Definition Classes
- SynchronizedTypes → Types
- final def bitSetByPredicate[A](xs: List[A])(pred: (A) => Boolean): BitSet
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- def brutallyResetAttrs(x: Tree, leaveAlone: (Tree) => Boolean = null): Tree
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- See also
- val build: ReificationSupportImpl
- Definition Classes
- ReificationSupport
- def canAdaptAnnotations(tree: Tree, mode: Mode, pt: Type): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationCheckers
- def captureVariable(vble: Symbol): Unit
- Definition Classes
- CapturedVariables
- def capturedVariableType(vble: Symbol, tpe: Type, erasedTypes: Boolean): Type
- Definition Classes
- CapturedVariables
- def capturedVariableType(vble: Symbol): Type
- Definition Classes
- CapturedVariables
- def changeNonLocalOwners(tree: Tree, newowner: Symbol): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- def checkKindBounds0(tparams: List[Symbol], targs: List[Type], pre: Type, owner: Symbol, explainErrors: Boolean): List[(Type, Symbol, KindErrors)]
- Definition Classes
- Kinds
- def classPath: ClassPath
- Definition Classes
- Global
- def clearDocComments(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- DocComments
- def cloneSymbols(syms: List[Symbol]): List[Symbol]
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- def cloneSymbolsAndModify(syms: List[Symbol], infoFn: (Type) => Type): List[Symbol]
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- def cloneSymbolsAtOwner(syms: List[Symbol], owner: Symbol): List[Symbol]
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- def cloneSymbolsAtOwnerAndModify(syms: List[Symbol], owner: Symbol, infoFn: (Type) => Type): List[Symbol]
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- def close(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Global → Closeable → AutoCloseable
- final lazy val closeableRegistry: CloseableRegistry
- Definition Classes
- Global
- final def closestEnclMethod(from: Symbol): Symbol
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- Annotations
- @tailrec()
- final def collectFirst[A, B](as: List[A])(pf: PartialFunction[A, B]): Option[B]
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- final def collectMap2[A, B, C](xs1: List[A], xs2: List[B])(p: (A, B) => Boolean): Map[A, B]
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- final def compareLengths(xs1: List[_], xs2: List[_]): Int
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- Annotations
- @tailrec()
- def compoundBaseTypeSeq(tp: Type): BaseTypeSeq
- Definition Classes
- BaseTypeSeqs
- def computePhaseAssembly(): List[SubComponent]
Called by Global#computePhaseDescriptors to compute phase order.
Called by Global#computePhaseDescriptors to compute phase order.
The phases to assemble are provided by
, which must contain aninitial
phase. If no phase isterminal
, thenglobal.terminal
is added.- Definition Classes
- PhaseAssembly
- def connectModuleToClass(m: ModuleSymbol, moduleClass: ClassSymbol): m.type
- Definition Classes
- SynchronizedSymbols → Symbols
- def containsExistential(tpe: Type): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def cookedDocComment(sym: Symbol, docStr: String = ""): String
The raw doc comment of symbol
, minus usecase and define sections, augmented by missing sections of an inherited doc comment.The raw doc comment of symbol
, minus usecase and define sections, augmented by missing sections of an inherited doc comment. If a symbol does not have a doc comment but some overridden version of it does, the doc comment of the overridden version is copied instead.- Definition Classes
- DocComments
- val cookedDocComments: HashMap[Symbol, String]
- Definition Classes
- DocComments
- def copyClassDef(tree: Tree)(mods: Modifiers, name: Name, tparams: List[TypeDef], impl: Template): ClassDef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- def copyDefDef(tree: Tree)(mods: Modifiers, name: Name, tparams: List[TypeDef], vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree): DefDef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- def copyMethodType(tp: Type, params: List[Symbol], restpe: Type): Type
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def copyModuleDef(tree: Tree)(mods: Modifiers, name: Name, impl: Template): ModuleDef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- def copyRefinedType(original: RefinedType, parents: List[Type], decls: Scope, owner: Symbol): Type
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def copyTypeDef(tree: Tree)(mods: Modifiers, name: Name, tparams: List[TypeDef], rhs: Tree): TypeDef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- def copyTypeRef(tp: Type, pre: Type, sym: Symbol, args: List[Type]): Type
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def copyValDef(tree: Tree)(mods: Modifiers, name: Name, tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree): ValDef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- final def corresponds3[A, B, C](xs1: List[A], xs2: List[B], xs3: List[C])(f: (A, B, C) => Boolean): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- Annotations
- @tailrec()
- def createFromClonedSymbols[T](syms: List[Symbol], tpe: Type)(creator: (List[Symbol], Type) => T): T
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- def createFromClonedSymbolsAtOwner[T](syms: List[Symbol], owner: Symbol, tpe: Type)(creator: (List[Symbol], Type) => T): T
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- def createJavadoc: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Global
- def currentFreshNameCreator: FreshNameCreator
- Definition Classes
- Global → FreshNames
- final def currentPeriod: Period
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- def currentRun: Run
The currently active run
- def currentRunId: Int
The id of the currently active run
The id of the currently active run
- Definition Classes
- Global → SymbolTable
- var currentSettings: Settings
- Definition Classes
- Global
- def currentSource: SourceFile
- Definition Classes
- Global
- def currentUnit: CompilationUnit
- Definition Classes
- Global
- def debugInfo(msg: => String): Unit
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- def debugStack(t: Throwable): Unit
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- def debugString(tp: Type): String
- Definition Classes
- TypeDebugging
- final def debuglog(msg: => String): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Global → SymbolTable
- Annotations
- @inline()
- def decodedSymName(tree: Tree, name: Name): String
- Definition Classes
- Printers
- def defineOriginalOwner(sym: Symbol, owner: Symbol): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- def deriveCaseDef(cdef: Tree)(applyToBody: (Tree) => Tree): CaseDef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- def deriveClassDef(cdef: Tree)(applyToImpl: (Template) => Template): ClassDef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- def deriveDefDef(ddef: Tree)(applyToRhs: (Tree) => Tree): DefDef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- def deriveFreshSkolems(tparams: List[Symbol]): List[Symbol]
- Definition Classes
- ExistentialsAndSkolems
- def deriveFunction(func: Tree)(applyToRhs: (Tree) => Tree): Function
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- def deriveLabelDef(ldef: Tree)(applyToRhs: (Tree) => Tree): LabelDef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- def deriveModuleDef(mdef: Tree)(applyToImpl: (Template) => Template): ModuleDef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- def deriveSymbols(syms: List[Symbol], symFn: (Symbol) => Symbol): List[Symbol]
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- def deriveSymbols2[A](syms: List[Symbol], as: List[A], symFn: (Symbol, A) => Symbol): List[Symbol]
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- def deriveTemplate(templ: Tree)(applyToBody: (List[Tree]) => List[Tree]): Template
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- def deriveType(syms: List[Symbol], symFn: (Symbol) => Symbol)(tpe: Type): Type
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- def deriveType2[A](syms: List[Symbol], as: List[A], symFn: (Symbol, A) => Symbol)(tpe: Type): Type
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- def deriveTypeWithWildcards(syms: List[Symbol])(tpe: Type): Type
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- def deriveValDef(vdef: Tree)(applyToRhs: (Tree) => Tree): ValDef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- final def devWarning(pos: Position, msg: => String): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Global
- Annotations
- @inline()
- final def devWarning(msg: => String): Unit
This is for WARNINGS which should reach the ears of scala developers whenever they occur, but are not useful for normal users.
