trait Namers extends MethodSynthesis

This trait declares methods to create symbols and to enter them into scopes.

Self Type


Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Namers
  2. MethodSynthesis
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. by any2stringadd
  2. by StringFormat
  3. by Ensuring
  4. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class ClassMethodSynthesis extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  2. trait MethodSynth extends AnyRef

    There are two key methods in here.

    There are two key methods in here.

    1) Enter methods such as enterGetterSetter are called from Namer with a tree which may generate further trees such as accessors or implicit wrappers. Some setup is performed. In general this creates symbols and enters them into the scope of the owner.

    2) addDerivedTrees is called from Typer when a Template is typed. It completes the job, returning a list of trees with their symbols set to those created in the enter methods. Those trees then become part of the typed template.

    Definition Classes
  3. class CompleterWrapper extends Analyzer.TypeCompleter

    Wrap an existing completer to do some post/pre-processing of the completed type.

  4. trait LockingTypeCompleter extends Analyzer.TypeCompleter
  5. abstract class Namer extends Analyzer.MethodSynth with Analyzer.NamerContextErrors
  6. class PolyTypeCompleter extends Analyzer.TypeCompleter with Analyzer.LockingTypeCompleter with Global.FlagAgnosticCompleter

    A class representing a lazy type with known type parameters.

    A class representing a lazy type with known type parameters. ctx is the namer context in which the owner is defined.

    Constructing a PolyTypeCompleter for a DefDef creates type skolems for the type parameters and assigns them to the tparams trees.

  7. abstract class TypeCompleter extends Global.LazyType
  8. abstract class TypeCompleterBase[T <: Global.Tree] extends Analyzer.TypeCompleter with Analyzer.LockingTypeCompleter with Global.FlagAgnosticCompleter

Value Members

  1. def companionSymbolOf(original: Global.Symbol, ctx: Analyzer.Context): Global.Symbol

    The companion class or companion module of original.

    The companion class or companion module of original. Calling .companionModule does not work for classes defined inside methods.

    !!! Then why don't we fix companionModule? Does the presence of these methods imply all the places in the compiler calling sym.companionModule are bugs waiting to be reported? If not, why not? When exactly do we need to call this method?

  2. final def linkedClassOfClassOf(original: Global.Symbol, ctx: Analyzer.Context): Global.Symbol

    A version of Symbol#linkedClassOfClass that works with local companions, ala companionSymbolOf.

  3. def newNamer(context: Analyzer.Context): Analyzer.Namer

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def mkTypeCompleter(t: Global.Tree)(c: (Global.Symbol) ⇒ Unit): Analyzer.TypeCompleterBase[Global.Tree]

    (Since version 2.12.2) Instantiate TypeCompleterBase (for monomorphic, non-wrapping completer) or CompleterWrapper directly.