Receiving Security Announcements
Security announcements related to Scala are published to the “Security Announcements” channel on our discourse forum.
Messages to this channel can only be posted by administrators, so it is very low traffic. To set up email notifications for new security announcements, read this post.
Reporting Vulnerabilities
We strongly encourage reporting security issues in Scala to us privately before disclosing them in public.
The email address for security related communication is [email protected]
Messages are delivered to the Scala Security Team, which includes people from EPFL, the Scala Center, VirtusLab and Lightbend.
We strive to acknowledge reports within 2 business days. In case you don’t receive a reply within a few days and would like to escalate, our advice is to ask for a contact person in a forum hosted by the Scala organization:
- Meta category on Discourse
channel on Discord (invite link for joining)