We are happy to announce a new Release Candidate in the Scala 2.9.x series: 2.9.2 RC1 [1]. This release includes many bugfixes, as well as backported documentation and scaladoc improvements from the community. Please point your build tools at 2.9.2-RC1!
This RC1 release candidate is made available for testing purposes only and is not intended for production environments: a final 2.9.2 release will follow at the end of the RC cycle. Please help us with the testing of this candidate, and let us know of any issues that you may encounter.
Here's a list of the issues that have been fixed since 2.9.1-1:
125b5037c8 | Fix for a bug in CharArrayReader which made tri... |
a26dd939b8 | Revert attempt to limit private types in lubs. |
3cfbfa3d0e | Fixes SI-5380: non-local return of try expression (cherry picked from commit 02e260a8e67e2b2b6f876aafe76cd61248a89374) |
1864e6d1c1 | Add test case for SI-4835 (https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-4835 [2]) |
841f074e2b | Fixed SI-4835 (https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-4835 [2]). |
da794bb4ee | Fixes NPE using iterator with an XML attribute ... |
b783e17319 | Fix various InnerClasses bugs. |
28be69e263 | Close file descriptor leak in sys.process. |
2e66a13e26 | fixes SI-5506. better cps type propagation for polymorphic and multi-argument list methods. |
9c3cbde0fd | Fix for error printing regression. |
e1810d1e88 | Migration message and version cleanup |
b57f68f34e | Improve description of flatten, flatMap |
0fcc5ce9c5 | Explain Function1 vs PartialFunction |
634382969a | Fixes SI-4507. |
d1870c2162 | Fixes to javascript in Scaladoc, contributed by... |
f4dec8a8af | Scaladoc now hides members with @bridge annotat... |
4f6cd102de | Improves the usability of Scaladoc when images ... |
1fb3760f96 | Minor changes to the Scaladoc stylesheets, as s... |
be067ac8de | Scaladoc shouldn't drop type arguments to alias... |
e54aa8c7bf | Fixes SI-4641 again. |
2701d7fa47 | Backported commit 7a99c03da1d31ac5950eecb30f422f43c5e3d04e from master |
Special thanks to all the contributors!
51 | Paul Phillips |
24 | Josh Suereth |
22 | Heather Miller |
17 | Kato Kazuyoshi |
10 | Daniel C. Sobral |
7 | Iulian Dragos |
3 | Tiark Rompf |
2 | Szabolcs Berecz |
2 | Simon Ochsenreither |
2 | michelou |
2 | Martin Odersky |
2 | Kota Mizushima |
2 | Josh Marcus |
2 | Blair Zajac |
1 | Vlad Ureche |
1 | Robert J. Macomber |
1 | Philipp Haller |
1 | Petr Hosek |
1 | Pedro Furlanetto |
1 | Mirco Dotta |
1 | Hubert Plociniczak |
1 | Grzegorz Kossakowski |
1 | fedgehog |
1 | Adriaan Moors |
Here's a complete list of changes:
243c62957e | Fixed sha to not have the 'g' for git. Swapped 'r' to 'v' now that I've had more coffee and sleep. |
f7e9d9cafe | Fixed maven deployment issues for new versioning scheme. |
7ecc31ea02 | Finished migrating to new versioning scheme |
125b5037c8 | Fix for a bug in CharArrayReader which made tri... |
c192c10e13 | Remove source-compatibility-breaking parentheses |
9cf68515c7 | properties loading is now maven/osgi version aware. yippie. |
a8b5d8a349 | Modified build for new versioning scheme. |
31653af16a | Moved to Mirco's versioning idea. |
6ec24f1611 | Fixes to build numbering system for 2.9.x release |
b8b51b70bf | Fix for checkfile difference. |
a26dd939b8 | Revert attempt to limit private types in lubs. |
33c0dd81f0 | Fix deadlocks occurring during presentation compiler shutdown. |
82000a1701 | Fix for cps regression. Closes 5538. Closes 5445. (cherry picked from commit 9f5767dd31395cac0bc64c86c2cacf247b1924fa) |
5a6af8fbc9 | Fixed type in maven deploy |
3cfbfa3d0e | Fixes SI-5380: non-local return of try expression (cherry picked from commit 02e260a8e67e2b2b6f876aafe76cd61248a89374) |
908be8f709 | Fixed instrumented.jar and scalacheck.jar location |
1864e6d1c1 | Add test case for SI-4835 (https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-4835 [2]) |
841f074e2b | Fixed SI-4835 (https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-4835 [2]). |
da794bb4ee | Fixes NPE using iterator with an XML attribute ... |
cab91e5e8c | Fixing missing , because I'm an idiot |
43fb071a47 | Fixed nightly target to include all documentation |
e8b02f7a92 | Yanked lubList from master. |
278040d820 | Created simple infrastructure for creating muta... |
216d75b981 | slight improvement to lubList so that the simpl... |
3d3d8689f0 | Better fix for memory leaks in the presentation compiler. Switched to perRunCaches and call clearAll from the presentation compiler |
