class FileChooser extends AnyRef

Used to open file dialogs.

See also


Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. FileChooser
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new FileChooser()
  2. new FileChooser(dir: File)

Value Members

  1. def acceptAllFileFilter: FileFilter
  2. def accessory: Component
  3. def accessory_=(c: Component): Unit
  4. def controlButtonsAreShown: Boolean
  5. def controlButtonsAreShown_=(b: Boolean): Unit
  6. def descriptionFor(f: File): String
  7. def fileFilter: FileFilter
  8. def fileFilter_=(f: FileFilter): Unit
  9. def fileHidingEnabled: Boolean
  10. def fileHidingEnabled_=(b: Boolean): Unit
  11. def fileSelectionMode: FileChooser.SelectionMode.Value
  12. def fileSelectionMode_=(s: FileChooser.SelectionMode.Value): Unit
  13. def iconFor(f: File): Icon
  14. def multiSelectionEnabled: Boolean
  15. def multiSelectionEnabled_=(b: Boolean): Unit
  16. def nameFor(f: File): String
  17. lazy val peer: JFileChooser
  18. def selectedFile: File
  19. def selectedFile_=(file: File): Unit
  20. def selectedFiles: Seq[File]
  21. def selectedFiles_=(files: File*): Unit
  22. def showDialog(over: PeerContainer, approveText: String): FileChooser.Result.Value

    Display a dialog box to select a file.

    Display a dialog box to select a file.


    Parent container - Component, Frame or Dialog


    Text for the 'ok' or 'approve' button.


    a Result value based how dialog was closed.

  23. def showOpenDialog(over: PeerContainer): FileChooser.Result.Value

    Display a dialog box to select an "Open File" file.

    Display a dialog box to select an "Open File" file.


    Parent container - Component, Frame or Dialog


    a Result value based how dialog was closed.

  24. def showSaveDialog(over: PeerContainer): FileChooser.Result.Value

    Display a dialog box to select a "Save File" file.

    Display a dialog box to select a "Save File" file.


    Parent container - Component, Frame or Dialog


    a Result value based how dialog was closed.

  25. def title: String
  26. def title_=(t: String): Unit
  27. def traversable(f: File): Boolean
  28. def typeDescriptionFor(f: File): String