This is for WARNINGS which should reach the ears of scala developers whenever they occur, but are not useful for normal users. They should be precise, explanatory, and infrequent. Please don't use this as a logging mechanism. !!! is prefixed to all messages issued via this route to make them visually distinct.
- Definition Classes
- Global → SymbolTable
- Annotations
- @inline()
- final def devWarningDumpStack(msg: => String, maxFrames: Int): Unit
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- Annotations
- @inline()
- final def devWarningIf(cond: => Boolean)(msg: => String): Unit
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- Annotations
- @inline()
- final def distinctBy[A, B](xs: List[A])(f: (A) => B): List[A]
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- def docCommentPos(sym: Symbol): Position
The position of the raw doc comment of symbol
, or NoPosition if missing If a symbol does not have a doc comment but some overridden version of it does, the position of the doc comment of the overridden version is returned instead.The position of the raw doc comment of symbol
, or NoPosition if missing If a symbol does not have a doc comment but some overridden version of it does, the position of the doc comment of the overridden version is returned instead.- Definition Classes
- DocComments
- val docComments: WeakHashMap[Symbol, DocComment]
The raw doc comment map
The raw doc comment map
In IDE, background compilation runs get interrupted by reloading new sourcefiles. This is weak to avoid memleaks due to the doc of their cached symbols (e.g. in baseTypeSeq) between periodic doc reloads.
- Definition Classes
- DocComments
- def duplicateAndKeepPositions(tree: Tree): Tree
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- def echoPhaseSummary(ph: Phase): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Global
- def elementExtract(container: Symbol, tp: Type): Type
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def elementExtractOption(container: Symbol, tp: Type): Option[Type]
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def elementTest(container: Symbol, tp: Type)(f: (Type) => Boolean): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def elementTransform(container: Symbol, tp: Type)(f: (Type) => Type): Type
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def elimAnonymousClass(t: Type): Type
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def encode(str: String): TermName
- Definition Classes
- StdNames
- def ensureNonOverlapping(tree: Tree, others: List[Tree], focus: Boolean): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Positions
- def ensureNonOverlapping(tree: Tree, others: List[Tree]): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Positions
- final def enteringDelambdafy[T](op: => T): T
- Definition Classes
- Global
- Annotations
- @inline()
- final def enteringErasure[T](op: => T): T
- Definition Classes
- Global
- Annotations
- @inline()
- final def enteringExplicitOuter[T](op: => T): T
- Definition Classes
- Global
- Annotations
- @inline()
- final def enteringFlatten[T](op: => T): T
- Definition Classes
- Global
- Annotations
- @inline()
- final def enteringJVM[T](op: => T): T
- Definition Classes
- Global
- Annotations
- @inline()
- final def enteringMixin[T](op: => T): T
- Definition Classes
- Global
- Annotations
- @inline()
- final def enteringPhase[T](ph: Phase)(op: => T): T
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- Annotations
- @inline()
- final def enteringPhaseNotLaterThan[T](target: Phase)(op: => T): T
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- Annotations
- @inline()
- final def enteringPhaseWithName[T](phaseName: String)(body: => T): T
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- final def enteringPickler[T](op: => T): T
- Definition Classes
- Global
- Annotations
- @inline()
- final def enteringPrevPhase[T](op: => T): T
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- Annotations
- @inline()
- final def enteringSpecialize[T](op: => T): T
- Definition Classes
- Global
- Annotations
- @inline()
- final def enteringTyper[T](op: => T): T
- Definition Classes
- Global
- Annotations
- @inline()
- final def enteringUncurry[T](op: => T): T
- Definition Classes
- Global
- Annotations
- @inline()
- def erasurePhase: Phase
- Definition Classes
- Global → SymbolTable
- def existentialAbstraction(tparams: List[Symbol], tpe0: Type, flipVariance: Boolean): Type
- Definition Classes
- Types
- final def existentialTransform[T](rawSyms: List[Symbol], tp: Type, rawOwner: Symbol)(creator: (List[Symbol], Type) => T): T
- Definition Classes
- ExistentialsAndSkolems
- def existentialsInType(tpe: Type): List[Symbol]
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def existingSymbols(syms: List[Symbol]): List[Symbol]
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- final def exists2[A, B](xs1: List[A], xs2: List[B])(f: (A, B) => Boolean): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- final def exists3[A, B, C](xs1: List[A], xs2: List[B], xs3: List[C])(f: (A, B, C) => Boolean): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- final def exitingDelambdafy[T](op: => T): T
- Definition Classes
- Global
- Annotations
- @inline()
- final def exitingErasure[T](op: => T): T
- Definition Classes
- Global
- Annotations
- @inline()
- final def exitingExplicitOuter[T](op: => T): T
- Definition Classes
- Global
- Annotations
- @inline()
- final def exitingFlatten[T](op: => T): T
- Definition Classes
- Global
- Annotations
- @inline()
- final def exitingMixin[T](op: => T): T
- Definition Classes
- Global
- Annotations
- @inline()
- final def exitingPhase[T](ph: Phase)(op: => T): T
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- Annotations
- @inline()
- final def exitingPickler[T](op: => T): T
- Definition Classes
- Global
- Annotations
- @inline()
- final def exitingPostErasure[T](op: => T): T
- Definition Classes
- Global
- Annotations
- @inline()
- final def exitingRefchecks[T](op: => T): T
- Definition Classes
- Global
- Annotations
- @inline()
- final def exitingSpecialize[T](op: => T): T
- Definition Classes
- Global
- Annotations
- @inline()
- final def exitingTyper[T](op: => T): T
- Definition Classes
- Global
- Annotations
- @inline()
- final def exitingUncurry[T](op: => T): T
- Definition Classes
- Global
- Annotations
- @inline()
- def expandInheritdoc(parent: String, child: String, sym: Symbol): String
Expand inheritdoc tags
Expand inheritdoc tags
- for the main comment we transform the inheritdoc into the super variable, and the variable expansion can expand it further
- for the param, tparam and throws sections we must replace comments on the spot
This is done separately, for two reasons: 1. It takes longer to run compared to merge 2. The inheritdoc annotation should not be used very often, as building the comment from pieces severely impacts performance
- parent
The source (or parent) comment
- child
The child (overriding member or usecase) comment
- sym
The child symbol
- returns
The child comment with the inheritdoc sections expanded
- Definition Classes
- DocComments
- def expandedDocComment(sym: Symbol, site: Symbol, docStr: String = ""): String
The cooked doc comment of symbol
after variable expansion, or "" if missing.The cooked doc comment of symbol
after variable expansion, or "" if missing.- sym
The symbol for which doc comment is returned
- site
The class for which doc comments are generated
- Definition Classes
- DocComments
- Exceptions thrown
when more than 10 successive expansions of the same string are done, which is interpreted as a recursive variable definition.
- def explainTypes(op: (Type, Type) => Any, found: Type, required: Type): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def explainTypes(found: Type, required: Type): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def explicitlyUnit(tree: Tree): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- def extendCompilerClassPath(urls: URL*): Unit
Extend classpath of
and rescan updated packages.Extend classpath of
and rescan updated packages.- Definition Classes
- Global
- def extensionMethInfo(currentOwner: Symbol, extensionMeth: Symbol, origInfo: Type, clazz: Symbol): Type
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def fillDocComment(sym: Symbol, comment: DocComment): Unit
- Definition Classes
- DocComments
- final def fillList[T](n: Int)(t: T): List[T]
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- def findMacroClassLoader(): ClassLoader
Obtains the classLoader used for runtime macro expansion.