b0ec249faf | More use of perRunCaches. |
b97d758bf2 | Fix version.number setting for snapshots |
74e5468f85 | -Xplugin value passed by the Eclipse IDE are incorrectly parsed when it contains whitespaces. |
496f29398a | changed repo id to denote new credentials for new serer. |
f1dbafb562 | Modified repository deployments to point to OSSRH |
9a956ff4e0 | Removed not-binary-compatible methods. |
b783e17319 | Fix various InnerClasses bugs. |
47d0ef4ac1 | Move code to a better place. |
7669675a77 | Major rewrite of sys.process documentation. |
28be69e263 | Close file descriptor leak in sys.process. |
9c486dcc73 | improve cps handling of if-then-else. no review. |
2e66a13e26 | fixes SI-5506. better cps type propagation for polymorphic and multi-argument list methods. |
0b9a0e0d09 | Added the SYNTHETIC flag for BRIDGE methods. The Eclipse Java compiler complains about duplicate methods otherwise. |
326984f988 | Speed up deployment using combined deploy settings. |
3181c55c1f | Fixed POM for sonatypes standards. |
6bbcf90564 | Added the ability to publish signed artifacts. |
0667c9a124 | Merged doc fixes from 2.10.x into 2.9.x |
143c184c4d | Remove alphanumeric characters from the major part of the Scala version number. |
69c2eb5ad2 | Establish more baseline tags. |
9415696be1 | Time-traveled get-scala-revision to 3-way merge base. |
b16cbcdf2e | Fix 2.9.2 scaladoc replacing nightlies in jenkins |
2f3370524f | Injecting epfl-publish into merge-base. |
ecd2e84ba7 | Added caching to binary resolution. |
ae80a3e6bf | Missing txt files when building compiler for strapp. |
3dc87b0ad3 | Checkfile update. |
a9129076d0 | Disambiguate some type printing. |
9c3cbde0fd | Fix for error printing regression. |
482fb9e3eb | Changing few Scaladoc values to methods to allow their overriding in Colladoc |
7ad3595a8d | Made the binary push script a bit friendlier for humans |
e1810d1e88 | Migration message and version cleanup |
bfa8154328 | Reword confusing explanation |
b57f68f34e | Improve description of flatten, flatMap |
0fcc5ce9c5 | Explain Function1 vs PartialFunction |
6544bcca85 | Add "Google tokens for Scala" for symbolic names |
634382969a | Fixes SI-4507. |
2e2394c7c9 | Fixes the annoying spaces between name, type params and params in ScalaDoc. |
0071ab37ee | Turning line endings to unix. |
9aef869d22 | revise and expand root-level Scaladoc |
d1870c2162 | Fixes to javascript in Scaladoc, contributed by... |
9b083a77b7 | Two argument asserts please. |
f4dec8a8af | Scaladoc now hides members with @bridge annotat... |
401da07efe | Fixed a Scaladoc layout issue affecting how typ... |
90b0f1b98a | Adds ability to document root package |
eab63b12e4 | Added footer command line option to ScalaDoc |
4f6cd102de | Improves the usability of Scaladoc when images ... |
163e7349b1 | Updated copyright notice in scaladoc. No review. |
e9b55f1b54 | Added copyright notice to all scaladoc pages. |
de0056de61 | Shows modifiers before kinds. |
10a3f7ac1e | Some "synthetic" code don't have RangePosition. |
fe71ffc544 | Adds support in Scaladoc for @todo tag. |
f155eaaa00 | Adds version information from @migration and @d... |
1fb3760f96 | Minor changes to the Scaladoc stylesheets, as s... |
be067ac8de | Scaladoc shouldn't drop type arguments to alias... |
37bab89515 | Scaladoc should decode symbolic type alias name. |
a96e633f6b | Should not set the parameter name's width on CSS. |
e54aa8c7bf | Fixes SI-4641 again. |
0b9271cbef | scaladoc fixes and improvements |
13ec9bc2bd | Add a test for #4421 and clean up a little. |
8b826aaa29 | Adds support for @throws in ScalaDoc. |
b19a216042 | The '#' sign may easily to lead to problems, So... |
1508d14f93 | Adds support for @note in ScalaDoc. |
c9cea6b811 | Some kind of scaladoc quoting fix from the sbt ... |
7542b8d312 | Merged enhancements made to scaladoc filter pan... |
e6afebf4bd | Some minor scaladoc tweaks and deletion of inco... |
3ef5a3d7eb | Fix a typo in the original commit. |
71164e23ee | Restore deprecated methods removed by mistake. |
259f75b273 | Fix documentation error |
452a55866b | Update scaladoc links to collections overview. |
e44aa9b36f | Enhanced scaladoc of collection classes with links to the relevant pages of "The Scala 2.8 Collections API" overview. |
a9e69b895f | Fix typo on Regex documentation. |
004c24b0d4 | Example in scala.sys.process didn't match the text that describes it. Fixed. |
8d5ce6459c | Big improvements to scala.Either. |
