object ContextMode

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. ContextMode
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Value Members

  1. final val AmbiguousErrors: ContextMode
  2. final val ConstructorSuffix: ContextMode

    Are we in a secondary constructor after the this constructor call?

  3. final val DefaultMode: ContextMode
  4. final val DiagUsedDefaults: ContextMode

    Were default arguments used?

  5. final val EnrichmentEnabled: ContextMode

    To selectively allow enrichment in patterns, where other kinds of implicit conversions are not allowed

  6. final val FormerNonStickyModes: ContextMode

    TODO: The "sticky modes" are EXPRmode, PATTERNmode, TYPEmode.

    TODO: The "sticky modes" are EXPRmode, PATTERNmode, TYPEmode. To mimic the sticky mode behavior, when captain stickyfingers comes around we need to propagate those modes but forget the other context modes which were once mode bits; those being so far the ones listed here.

  7. final val ImplicitsEnabled: ContextMode
  8. final val MacrosEnabled: ContextMode
  9. final val NOmode: ContextMode
  10. final val PatternAlternative: ContextMode

    Are we typechecking pattern alternatives.

    Are we typechecking pattern alternatives. Formerly ALTmode.

  11. final val ReTyping: ContextMode

    Are we retypechecking arguments independently from the function applied to them? See Typer.tryTypedApply TODO - iron out distinction/overlap with SecondTry.

  12. final val ReturnExpr: ContextMode

    Are we in return position? Formerly RETmode.

  13. final val ReturnsSeen: ContextMode

    For method context: were returns encountered?

  14. final val SecondTry: ContextMode
  15. final val SelfSuperCall: ContextMode

    Is this context (enclosed in) a constructor call? (the call to the super or self constructor in the first line of a constructor.) In such a context, the object's fields should not be in scope

  16. final val StarPatterns: ContextMode

    Are star patterns allowed.

    Are star patterns allowed. Formerly STARmode.

  17. final val SuperInit: ContextMode

    Are we typing the "super" in a superclass constructor call super.<init>.

    Are we typing the "super" in a superclass constructor call super.<init>. Formerly SUPERCONSTRmode.

  18. final val SuppressDeadArgWarning: ContextMode

    Should a dead code warning be issued for a Nothing-typed argument to the current application.

  19. final val TypeConstructorAllowed: ContextMode

    Are unapplied type constructors allowed here? Formerly HKmode.

  20. def apply(bits: Int): ContextMode