Obtains the classLoader used for runtime macro expansion.
Macro expansion can use everything available in
. TherootClassLoader
is used to obtain runtime defined macros.- Definition Classes
- ReflectGlobal → Plugins
- def findMemberFromRoot(fullName: Name): Symbol
- Definition Classes
- Global
- final def findOrElse[A](xs: IterableOnce[A])(p: (A) => Boolean)(orElse: => A): A
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- final def findPhaseWithName(phaseName: String): Phase
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- final def findSymbol(xs: IterableOnce[Symbol])(p: (Symbol) => Boolean): Symbol
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- Annotations
- @inline()
- final def flatCollect[A, B](elems: List[A])(pf: PartialFunction[A, Iterable[B]]): List[B]
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- final def flatMap2[A, B, C](xs1: List[A], xs2: List[B])(f: (A, B) => List[C]): List[C]
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- final def flattensToEmpty(xss: Seq[Seq[_]]): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- Annotations
- @tailrec()
- final def focusInPlace(t: Tree): t.type
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- final def foldLeft2[A1, A2, B](xs1: List[A1], xs2: List[A2])(z0: B)(f: (B, A1, A2) => B): B
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- final def forall3[A, B, C](xs1: List[A], xs2: List[B], xs3: List[C])(f: (A, B, C) => Boolean): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- final def foreach2[A, B](xs1: List[A], xs2: List[B])(f: (A, B) => Unit): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- final def foreach3[A, B, C](xs1: List[A], xs2: List[B], xs3: List[C])(f: (A, B, C) => Unit): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- def foreachParamss(sym: Symbol)(f: (Symbol) => Unit): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- final def foreachWithIndex[A](xs: List[A])(f: (A, Int) => Unit): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- def freshTermName(prefix: String)(implicit creator: FreshNameCreator): TermName
- Definition Classes
- FreshNames
- def freshTypeName(prefix: String)(implicit creator: FreshNameCreator): TypeName
- Definition Classes
- FreshNames
- def genPolyType(params: List[Symbol], tpe: Type): Type
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def getCurrentSymbolIdCount: Int
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- def getSourceFile(name: String): SourceFile
- Definition Classes
- Global
- def getSourceFile(f: AbstractFile): BatchSourceFile
- Definition Classes
- Global
- final def gilSynchronized[T](body: => T): T
- Definition Classes
- Gil
- Annotations
- @inline()
- def glb(ts: List[Type]): Type
- Definition Classes
- GlbLubs
- def glbResults: HashMap[(Depth, List[Type]), Type]
- Definition Classes
- SynchronizedTypes → GlbLubs
- def globalError(pos: Position, msg: String): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Reporting
- Annotations
- @deprecatedOverriding()
- def globalError(msg: String): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Reporting
- Annotations
- @deprecatedOverriding()
- val globalFreshNameCreator: FreshNameCreator
- Definition Classes
- FreshNames
- var globalPhase: Phase
- Definition Classes
- Global
- final def hasLength(xs: List[_], len: Int): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- final def howManyUniqueTypes: Int
- Definition Classes
- Types
- final def ifDebug(body: => Unit): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Global
- Annotations
- @inline()
- def importableMembers(pre: Type): Scope
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def indent: String
- Definition Classes
- SynchronizedTypes → Types
- def indent_=(value: String): Unit
- Definition Classes
- SynchronizedTypes → Types
- def info(msg: => String): Unit
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- var infoTransformers: InfoTransformer
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- def inform(pos: Position, msg: String): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Reporting
- Annotations
- @deprecatedOverriding()
- def inform(msg: String): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Reporting
- Annotations
- @deprecatedOverriding()
- def informProgress(msg: String): Unit
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- def informTime(msg: String, startNs: Long): Unit
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- final def informingProgress[T](msg: => String)(fn: => T): T
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- Annotations
- @inline()
- def inheritsJavaVarArgsMethod(clazz: Symbol): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Types
- lazy val internal: Internal
- Definition Classes
- Global → Internals → Internals
- def intersectionType(tps: List[Type]): Type
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def intersectionType(tps: List[Type], owner: Symbol): Type
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def intersectionTypeForLazyBaseType(tps: List[Type]): Type
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def intersectionWitness: WeakHashMap[List[Type], WeakReference[Type]]
- Definition Classes
- SynchronizedTypes → Types
- def invalidateCaches(t: Type, updatedSyms: Set[Symbol]): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def invalidateClassPathEntries(paths: String*): Unit
Invalidates packages that contain classes defined in a classpath entry, and rescans that entry.
Invalidates packages that contain classes defined in a classpath entry, and rescans that entry.
First, the classpath entry referred to by one of the
is rescanned, so that any new files or changes in subpackages are picked up. Second, any packages for which one of the following conditions is met is invalidated:- the classpath entry contained during the last compilation run now contains classfiles that represent a member in the package;
- the classpath entry now contains classfiles that represent a member in the package;
- the set of subpackages has changed.
The invalidated packages are reset in their entirety; all member classes and member packages are re-accessed using the new classpath.
System packages that the compiler needs to access as part of standard definitions are not invalidated. A system package is: Any package rooted in "scala", with the exception of packages rooted in "".
- paths
Fully-qualified names that refer to directories or jar files that are entries on the classpath.
- Definition Classes
- Global
- def invalidateTreeTpeCaches(tree: Tree, updatedSyms: Set[Symbol]): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Types
- final def isAtPhaseAfter(p: Phase): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- def isBefore(phase: Phase): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Global
- def isBeforeErasure: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Global
- def isBoundedGeneric(tp: Type): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def isCompilerUniverse: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- ReflectGlobal → SymbolTable → Global → SymbolTable
- def isConstantType(tp: Type): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Types
- final def isDeveloper: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- Annotations
- @inline()
- def isDifferentType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- TypeComparers
- def isDifferentTypeConstructor(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- TypeComparers
- final def isEligibleForPrefixUnification(tp: Type): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Types
- Annotations
- @tailrec()
- def isErrorOrWildcard(tp: Type): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Types
- final def isExistentialType(tp: Type): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Types
- Annotations
- @tailrec()
- def isGlobalInitialized: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Global
- def isHKSubType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type, depth: Depth): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- TypeComparers
- def isImplicitMethodType(tp: Type): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def isIntersectionTypeForLazyBaseType(tp: RefinedType): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def isJavaVarargsAncestor(clazz: Symbol): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def isNonRefinementClassType(tpe: Type): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def isNumericSubType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- TypeComparers
- def isPast(phase: Phase): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Global
- def isPastTyper: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Global → SymbolTable
- def isPopulated(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def isPossiblePrefix(clazz: Symbol): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- TypeMaps
- def isRawIfWithoutArgs(sym: Symbol): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def isRawParameter(sym: Symbol): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- ExistentialsAndSkolems
- def isRawType(tp: Type): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def isSameSymbolTypes(syms1: List[Symbol], syms2: List[Symbol]): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def isSameType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- TypeComparers
- def isSameType2(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- TypeComparers
- def isSameTypes(tps1: List[Type], tps2: List[Type]): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def isSingleType(tp: Type): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def isSubArgs(tps1: List[Type], tps2: List[Type], tparams: List[Symbol], depth: Depth): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def isSubType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type, depth: Depth): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- TypeComparers
- def isSymbolLockTracingEnabled: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Global → SymbolTable
- def isTreeSymbolPickled(tree: Tree): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Translations
- def isTreeSymbolPickled(code: Int): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Translations
- def isUnboundedGeneric(tp: Type): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def isUseableAsTypeArg(tp: Type): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Types
- final def isUseableAsTypeArgs(tps: List[Type]): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Types
- Annotations
- @tailrec()
- final def isValid(period: Period): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- final def isValidForBaseClasses(period: Period): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- def isWeakSubType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- TypeComparers
- def isWithinBounds(pre: Type, owner: Symbol, tparams: List[Symbol], targs: List[Type]): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Types
- val javanme: JavaKeywords
- Definition Classes
- StdNames
- var keepPhaseStack: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- def kindsConform(tparams: List[Symbol], targs: List[Type], pre: Type, owner: Symbol): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Kinds
- final def linkedMapFrom[A, A1 >: A, B](xs: List[A])(f: (A) => B): LinkedHashMap[A1, B]
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- lazy val loaders: GlobalSymbolLoaders { val global: ReflectGlobal.this.type }
- Definition Classes
- Global
- def lockedCount: Int
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- def lockedCount_=(i: Int): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- final def log(msg: => AnyRef): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Global → SymbolTable
- Annotations
- @inline()
- def logError(msg: String, t: Throwable): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Global
- final def lookupTypeName(cs: Array[Char]): TypeName
- Definition Classes
- Names
- final def lookupVariable(vble: String, site: Symbol): Option[String]
Lookup definition of variable.
