Rules for Operators
The rules for infix operators have changed in some parts:
First, an alphanumeric method can be used as an infix operator only if its definition carries an infix
Second, it is recommended (but not enforced) to augment definitions of symbolic operators with @targetName
Finally, a syntax change allows infix operators to be written on the left in a multi-line expression.
The infix
An infix
modifier on a method definition allows using the method as an infix operation. Example:
import scala.annotation.targetName
trait MultiSet[T]:
infix def union(other: MultiSet[T]): MultiSet[T]
def difference(other: MultiSet[T]): MultiSet[T]
def *(other: MultiSet[T]): MultiSet[T]
end MultiSet
val s1, s2: MultiSet[Int]
s1 union s2 // OK
s1 `union` s2 // also OK but unusual
s1.union(s2) // also OK
s1.difference(s2) // OK
s1 `difference` s2 // OK
s1 difference s2 // gives a deprecation warning
s1 * s2 // OK
s1 `*` s2 // also OK, but unusual
s1.*(s2) // also OK, but unusual
Infix operations involving alphanumeric operators are deprecated, unless one of the following conditions holds:
- the operator definition carries an
modifier, or - the operator was compiled with Scala 2, or
- the operator is followed by an opening brace.
An alphanumeric operator is an operator consisting entirely of letters, digits, the $
and _
characters, or any Unicode character c
for which java.lang.Character.isIdentifierPart(c)
returns true
Infix operations involving symbolic operators are always allowed, so infix
is redundant for methods with symbolic names.
The infix
modifier can also be given to a type:
infix type or[X, Y]
val x: String or Int = ...
The purpose of the infix
modifier is to achieve consistency across a code base in how a method or type is applied. The idea is that the author of a method decides whether that method should be applied as an infix operator or in a regular application. Use sites then implement that decision consistently.
is a soft modifier. It is treated as a normal identifier except when in modifier position. -
If a method overrides another, their infix annotations must agree. Either both are annotated with
, or none of them are. -
modifiers can be given to method definitions. The first non-receiver parameter list of aninfix
method must define exactly one parameter. Examples:infix def op1(x: S): R // ok infix def op2[T](x: T)(y: S): R // ok infix def op3[T](x: T, y: S): R // error: two parameters extension (x: A) infix def op4(y: B): R // ok infix def op5(y1: B, y2: B): R // error: two parameters
modifiers can also be given to type, trait or class definitions that have exactly two type parameters. An infix type likeinfix type op[X, Y]
can be applied using infix syntax, i.e.
A op B
. -
To smooth migration to Scala 3.0, alphanumeric operators will only be deprecated from Scala 3.1 onwards, or if the
-source future
option is given in Dotty/Scala 3.
The @targetName
It is recommended that definitions of symbolic operators carry a @targetName
annotation that provides an encoding of the operator with an alphanumeric name. This has several benefits:
- It helps interoperability between Scala and other languages. One can call a Scala-defined symbolic operator from another language using its target name, which avoids having to remember the low-level encoding of the symbolic name.
- It helps legibility of stacktraces and other runtime diagnostics, where the user-defined alphanumeric name will be shown instead of the low-level encoding.
- It serves as a documentation tool by providing an alternative regular name as an alias of a symbolic operator. This makes the definition also easier to find in a search.
Syntax Change
Infix operators can now appear at the start of lines in a multi-line expression. Examples:
val str = "hello"
++ " world"
++ "!"
def condition =
x > 0
xs.exists(_ > 0)
|| xs.isEmpty
Previously, those expressions would have been rejected, since the compiler's semicolon inference would have treated the continuations ++ " world"
or || xs.isEmpty
as separate statements.
To make this syntax work, the rules are modified to not infer semicolons in front of leading infix operators. A leading infix operator is
- a symbolic identifier such as
, orapprox_==
, or an identifier in backticks that - starts a new line, and
- is not following a blank line, and
- is followed by at least one whitespace character and a token that can start an expression.
- Furthermore, if the operator appears on its own line, the next line must have at least the same indentation width as the operator.
| boiling
This is recognized as a single infix operation. Compare with:
This is seen as two statements, freezing
and !boiling
. The difference is that only the operator in the first example is followed by a space.
Another example:
??? match { case 0 => 1 }
This code is recognized as three different statements. ???
is syntactically a symbolic identifier, but neither of its occurrences is followed by a space and a token that can start an expression.
Unary operators
A unary operator must not have explicit parameter lists even if they are empty. A unary operator is a method named "unary_op
" where op
is one of +
, -
, !
, or ~