
object Sorting

The Sorting object provides convenience wrappers for java.util.Arrays.sort. Methods that defer to java.util.Arrays.sort say that they do or under what conditions that they do.

Sorting also implements a general-purpose quicksort and stable (merge) sort for those cases where java.util.Arrays.sort could only be used at the cost of a large memory penalty. If performance rather than memory usage is the primary concern, one may wish to find alternate strategies to use java.util.Arrays.sort directly e.g. by boxing primitives to use a custom ordering on them.

Sorting provides methods where you can provide a comparison function, or can request a sort of items that are scala.math.Ordered or that otherwise have an implicit or explicit scala.math.Ordering.

Note also that high-performance non-default sorts for numeric types are not provided. If this is required, it is advisable to investigate other libraries that cover this use case.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

Sort an array of Doubles using java.util.Arrays.sort.

Sort an array of Doubles using java.util.Arrays.sort.

def quickSort(a: Array[Int]): Unit

Sort an array of Ints using java.util.Arrays.sort.

Sort an array of Ints using java.util.Arrays.sort.


Sort an array of Floats using java.util.Arrays.sort.

Sort an array of Floats using java.util.Arrays.sort.

def quickSort[K](a: Array[K])(implicit evidence$1: Ordering[K]): Unit

Sort array a with quicksort, using the Ordering on its elements.

Sort array a with quicksort, using the Ordering on its elements. This algorithm sorts in place, so no additional memory is used aside from what might be required to box individual elements during comparison.

def stableSort[K](a: Array[K])(implicit evidence$3: Ordering[K]): Unit

Sort array a using the Ordering on its elements, preserving the original ordering where possible.

Sort array a using the Ordering on its elements, preserving the original ordering where possible. Uses java.util.Arrays.sort unless K is a primitive type. This is the same as stableSort(a, 0, a.length).

def stableSort[K](a: Array[K], from: Int, until: Int)(implicit evidence$4: Ordering[K]): Unit

Sort array a or a part of it using the Ordering on its elements, preserving the original ordering where possible.

Sort array a or a part of it using the Ordering on its elements, preserving the original ordering where possible. Uses java.util.Arrays.sort unless K is a primitive type.

Value Params

The array to sort


The first index in the array to sort


The last index (exclusive) in the array to sort

def stableSort[K](a: Array[K], f: (K, K) => Boolean): Unit

Sort array a using function f that computes the less-than relation for each element.

Sort array a using function f that computes the less-than relation for each element. Uses java.util.Arrays.sort unless K is a primitive type. This is the same as stableSort(a, f, 0, a.length).

def stableSort[K](a: Array[K], f: (K, K) => Boolean, from: Int, until: Int): Unit

Sort array a or a part of it using function f that computes the less-than relation for each element.

Sort array a or a part of it using function f that computes the less-than relation for each element. Uses java.util.Arrays.sort unless K is a primitive type.

Value Params

The array to sort


A function that computes the less-than relation for each element


The first index in the array to sort


The last index (exclusive) in the array to sort

def stableSort[K](a: Seq[K])(implicit evidence$5: ClassTag[K], evidence$6: Ordering[K]): Array[K]

A sorted Array, using the Ordering for the elements in the sequence a.

A sorted Array, using the Ordering for the elements in the sequence a. Uses java.util.Arrays.sort unless K is a primitive type.

def stableSort[K](a: Seq[K], f: (K, K) => Boolean)(implicit evidence$7: ClassTag[K]): Array[K]

A sorted Array, given a function f that computes the less-than relation for each item in the sequence a.

A sorted Array, given a function f that computes the less-than relation for each item in the sequence a. Uses java.util.Arrays.sort unless K is a primitive type.

def stableSort[K, M](a: Seq[K], f: K => M)(implicit evidence$8: ClassTag[K], evidence$9: Ordering[M]): Array[K]

A sorted Array, given an extraction function f that returns an ordered key for each item in the sequence a.

A sorted Array, given an extraction function f that returns an ordered key for each item in the sequence a. Uses java.util.Arrays.sort unless K is a primitive type.