Lookup definition of variable.
- vble
The variable for which a definition is searched
- site
The class for which doc comments are generated
- Definition Classes
- DocComments
- Annotations
- @tailrec()
- implicit def lowPriorityNameOrdering[T <: Name]: Ordering[T]
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- def lub(ts: List[Type]): Type
- Definition Classes
- GlbLubs
- def lubDepth(ts: List[Type]): Depth
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def lubList(ts: List[Type], depth: Depth): List[Type]
- Definition Classes
- GlbLubs
- def lubResults: HashMap[(Depth, List[Type]), Type]
- Definition Classes
- SynchronizedTypes → GlbLubs
- final def map2[A, B, C](xs1: List[A], xs2: List[B])(f: (A, B) => C): List[C]
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- final def map2Conserve[A <: AnyRef, B](xs: List[A], ys: List[B])(f: (A, B) => A): List[A]
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- final def map3[A, B, C, D](xs1: List[A], xs2: List[B], xs3: List[C])(f: (A, B, C) => D): List[D]
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- final def mapFilter2[A, B, C](itA: Iterator[A], itB: Iterator[B])(f: (A, B) => Option[C]): Iterator[C]
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- final def mapFrom[A, A1 >: A, B](xs: List[A])(f: (A) => B): Map[A1, B]
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- final def mapFromArray[A, B](arr: Array[A])(f: (A) => B): List[B]
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- final def mapList[A, B](as: List[A])(f: (A) => B): List[B]
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- def mapParamss[T](sym: Symbol)(f: (Symbol) => T): List[List[T]]
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- final def mapToArray[A, B](as: List[A], arr: Array[B], i: Int)(f: (A) => B): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- final def mapToArray[A, B](xs: List[A])(f: (A) => B)(implicit arg0: ClassTag[B]): Array[B]
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- final def mapWithIndex[A, B](xs: List[A])(f: (A, Int) => B): List[B]
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- final def markAllCompleted(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- final def markAllCompleted(sym: Symbol): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- final def markFlagsCompleted(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol)(mask: Long): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- final def markFlagsCompleted(sym: Symbol)(mask: Long): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- final def matchesType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type, alwaysMatchSimple: Boolean): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Types
- final val maxToStringRecursions: Int(50)
- Definition Classes
- TypeToStrings
- def merge(src: String, dst: String, sym: Symbol, copyFirstPara: Boolean = false): String
Merge elements of doccomment
into doc commentdst
for symbolsym
.Merge elements of doccomment
into doc commentdst
for symbolsym
. In detail:- If
is true, copy first paragraph 2. For all parameters ofsym
if there is no @param section indst
for that parameter name, but there is one onsrc
, copy that section. 3. If there is no @return section indst
but there is one insrc
, copy it.
- Definition Classes
- DocComments
- If
- def mergePrefixAndArgs(tps0: List[Type], variance: Variance, depth: Depth): Type
- Definition Classes
- Types
- final def mexists[A](xss: List[List[A]])(p: (A) => Boolean): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- final def mfind[A](xss: List[List[A]])(p: (A) => Boolean): Option[A]
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- final def mforall[A](xss: List[List[A]])(p: (A) => Boolean): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- final def mforeach[A](xss: Iterable[Iterable[A]])(f: (A) => Unit): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- final def mforeach[A](xss: List[List[A]])(f: (A) => Unit): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- def mirrorThatLoaded(sym: Symbol): ReflectGlobal.Mirror
- Definition Classes
- JavaMirrors → SymbolTable
- val missingAliasException: MissingAliasControl
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def missingHook(owner: Symbol, name: Name): Symbol
- Definition Classes
- JavaMirrors → SymbolTable
- def mkImporter(from0: Universe): Importer { val from: from0.type }
- Definition Classes
- Importers
- final def mkThreadLocalStorage[T](x: => T): ThreadLocalStorage[T]
- Definition Classes
- ThreadLocalStorage
- Annotations
- @inline()
- final def mmap[A, B](xss: List[List[A]])(f: (A) => B): collection.immutable.List[collection.immutable.List[B]]
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- final val nameDebug: Boolean(false)
- Definition Classes
- Names
- final def nameTableSize: Int
- Definition Classes
- Names
- def nestedMemberType(sym: Symbol, pre: Type, owner: Symbol): Type
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def newCodePrinter(writer: PrintWriter, tree: Tree, printRootPkg: Boolean): InternalTreePrinter
- Definition Classes
- Printers → Printers
- def newCompactTreePrinter(writer: PrintWriter): CompactTreePrinter
- Definition Classes
- Printers
- def newCompilationUnit(code: String, filename: String = "<console>"): CompilationUnit
- Definition Classes
- Global
- def newDefDef(sym: Symbol, rhs: Tree)(mods: Modifiers, name: TermName, tparams: List[TypeDef], vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], tpt: Tree): DefDef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- def newDefDefAt(pos: Position)(sym: Symbol, rhs: Tree)(mods: Modifiers, name: TermName, tparams: List[TypeDef], vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], tpt: Tree): DefDef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- final def newExistentialType(quantified: List[Symbol], underlying: Type): Type
- Definition Classes
- Types
- Annotations
- @tailrec()
- def newFreeTermSymbol(name: TermName, value: => Any, flags: Long, origin: String): FreeTermSymbol
- Definition Classes
- SynchronizedSymbols → Symbols
- def newFreeTypeSymbol(name: TypeName, flags: Long, origin: String): FreeTypeSymbol
- Definition Classes
- SynchronizedSymbols → Symbols
- def newJavaUnitParser(unit: CompilationUnit): (syntaxAnalyzer)#JavaUnitParser
- Definition Classes
- Global
- def newLazyTreeCopier: TreeCopier
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- final def newNestedScope(outer: Scope): Scope
- Definition Classes
- Scopes
- def newPackageScope(pkgClass: Symbol): PackageScope
- Definition Classes
- SymbolLoaders
- def newRawTreePrinter(writer: PrintWriter): RawTreePrinter
- Definition Classes
- Printers → Printers
- def newScope: Scope with SynchronizedScope
- Definition Classes
- SynchronizedOps → Scopes
- def newScopeWith(elems: Symbol*): Scope
- Definition Classes
- Scopes
- def newSourceFile(code: String, filename: String = "<console>"): BatchSourceFile
- Definition Classes
- Global
- def newStandardTreePrinter(writer: PrintWriter): AstTreePrinter
- Definition Classes
- Printers
- def newStrictTreeCopier: TreeCopier
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- def newStubSymbol(owner: Symbol, name: Name, missingMessage: String): Symbol
- Definition Classes
- Global → Symbols
- final def newTermName(bs: Array[Byte], offset: Int, len: Int): TermName
- Definition Classes
- Names
- def newTermName(s: String): TermName
- Definition Classes
- Names → Names
- Annotations
- @deprecatedOverriding()
- final def newTermName(cs: Array[Char], offset: Int, len0: Int, cachedString: String): TermName
- Definition Classes
- Names
- final def newTermName(cs: Array[Char]): TermName
- Definition Classes
- Names
- final def newTermName(cs: Array[Char], offset: Int, len: Int): TermName
- Definition Classes
- Names