d6c7844e60 | Big improvements to the documentation of collection.Iterator, courtesy of Daniel Sobral. Also includes a small correction to the documentation of sys.process.Process. No review. |
3f0b3feb39 | Hugely improves the API documentation for JavaTokenParsers, Parsers, and RegexParsers. Contributed by Daniel Sobral during the September doc spree. |
5e8e33d9a6 | Improves PagedSeq API documentation. |
2b90c7de0b | Docspree documentation for Stream from Derek Wyatt |
44101d7d3c | Document the usage and methods of scala.sys.process. |
1c8add1460 | Improves documentation of scala.Predef. |
3808b3a6cd | Replaced Application with App in ScalaDoc. |
c90b3782ba | Hugely improves Regex documentation. |
90f2fdd4ee | A big improvement to Ordering documentation. |
a8c49d6d6a | Update Scaladoc for LinkedList and for some of the functions/operators - that it inherits. Completed Scaladoc for append Added example - in GenSeqLike for apply. Added $collectExample to collect in - GenTraversableLike and supplied an actual example in LinkedList |
4c1c65a0c5 | Move vector descrition from the obejct to the class, where it actually makes sense. Preserve previously existing attribute definitions. |
c745ce3a51 | Updated documentation for testing.Benchmark. |
2728b4ae5a | document scala.util.control.Breaks methods |
8188f74402 | collection docs: fix copy-paste errors in GenTraversableOnce |
fa989a2db6 | Some post-facto patch cleanups, no review. |
a493b30ec9 | Fleshed out scala.math.Ordered documentation. |
4631885aaa | Fix wiki markup of Equiv.scala. From Josh Marcus. |
fe2eb1794e | Fix Benchmark documentation to match current ar... |
5950c8416f | Documentation and examples for Regex. |
e2f9a6bace | Fixes some remaining formatting issues. |
b6f00c7dc1 | Small changes to docs only. No review. |
d04f8904aa | Further ScalaDoc fixes. |
8a947a2eb3 | Clarify scala.collection.immutable.Map#withDefaultValue() docs. |
f0da4d7976 | Fix documentation typo. |
83a09b4d8d | Fix doc comment. no review |
70aafe3fcc | Changed typo on doc of scala.collection.Seq. |
9638ca573b | Improved API documentation for scala.compat.Pla... |
488148654f | Improved documentation for scala.collection.imm... |
f2dc052a24 | Improves Benchmark documentation. |
54bac27e9e | Adds more documentation to Array. |
99bd373acd | Fixed doc comments of the keys and values metho... |
34ef5f08d5 | Basic scaladoc for some scala.math classes. |
3c83c646bf | Basic scaladoc for Vector. |
0152bb89e6 | Added documentation for RichInt. |
fc10c4c1b5 | Merge pull request #42 from jamie-allen/master |
d6faa07048 | Additional documentation for the Array type, wi... |
ce4e81a33f | corrected typo in scaladoc comment |
4c21f2a4a3 | Formatting fixes for scala.collection.JavaConve... |
c5f0b07dff | Fixes typo in ScalaDoc: IndexOutofBoundsExcepti... |
2701d7fa47 | Backported commit 7a99c03da1d31ac5950eecb30f422f43c5e3d04e from master |
4c37608e5c | Fix in bytecode generation. |
9b510ea991 | Don't mark mixed in methods as bridges. |
6ac297d3cc | Tweaking build string some more. |
cdabd23911 | More on get-scala-revision. |
5c7086b3c8 | More build.xml massaging. |
3a3832700f | Tweaking build string some more. |
a348cc3f83 | More on get-scala-revision. |
7d2db571b4 | Hardening get-scala-version. |
56536de18c | Making path to settings.xml configurable. |
59348d0160 | Boiling more logic out of jenkins. |
9c15462891 | Swimming with the jenkins current. |
abfc737822 | Separated build and publish scripts. |
ff7f9fcaa2 | Unified 2.8.x and 2.9.x build scripts. |
a2be0aff10 | Moved jenkins build script. |
e210de1128 | Unified 2.8.x and 2.9.x build scripts. |
068ae73d18 | Moved jenkins build script. |
e29bfb10c4 | Follow up on previous commit. |
0f2df920b1 | Backport of 26012,26013. |
227bffd370 | Backported r25904 and r25959. |
44b32ff306 | Backport of r25948 |
e196a153cc | Whitespace fix for continutations tests. |
07b1d4703e | Merged whitespace fixes |
c6f6a5f781 | Manually Backported r25899. |
8c1a86b2a0 | Backport of r25890 |
75738b6d40 | Merged revisions 25817 via svnmerge from |
2c38c7a8b0 | Removed stray (and incorrect) test |
e1fcf40707 | backport of 25800,25801 |
9a691cecef | backport of r25739 |
2719ac0a7d | Backport of r25661 and r25664. |
d35c4ad450 | Backport of r25625 and r25596. |
6a6ec3a372 | Version number on 2.9.x branch: 2.9.1.final -> ... |
[1] http://www.scala-lang.org/downloads#RC
[2] https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-4835