Configuring and suppressing warnings in Scala

Lukas Rytz

Scala 2.13.2 introduced the -Wconf compiler flag to globally configure reporting of warnings, and the @nowarn annotation to locally suppress them. This addition to Scala 2.13 proved very popular, so it was backported to 2.12 and just released in 2.12.13. Having more control over compiler warnings makes them a lot more valuable:

  • In projects where the build log shows a lot of warnings that are mostly ignored, new helpful warnings can easily go undetected. The new functionality can be used to clean up the build log with manageable efforts and potentially enable fatal warnings (-Werror in 2.13, -Xfatal-warnings in 2.12). This has happened for example in the Scala compiler and standard library projects in the past few months – thank you, @NthPortal and @som-snytt!
  • Projects that already use fatal warnings get better utilities to work around corner cases where a warning cannot be avoided. This can allow further -Xlint checks to be enabled.

In this post we go through the mechanics of configuring warnings and also look at the new @nowarn annotation.

Warnings from the Scala compiler

We start off by recapping some of the most common scenarios where the Scala compiler emits warnings. A first category is suspicious code that is likely the result of a programming mistake:

scala> 1 == ""
       warning: comparing values of types Int and String using `==` will always yield false

scala> def f(x: Int) = { x; x }
       warning: a pure expression does nothing in statement position;
       multiline expressions might require enclosing parentheses

scala> def f(x: Int): Unit = return x + 1
       warning: enclosing method f has result type Unit: return value of type Int discarded

Warnings about non-exhaustive pattern matches and uncheckable type arguments are also issued by default (note that exhaustivity warnings just received a big upgrade in Scala 2.13.4):

scala> def get[T](o: Option[T]): T = o match { case Some(t) => t }
       warning: match may not be exhaustive.
       It would fail on the following input: None

scala> def f(l: List[Any]) = l match { case l: List[Int] => l.sum; case _ => l.length }
       warning: non-variable type argument Int in type pattern List[Int]
       is unchecked since it is eliminated by erasure

Annotating the scrutinee with @unchecked disables exhaustivity checking: (o: @unchecked) match .... Similarly, unchecked warnings are not issued for annotated type arguments: case l: List[Int @unchecked] => ....

Warnings about using deprecated features or APIs are not issued individually by default, but counted and summarized. The same applies to feature warnings, which warn about using advanced language features that are not generally encouraged.

$> scalac Test.scala
warning: 1 deprecation (since 2.13.0)
warning: 1 deprecation (since 2.13.3)
warning: 2 deprecations in total; re-run with -deprecation for details
warning: 1 feature warning; re-run with -feature for details
4 warnings

Using -deprecation and -feature these warnings are reported individually. As we will see later, these two flags are shorthands for changing the -Wconf configuration.

$> scalac Test.scala -deprecation -feature
Test.scala:2: warning: method  in class ArrowAssoc is deprecated (since 2.13.0): Use `->` instead [...]
  def f() = 1  2
Test.scala:3: warning: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated [...]
  def g = f._1
Test.scala:4: warning: reflective access of structural type member method bar [...]
  def h(x: { def bar: Int }) =
3 warnings

The Scala compiler supports additional compile-time checks that are not enabled by default to identify potential programming errors or discouraged code patterns. These checks are enabled using compiler flags and result in additional warnings being issued:

  • -Wunused (-Ywarn-unused in 2.12) warns about unused entities, for example unused local variables or unused imports. Run scalac -Wunused:help (-Ywarn-unused:help in 2.12) for details.
  • -Xlint enables a number of additional checks, for example when a type argument is inferred to Any. See scalac -Xlint:help for details.
  • scalac -W (-Y in 2.12) lists a few additional warnings, such as -Wdead-code (-Ywarn-dead-code in 2.12).

Finally, warnings can be globally disabled using -nowarn or turned into errors with -Werror (-Xfatal-warnings in 2.12). The new -Wconf compiler option allows for more fine-grained configuration.

Configuring warnings

The -Wconf compiler option allows filtering compiler warnings and applying an action to messages matching the filter. For example, the default configuration


defines that warnings with category deprecation should be summarized as a single warning (ws, which means warning-summary), and the same for feature and optimizer warnings.

Running scalac -Wconf:help explains how to specify a configuration, but we take a detailed look in the following sections. Generally, the syntax is -Wconf:<filters>:<action>,<filters>:<action>,....