- final def newTermNameCached(s: String): TermName
- Definition Classes
- Names
- def newTreePrinter(): AstTreePrinter
- Definition Classes
- Printers → Printers
- def newTreePrinter(stream: OutputStream): AstTreePrinter
- Definition Classes
- Printers → Printers
- def newTreePrinter(writer: PrintWriter): AstTreePrinter
- Definition Classes
- Printers → Printers → Printers
- def newTypeDef(sym: Symbol, rhs: Tree)(mods: Modifiers, name: TypeName, tparams: List[TypeDef]): TypeDef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- final def newTypeName(bs: Array[Byte], offset: Int, len: Int): TypeName
- Definition Classes
- Names
- final def newTypeName(cs: Array[Char], offset: Int, len: Int): TypeName
- Definition Classes
- Names
- def newTypeName(s: String): TypeName
- Definition Classes
- Names → Names
- Annotations
- @deprecatedOverriding()
- final def newTypeName(cs: Array[Char], offset: Int, len: Int, cachedString: String): TypeName
- Definition Classes
- Names
- final def newTypeName(cs: Array[Char]): TypeName
- Definition Classes
- Names
- final def newTypeNameCached(s: String): TypeName
- Definition Classes
- Names
- def newUnitParser(code: String, filename: String = "<console>"): (syntaxAnalyzer)#UnitParser
- Definition Classes
- Global
- def newUnitParser(unit: CompilationUnit): (syntaxAnalyzer)#UnitParser
- Definition Classes
- Global
- def newUnitScanner(unit: CompilationUnit): (syntaxAnalyzer)#UnitScanner
- Definition Classes
- Global
- def newValDef(sym: Symbol, rhs: Tree)(mods: Modifiers, name: TermName, tpt: Tree): ValDef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- var nextFrom: Array[InfoTransformer]
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- val nodeToString: (Tree) => String
- Definition Classes
- Global
- def nonTrivialMembers(clazz: Symbol): Scope
- Definition Classes
- Types
- final def normalizePlus(tp: Type): Type
- Definition Classes
- Types
- Annotations
- @tailrec()
- def numericLub(ts: List[Type]): Type
- Definition Classes
- GlbLubs
- def openPackageModule(pkgClass: Symbol, force: Boolean): Unit
- Definition Classes
- ReflectGlobal → Global → SymbolTable
- def openPackageModule(container: Symbol, dest: Symbol): Unit
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- def optimizerClassPath(base: ClassPath): ClassPath
- Definition Classes
- Global
- def overloadedType(pre: Type, alternatives: List[Symbol]): Type
- Definition Classes
- Types
- final def packSymbols(hidden: List[Symbol], tp: Type, rawOwner: Symbol): Type
- Definition Classes
- ExistentialsAndSkolems
- def paramString(tp: Type): String
- Definition Classes
- TypeDebugging
- final def partitionConserve[A](as: List[A])(p: (A) => Boolean): (List[A], List[A])
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- final def partitionInto[A](xs: List[A], pred: (A) => Boolean, ayes: ListBuffer[A], nays: ListBuffer[A]): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- def pendingBaseTypes: HashSet[Type]
- Definition Classes
- SynchronizedTypes → Types
- def pendingSubTypes: HashSet[SubTypePair]
- Definition Classes
- SynchronizedTypes → TypeComparers
- final def period(rid: RunId, pid: Int): Period
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- final def phase: Phase
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- def phaseDescriptions: String
A description of the phases that will run in this configuration, or all if -Vdebug.
A description of the phases that will run in this configuration, or all if -Vdebug.
- Definition Classes
- Global
- lazy val phaseDescriptors: List[SubComponent]
- Definition Classes
- Global
- def phaseFlagDescriptions: String
Summary of the per-phase values of nextFlags and newFlags, shown under -Vphases -Vdebug.
Summary of the per-phase values of nextFlags and newFlags, shown under -Vphases -Vdebug.
- Definition Classes
- Global
- final def phaseId(period: Period): Int
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- lazy val phaseNames: collection.immutable.List[String]
The names of the phases.
The names of the phases.
- Definition Classes
- Global
- final def phaseOf(period: Period): Phase
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- final val phaseWithId: Array[Phase]
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- final def phase_=(p: Phase): Unit
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- def picklerPhase: Phase
- Definition Classes
- Global → SymbolTable
- def picklerSubTag(tree: Tree): Int
- Definition Classes
- Translations
- final def picklerTag(tpe: Type): Int
- Definition Classes
- Translations
- Annotations
- @tailrec()
- def picklerTag(sym: Symbol): Int
- Definition Classes
- Translations
- final def picklerTag(ref: AnyRef): Int
- Definition Classes
- Translations
- lazy val platform: ThisPlatform
- Definition Classes
- Global
- def pluginDescriptions: String
A description of all the plugins that are loaded
A description of all the plugins that are loaded
- Definition Classes
- Plugins
- def pluginOptionsHelp: String
Summary of the options for all loaded plugins
Summary of the options for all loaded plugins
- Definition Classes
- Plugins
- lazy val plugins: List[Plugin]
- Definition Classes
- Plugins
- final def popPhase(ph: Phase): Unit
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- def printAllUnits(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Global
- var printTypings: Boolean
Switch to turn on detailed type logs
Switch to turn on detailed type logs
- Definition Classes
- Global
- def propagateCyclicReferences: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Global
- def propagatePackageBoundary(jflags: JavaAccFlags, syms: Symbol*): Unit
- Definition Classes
- PrivateWithin
- def propagatePackageBoundary(m: Member, syms: Symbol*): Unit
- Definition Classes
- PrivateWithin
- def propagatePackageBoundary(c: Class[_], syms: Symbol*): Unit
- Definition Classes
- PrivateWithin
- final def pushPhase(ph: Phase): Phase
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- def quotedName(name: String): String
- Definition Classes
- Printers
- def quotedName(name: Name): String
- Definition Classes
- Printers
- def quotedName(name: Name, decode: Boolean): String
- Definition Classes
- Printers
- def rangePos(source: SourceFile, start: Int, point: Int, end: Int): Position
- Definition Classes
- Positions
- def rawDocComment(sym: Symbol): String
The raw doc comment of symbol
, as it appears in the source text, "" if missing.The raw doc comment of symbol
, as it appears in the source text, "" if missing.- Definition Classes
- DocComments
- def rawToExistential: TypeMap
- Definition Classes
- TypeMaps
- def recursionTable: Map[Symbol, Int]
- Definition Classes
- SynchronizedSymbols → Symbols
- def recursionTable_=(value: Map[Symbol, Int]): Unit
- Definition Classes
- SynchronizedSymbols → Symbols
- def referenceCapturedVariable(vble: Symbol): Tree
- Definition Classes
- CapturedVariables
- def refinedType(parents: List[Type], owner: Symbol): Type
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def refinedType(parents: List[Type], owner: Symbol, decls: Scope, pos: Position): Type
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def registerContext(c: (analyzer)#Context): Unit
Register new context; called for every created context
Register new context; called for every created context
- Definition Classes
- Global
- def registerTopLevelSym(sym: Symbol): Unit
Register top level class (called on entering the class)
Register top level class (called on entering the class)
- Definition Classes
- Global
- macro def reify[T](expr: T): Expr[T]
- Definition Classes
- Universe
- def removeAllAnnotationCheckers(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationCheckers
- def repackExistential(tp: Type): Type
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def replaceInheritDocToInheritdoc(docStr: String): String
- Definition Classes
- DocComments
- def reportThrowable(t: Throwable): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Global
- def reporter: FilteringReporter
- Definition Classes
- Global → Reporting
- def reporter_=(newReporter: Reporter): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Global
- final def require(requirement: Boolean, message: => Any): Unit
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- Annotations
- @inline()
- def resetAttrs(x: Tree): Tree
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- See also
- val rootClassLoader: ClassLoader
- Definition Classes
- ReflectGlobal → JavaMirrors
- lazy val rootMirror: ReflectGlobal.Mirror
- Definition Classes
- JavaMirrors → Mirrors
- final def runId(period: Period): RunId
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- def runReporting: PerRunReporting
- Definition Classes
- Global
- def runtimeMirror(cl: ClassLoader): Mirror
- Definition Classes
- ReflectGlobal → JavaMirrors → JavaUniverse
- final def sameElementsEquals(thiss: List[AnyRef], that: List[AnyRef]): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- final def sameLength(xs1: List[_], xs2: List[_]): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- def sameWeakLubAsLub(tps: List[Type]): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- GlbLubs
- def scopeTransform(owner: Symbol)(op: => Scope): Scope
- Definition Classes
- SymbolLoaders
- final def sequenceOpt[A](as: List[Option[A]]): Option[List[A]]
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- def setPackageAccessBoundary(sym: Symbol): Symbol
- Definition Classes
- PrivateWithin
- def settings: Settings
- val shorthands: Set[String]
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def shouldLogAtThisPhase: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Global → SymbolTable
- def show(position: Position): String
- Definition Classes
- Printers → Printers
- def show(flags: FlagSet): String
- Definition Classes
- Printers → Printers
- def show(name: Name): String
- Definition Classes
- Printers → Printers
- def show(any: Any, printTypes: BooleanFlag, printIds: BooleanFlag, printOwners: BooleanFlag, printKinds: BooleanFlag, printMirrors: BooleanFlag, printPositions: BooleanFlag): String
- Definition Classes
- Printers
- def showCode(tree: Tree, printTypes: BooleanFlag, printIds: BooleanFlag, printOwners: BooleanFlag, printPositions: BooleanFlag, printRootPkg: Boolean): String
- Definition Classes
- Printers
- def showDecl(sym: Symbol): String
- Definition Classes
- Printers → Printers
- def showDef(fullName: Name, declsOnly: Boolean, ph: Phase): Unit
We resolve the class/object ambiguity by passing a type/term name.
We resolve the class/object ambiguity by passing a type/term name.
- Definition Classes
- Global
- def showRaw(position: Position): String
- Definition Classes
- Printers
- def showRaw(flags: FlagSet): String
- Definition Classes
- Printers
- def showRaw(name: Name): String
- Definition Classes
- Printers
- def showRaw(any: Any, printTypes: BooleanFlag, printIds: BooleanFlag, printOwners: BooleanFlag, printKinds: BooleanFlag, printMirrors: BooleanFlag, printPositions: BooleanFlag): String
- Definition Classes
- Printers
- def signalDone(context: (analyzer)#Context, old: Tree, result: Tree): Unit
Called every time an AST node is successfully typechecked in typerPhase.
Called every time an AST node is successfully typechecked in typerPhase.
- Definition Classes
- Global
- def signalParseProgress(pos: Position): Unit
Called from parser, which signals hereby that a method definition has been parsed.
Called from parser, which signals hereby that a method definition has been parsed.
- Definition Classes
- Global
- def signalParsedDocComment(comment: String, pos: Position): Unit
Called by ScaladocAnalyzer when a doc comment has been parsed.
Called by ScaladocAnalyzer when a doc comment has been parsed.
- Definition Classes
- Global
- def singleType(pre: Type, sym: Symbol): Type
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def singletonBounds(hi: Type): TypeBounds
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def skolemizationLevel: Int
- Definition Classes
- SynchronizedTypes → Types
- def skolemizationLevel_=(value: Int): Unit
- Definition Classes
- SynchronizedTypes → Types
- def slowButSafeEnteringPhase[T](ph: Phase)(op: => T): T
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- def slowButSafeEnteringPhaseNotLaterThan[T](target: Phase)(op: => T): T
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- lazy val sn: SymbolNames
- Definition Classes
- StdNames
- def solve(tvars: List[TypeVar], tparams: List[Symbol], getVariance: Extractor[Symbol], upper: Boolean, depth: Depth): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- TypeConstraints
- def spanningTypes(ts: List[Type]): List[Type]
- Definition Classes
- GlbLubs
- def specializesSym(tp: Type, sym: Symbol, depth: Depth): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Types
- final def stripExistentialsAndTypeVars(ts: List[Type], expandLazyBaseType: Boolean): (List[Type], List[Symbol])
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def subsametypeRecursions: Int
- Definition Classes
- SynchronizedTypes → TypeComparers
- def subsametypeRecursions_=(value: Int): Unit
- Definition Classes
- SynchronizedTypes → TypeComparers
- final def sumSize(xss: List[List[_]], acc: Int): Int
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- Annotations
- @tailrec()
- def supplementErrorMessage(errorMessage: String): String
- Definition Classes
- Reporting
- def supplementTyperState(errorMessage: String): String
Don't want to introduce new errors trying to report errors, so swallow exceptions.
Don't want to introduce new errors trying to report errors, so swallow exceptions.
- Definition Classes
- Global → Reporting
- final def suspendingTypeVars[T](tvs: List[TypeVar])(op: => T): T
- Definition Classes
- Types
- Annotations
- @inline()
- def symName(tree: Tree, name: Name): String
- Definition Classes
- Printers
- def symbolOf[T](implicit arg0: WeakTypeTag[T]): TypeSymbol
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- lazy val syntaxAnalyzer: SyntaxAnalyzer { ... /* 2 definitions in type refinement */ }
- Definition Classes
- Global
- lazy val termNames: nme.type
- Definition Classes
- StdNames
- def throwableAsString(t: Throwable): String
- Definition Classes
- Global → SymbolTable
- def throwableAsString(t: Throwable, maxFrames: Int): String
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- def toStringRecursions: Int
- Definition Classes
- SynchronizedTypes → TypeToStrings
- def toStringRecursions_=(value: Int): Unit
- Definition Classes
- SynchronizedTypes → TypeToStrings
- def toStringSubjects: HashSet[Type]
- Definition Classes
- SynchronizedTypes → TypeToStrings
- final val traceSymbolActivity: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- def transformedType(sym: Symbol): Type
- Definition Classes
- ReflectGlobal → Transforms
- def transformedType(tpe: Type): Type forSome {val _1: PostErasure { val global: ReflectGlobal.this.type }}
- Definition Classes
- Transforms
- def transparentShallowTransform(container: Symbol, tp: Type)(f: (Type) => Type): Type
- Definition Classes
- Types
- final def transposeSafe[A](ass: List[List[A]]): Option[List[List[A]]]
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- final def traverseOpt[A, B](as: List[A])(f: (A) => Option[B]): Option[List[B]]
- Definition Classes
- Collections
- val treeBrowser: nsc.Global.treeBrowsers.SwingBrowser
- Definition Classes
- Global
- lazy val treeBuild: TreeGen
- Definition Classes
- Internals
- lazy val treeBuilder: TreeBuilder { val global: ReflectGlobal.this.type }
A spare instance of TreeBuilder left for backwards compatibility.