The <action> defines how warnings matching a filter are handled:

  • error / e reports them as errors.
  • warning / w reports them as warnings (this is the default).
  • info / i reports them without counting them as warnings, and without causing -Werror to fail.
  • silent / s ignores them.

Like deprecations and feature warnings, a group of warnings and infos can be reported as a single summary (warning-summary / ws and info-summary / is). Specifying -Wconf:cat=deprecation:w overrides the default and reports every deprecation warning individually – this is exactly what the -deprecation flag does internally.

Warnings and infos can be issued in verbose mode (warning-verbose / wv and info-verbose / iv). This displays additional information about the warning that is helpful for writing filters. For example:

$> scalac -Wconf:any:wv Test.scala
Test.scala:4: warning: [deprecation @ | origin=scala.Predef.ArrowAssoc.→ | version=2.13.0] method  in class ArrowAssoc is deprecated [...]
  def f() = 1  2

Here, the warning message includes the following additional information:

  • the warning category deprecation
  • the site where the warning is issued
  • the origin of the deprecation scala.Predef.ArrowAssoc.→
  • the since version of the deprecation 2.13.0


The actions explained above are always applied to a set of warnings selected by a filter expression. The following filters are available:

  • any matches every message.
  • cat=deprecation filters according to the message category, for example deprecations (details below).
  • msg=regex applies if some part of the message matches the regex.
  • site=my\.package\..* filters on the site where the warning is triggered. The regex must match the entity’s full name (package.Class.method). Note that . in a regex matches any character while \. matches a single period.
  • src=src_managed/.* filters warnings issued in a source file (details below).
  • Deprecation warnings can be filtered on two additional criteria:
    • origin=external\.package\..* filters on full name of the deprecated entity.
    • since<1.24 filters on the since annotation argument of the deprecated entity (details below).

Multiple filters can be combined using & to narrow down the selection. For example, the following configuration turns deprecation warnings for scala.Predef into errors:

$> scalac '-Wconf:cat=deprecation&origin=scala\.Predef\..*:e' Test.scala
Test.scala:4: error: method  in class ArrowAssoc is deprecated [...]
  def f() = 1  2
1 error

Note that the -Wconf:... compiler argument is between quotes (') in the command line, which prevents the shell from interpreting characters like & or *.

For some of the filters the syntax is not trivial, so we look at them in more detail.

  • Message category: Every message has a category that is displayed in verbose mode (-Wconf:any:wv). The -Wconf:help option displays the full list of available categories. For example, every -Xlint warning has its own category (lint-infer-any), the super-category lint matches all lint warnings.
  • Source file: By default, the source file filter is a regex that must match the file path relative to any path segment. For example, b/.*Test.scala matches /a/b/XTest.scala but not /ab/Test.scala. If the -rootdir compiler option is specified, the regex must match the file path relative to that root directory.
  • Since version for deprecations: In a since<1.24 filter expression, valid operators are <, = and > and valid version numbers are N, N.M and N.M.P. Because the since annotation argument can contain arbitrary text, the first version number found in the text is used for the comparison, for example 1.2.3 in @deprecated("", "some lib 1.2.3-foo").

Local warning suppression using @nowarn

The @nowarn annotation allows suppressing warnings locally within a source file. It can be applied to method or class definitions, or to individual expressions using the ascription syntax expression: @nowarn.

scala> @deprecated def dpr = 0
def dpr: Int

// don't issue any warnings for code in method `f`
scala> @annotation.nowarn def f = { 1; dpr }
def f: Int

// don't issue the "a pure expression does nothing in statement position" warning
scala> def f = {
     |   1: @annotation.nowarn 
     |   dpr
     | }
       warning: method dpr is deprecated
def f: Int

The @nowarn annotation has an optional value parameter to silence warnings selectively, where the syntax is the same as a filter expression of the -Wconf compiler option.

scala> @annotation.nowarn("msg=pure expression does nothing") def f = { 1; dpr }
       warning: method dpr is deprecated
def f: Int

To ensure that @nowarn annotations actually suppress warnings, enable -Xlint:unused or -Wunused:nowarn. With this option, the compiler checks that every @nowarn annotation suppresses at least one warning and issues a warning otherwise:

scala> @annotation.nowarn def f = 1
       warning: @nowarn annotation does not suppress any warnings
def f: Int


The @nowarn annotation is heavily inspired from the fantastic silencer compiler plugin by Roman Janusz, so I thank Roman for inventing, implementing and maintaining this feature before it was adopted by the compiler.