A spare instance of TreeBuilder left for backwards compatibility.
- Definition Classes
- Global
- val treeCopy: TreeCopier
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- final def typeDepth(tp: Type): Depth
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def typeFun(tps: List[Symbol], body: Type): Type
- Definition Classes
- Types
- lazy val typeNames: tpnme.type
- Definition Classes
- StdNames
- def typeOf[T](implicit ttag: TypeTag[T]): Type
- Definition Classes
- TypeTags
- def typeParamsString(tp: Type): String
- Definition Classes
- TypeDebugging
- def typeParamsToExistentials(clazz: Symbol): List[Symbol]
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def typeParamsToExistentials(clazz: Symbol, tparams: List[Symbol]): List[Symbol]
- Definition Classes
- Types
- final def typeRef(pre: Type, sym: Symbol, args: List[Type]): Type
- Definition Classes
- Types
- Annotations
- @tailrec()
- def typeTag[T](implicit ttag: TypeTag[T]): TypeTag[T]
- Definition Classes
- TypeTags
- def typeVarsInType(tp: Type): List[TypeVar]
- Definition Classes
- Types
- final def uncheckedBounds(tp: Type): Type
- Definition Classes
- Types
- lazy val undetBaseTypeSeq: BaseTypeSeq
- Definition Classes
- BaseTypeSeqs
- def undoLog: UndoLog
- Definition Classes
- SynchronizedTypes → TypeConstraints
- def unique[T <: Type](tp: T): T
- Definition Classes
- SynchronizedTypes → Types
- def useCases(sym: Symbol, site: Symbol): List[(Symbol, String, Position)]
The list of use cases of doc comment of symbol
seen as a member of classsite
.The list of use cases of doc comment of symbol
seen as a member of classsite
. Each use case consists of a synthetic symbol (which is entered nowhere else), of an expanded doc comment string, and of its position.- sym
The symbol for which use cases are returned
- site
The class for which doc comments are generated
- Definition Classes
- DocComments
- Exceptions thrown
when more than 10 successive expansions of the same string are done, which is interpreted as a recursive variable definition.
- val useOffsetPositions: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Global → Positions
- def validateClassInfo(tp: ClassInfoType): Unit
- Definition Classes
- SymbolLoaders
- def validatePositions(tree: Tree): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Positions
- final def varianceInType(tp: Type, considerUnchecked: Boolean)(tparam: Symbol): Variance
- Definition Classes
- Variances
- final def varianceInTypes(tps: List[Type])(tparam: Symbol): Variance
- Definition Classes
- Variances
- final def warningFreshNameCreator: FreshNameCreator
Creates a
that reports an error if it is used during the typer phaseCreates a
that reports an error if it is used during the typer phase- Definition Classes
- CompilationUnits
- def weakLub(tps: List[Type]): Type
- Definition Classes
- GlbLubs
- def weakTypeOf[T](implicit attag: WeakTypeTag[T]): Type
- Definition Classes
- TypeTags
- def weakTypeTag[T](implicit attag: WeakTypeTag[T]): WeakTypeTag[T]
- Definition Classes
- TypeTags
- def withInfoLevel[T](infolevel: nsc.ast.NodePrinters.InfoLevel.Value)(op: => T): T
- Definition Classes
- Global
- final def withPropagateCyclicReferences[T](t: => T): T
- Definition Classes
- Global
- Annotations
- @inline()
- def withTypesExplained[A](op: => A): A
- Definition Classes
- Types
- def wrappingIntoTerm(tree0: Tree)(op: (Tree) => Tree): Tree
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- def wrappingPos(trees: List[Tree]): Position
- Definition Classes
- Positions → Positions
- def wrappingPos(default: Position, trees: List[Tree]): Position
- Definition Classes
- Positions → Positions
- def xprintTree(treePrinter: InternalTreePrinter, tree: Tree): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Printers → Printers
- object Alternative extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.AlternativeExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- object Annotated extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.AnnotatedExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- object AnnotatedType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.AnnotatedTypeExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Types → Types
- object AnnotationInfo
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationInfos
- object AppliedTypeTree extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.AppliedTypeTreeExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- object Apply extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ApplyExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- object ApproximateDependentMap extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeMap
- Definition Classes
- TypeMaps
- object Assign extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.AssignExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- case object AutoApplicationAttachment extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.PlainAttachment with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- case object BackquotedIdentifierAttachment extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.PlainAttachment with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- object Bind extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.BindExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- object Block extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.BlockExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- object BooleanFlag extends
- Definition Classes
- Printers
- case object BooleanParameterType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.PlainAttachment with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- object BoundedWildcardType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.BoundedWildcardTypeExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Types → Types
- case object CaseApplyInheritAccess extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.PlainAttachment with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- object CaseDef extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.CaseDefExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- object ClassDef extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ClassDefExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- object ClassInfoType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ClassInfoTypeExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Types → Types
- object CompoundType
- Definition Classes
- Types
- object CompoundTypeTree extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.CompoundTypeTreeExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- object ConsoleWriter extends Writer
- Definition Classes
- Printers
- object Constant extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ConstantExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Constants → Constants
- object ConstantType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ConstantTypeExtractor
- Definition Classes
- Types → Types
- case object ConstructorNeedsFence extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.PlainAttachment with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- object CyclicReference extends
- Definition Classes
- Symbols
- object DefDef extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.DefDefExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- case object DelambdafyTarget extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.PlainAttachment with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- case object DiscardedExpr extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.PlainAttachment with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- case object DiscardedValue extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.PlainAttachment with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- case object DottyEnumSingleton extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.PlainAttachment with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- object EmptyScope extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Scope
- Definition Classes
- Scopes
- case object EmptyTree extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Tree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TermTree with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.CannotHaveAttrs with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- object ErasedValueType extends
- Definition Classes
- Types
- case object ErrorType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Type with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Types
- object ExistentialType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ExistentialTypeExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Types → Types
- object ExistentialTypeTree extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ExistentialTypeTreeExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- object Expr extends
- Definition Classes
- Exprs
- case object FieldTypeInferred extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.PlainAttachment with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- object Flag extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.FlagValues
- Definition Classes
- FlagSets → FlagSets
- object FoldableConstantType extends
- Definition Classes
- Types
- case object ForAttachment extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.PlainAttachment with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- object Function extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.FunctionExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- object GenPolyType
- Definition Classes
- Types
- object Ident extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.IdentExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- object If extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.IfExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- object Import extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ImportExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- object ImportSelector extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ImportSelectorExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- case object InfixAttachment extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.PlainAttachment with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- case object InlineCallsiteAttachment extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.InlineAnnotatedAttachment with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- case object InterpolatedString extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.PlainAttachment with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- object Kind
- Definition Classes
- Kinds
- object LabelDef extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.LabelDefExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- object Liftable extends reflect.api.Universe.StandardLiftableInstances
- Definition Classes
- Liftables
- object Literal extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.LiteralExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- object LiteralType extends
- Definition Classes
- Types
- case object LookupNotFound extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.NameLookup with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Scopes
- object Match extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.MatchExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- object MethodType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.MethodTypeExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Types → Types
- object MethodValue
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- object Modifiers extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ModifiersExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- object ModuleDef extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ModuleDefExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- case object MultiDefAttachment extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.PlainAttachment with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- case object MultiargInfixAttachment extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.PlainAttachment with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- object NamedArg extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.NamedArgExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- object New extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.NewExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- case object NoInlineCallsiteAttachment extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.InlineAnnotatedAttachment with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- case object NoPrefix extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Type with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Types → Types
- case object NoType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Type with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Types → Types
- case object NoWarnAttachment extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.PlainAttachment with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- object NullaryMethodType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.NullaryMethodTypeExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Types → Types
- case object NullaryOverrideAdapted extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.PlainAttachment with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- case object OuterArgCanBeElided extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.PlainAttachment with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- object PackageDef extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.PackageDefExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- case object PatVarDefAttachment extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.PlainAttachment with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- object PolyType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.PolyTypeExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Types → Types
- case object PostfixAttachment extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.PlainAttachment with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- object RefTree extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.RefTreeExtractor
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- object ReferenceToBoxed extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ReferenceToBoxedExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- object RefinedType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.RefinedTypeExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Types → Types
- object Return extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ReturnExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- case object RootSelection extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.PlainAttachment with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- object Scope
- Definition Classes
- Scopes
- object Select extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.SelectExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- object SelectFromTypeTree extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.SelectFromTypeTreeExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- object SingleType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.SingleTypeExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Types → Types
- object SingletonTypeTree extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.SingletonTypeTreeExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- object Star extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.StarExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- object StaticallyAnnotatedType
- Definition Classes
- Types
- object SubstSymMap
- Definition Classes
- TypeMaps
- object Super extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.SuperExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- object SuperType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.SuperTypeExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Types → Types
- case object SyntheticUnitAttachment extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.PlainAttachment with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- object Template extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TemplateExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- object TermName extends reflect.internal.Names.TermNameExtractor
- Definition Classes
- Names → Names
- object This extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ThisExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- object ThisType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ThisTypeExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Types → Types
- object Throw extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ThrowExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- object ThrownException
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationInfos
- object Try extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TryExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- object TypeApply extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeApplyExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- object TypeBounds extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeBoundsExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Types → Types
- object TypeBoundsTree extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeBoundsTreeExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- object TypeConKind
- Definition Classes
- Kinds
- object TypeDef extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeDefExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- object TypeName extends reflect.internal.Names.TypeNameExtractor
- Definition Classes
- Names → Names
- object TypeRef extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeRefExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Types → Types
- object TypeTag extends
- Definition Classes
- TypeTags
- object TypeTree extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeTreeExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- object TypeVar extends
- Definition Classes
- Types
- object Typed extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypedExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- case object TypedExpectingUnitAttachment extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.PlainAttachment with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- object UnApply extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.UnApplyExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- object UnmappableAnnotation extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.CompleteAnnotationInfo
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationInfos
- case object UnnamedArg extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.PlainAttachment with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- case object UseInvokeSpecial extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.PlainAttachment with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- object ValDef extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ValDefExtractor with
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- object ValOrDefDef
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- case object VirtualStringContext extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.PlainAttachment with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- StdAttachments
- object WeakTypeTag extends
- Definition Classes
- TypeTags
- case object WildcardType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ProtoType with Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- Types → Types
- object abstractTypesToBounds extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeMap
- Definition Classes
- TypeMaps
- object adaptToNewRunMap extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeMap
- Definition Classes
- TypeMaps
- object definitions extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.DefinitionsClass
- Definition Classes
- Definitions → StandardDefinitions
- object dropIllegalStarTypes extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeMap
- Definition Classes
- TypeMaps
- object dropSingletonType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeMap
- Definition Classes
- TypeMaps
- object duplicateAndResetPos extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Transformer
- Definition Classes
- Trees
- object inferKind
- Definition Classes
- Kinds
- object nme extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TermNames
- Definition Classes
- StdNames
- object noPrint extends (reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Tree) => Boolean
- Definition Classes
- TypeDebugging
- object noSelfType extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ValDef with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.CannotHaveAttrs
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- object pendingSuperCall extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.Apply with reflect.internal.SymbolTable.CannotHaveAttrs
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- object perRunCaches
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- object tpnme extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeNames
- Definition Classes
- StdNames
- object traceSymbols extends TraceSymbolActivity
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- object typeDebug extends AnsiColor
- Definition Classes
- TypeDebugging
- object unwrapToClass extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ClassUnwrapper
- Definition Classes
- Types
- object unwrapToStableClass extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.ClassUnwrapper
- Definition Classes
- Types
- object unwrapWrapperTypes extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.TypeUnwrapper
- Definition Classes
- Types
- object wildcardExtrapolation extends reflect.internal.SymbolTable.VariancedTypeMap
- Definition Classes
- TypeMaps
Deprecated Value Members
- final def assert(assertion: Boolean): Unit
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.12.5) consider supplying an explanatory message
- final def atPhase[T](ph: Phase)(op: => T): T
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- Annotations
- @deprecated @inline()
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.10.0) use enteringPhase
- def chrs: Array[Char]
- Definition Classes
- Names
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.12.9) Don't access name table contents directly.
- def chrs_=(cs: Array[Char]): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Names
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.12.9) Don't access name table contents directly.
- lazy val compat: Compat
- Definition Classes
- Internals → Internals
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.13.0) compatibility with Scala 2.10 EOL
- lazy val emptyValDef: noSelfType.type
- Definition Classes
- Trees → Trees
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.11.0) use
- def error(msg: String): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Reporting
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.13.4) use
- def isRaw(sym: Symbol, args: List[Type]): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Types
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.10.1) use isRawType
- def logThrowable(t: Throwable): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Global
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.10.1) Renamed to reportThrowable
- final def newAsSeenFromMap(pre: Type, clazz: Symbol): AsSeenFromMap
- Definition Classes
- TypeMaps
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.12.0) use new AsSeenFromMap instead
- def polyType(params: List[Symbol], tpe: Type): Type
- Definition Classes
- Types
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.10.0) use genPolyType(...) instead
- final def require(requirement: Boolean): Unit
- Definition Classes
- SymbolTable
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.12.5) consider supplying an explanatory message
- def stringToTermName(s: String): TermName
- Definition Classes
- Names
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.11.0) use
- def stringToTypeName(s: String): TypeName
- Definition Classes
- Names
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.11.0) use
- def warning(pos: Position, msg: String): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Reporting
- Annotations
- @deprecatedOverriding() @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.13.4) Use
- def warning(msg: String): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Reporting
- Annotations
- @deprecatedOverriding() @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.13.4) Use
The Scala compiler and reflection APIs.