


package swing

Useful imports that don't have wrappers.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. swing
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract class AbstractButton extends Component with Wrapper with Publisher

    Base class of all button-like widgets, such as push buttons, check boxes, and radio buttons.

    Base class of all button-like widgets, such as push buttons, check boxes, and radio buttons.

    See also


  2. abstract class Action extends AnyRef

    An abstract action to be performed in reaction to user input.

    An abstract action to be performed in reaction to user input.

    Not every action component will honor every property of its action. An action itself can generally be configured so that certain properties should be ignored and instead taken from the component directly. In the end, it is up to a component which property it uses in which way.

    See also


  3. trait Adjustable extends Oriented
  4. abstract class Applet extends JApplet

    Clients should implement the ui field.

    Clients should implement the ui field. See the SimpleApplet demo for an example.

    Note: Applet extends javax.swing.JApplet to satisfy Java's applet loading mechanism. The usual component wrapping scheme doesn't work here.

    See also


  5. class BorderPanel extends Panel with LayoutContainer

    A container that arranges its children around a central component that takes most of the space.

    A container that arranges its children around a central component that takes most of the space. The other children are placed on one of four borders: north, east, south, west.

    See also


  6. class BoxPanel extends Panel with Wrapper

    A panel that lays out its contents one after the other, either horizontally or vertically.

    A panel that lays out its contents one after the other, either horizontally or vertically.

    See also


  7. class Button extends AbstractButton with Publisher

    A button that can be clicked, usually to perform some action.

    A button that can be clicked, usually to perform some action.

    See also


  8. class ButtonGroup extends AnyRef

    A button mutex.

    A button mutex. At most one of its associated buttons is selected at a time.

    See also


  9. class CheckBox extends ToggleButton

    Two state button that can either be checked or unchecked.

    Two state button that can either be checked or unchecked.

    See also


  10. class CheckMenuItem extends MenuItem

    A menu item with a check box.

    A menu item with a check box.

    See also


  11. type Color = java.awt.Color
  12. class ColorChooser extends Component
  13. class ComboBox[A] extends Component with Publisher

    Let's the user make a selection from a list of predefined items.

    Let's the user make a selection from a list of predefined items. Visually, this is implemented as a button-like component with a pull-down menu.

    See also


  14. abstract class Component extends UIElement

    Base class for all UI elements that can be displayed in a window.

    Base class for all UI elements that can be displayed in a window. Components are publishers that fire the following event classes: ComponentEvent, FocusEvent, FontChanged, ForegroundChanged, BackgroundChanged.


    [Java Swing] Unlike in Java Swing, not all components are also containers.

    See also

    http://java.sun.com/products/jfc/tsc/articles/painting/ for the component painting mechanism


  15. trait Container extends UIElement

    The base traits for UI elements that can contain Components.

    The base traits for UI elements that can contain Components.


    [Java Swing] This is not the wrapper for java.awt.Container but a trait that extracts a common interface for components, menus, and windows.

  16. class Dialog extends Window with RichWindow

    A dialog window.

    A dialog window.

    See also


  17. type Dimension = java.awt.Dimension
  18. class EditorPane extends TextComponent

    A text component that allows multiline text input and display.

    A text component that allows multiline text input and display.

    See also


  19. class FileChooser extends AnyRef

    Used to open file dialogs.

    Used to open file dialogs.

    See also


  20. class FlowPanel extends Panel with Wrapper

    A panel that arranges its contents horizontally, one after the other.

    A panel that arranges its contents horizontally, one after the other. If they don't fit, this panel will try to insert line breaks.

    See also


  21. type Font = java.awt.Font
  22. class FormattedTextField extends TextComponent

    A text field with formatted input.

    A text field with formatted input.

    See also


  23. class Frame extends Window with RichWindow

    A window with decoration such as a title, border, and action buttons.

    A window with decoration such as a title, border, and action buttons.

    An AWT window cannot be wrapped dynamically with this class, i.e., you cannot write something like new Window { def peer = myAWTWindow }

    See also


  24. type Graphics2D = java.awt.Graphics2D
  25. class GridBagPanel extends Panel with LayoutContainer

    A panel that arranges its children in a grid.

    A panel that arranges its children in a grid. Layout details can be given for each cell of the grid.

    See also


  26. class GridPanel extends Panel with Wrapper

    A panel that lays out its contents in a uniform grid.

    A panel that lays out its contents in a uniform grid.

    See also


  27. type Image = java.awt.Image
  28. type Insets = java.awt.Insets
  29. class Label extends Component

    A label component that display either a text, an icon, or both.

    A label component that display either a text, an icon, or both.

    See also


  30. trait LayoutContainer extends Wrapper

    A container that associates layout constraints of member type Constraints with its children.

    A container that associates layout constraints of member type Constraints with its children.

    See GridBagPanel for an example container with custom constraints.


    [Java Swing] In scala.swing, panels and layout managers are combined into subclasses of this base class. This approach allows for typed component constraints.

  31. class ListView[A] extends Component

    A component that displays a number of elements in a list.

    A component that displays a number of elements in a list. A list view does not support inline editing of items. If you need it, use a table view instead.

    Named ListView to avoid a clash with the frequently used scala.List

    See also


  32. class MainFrame extends Frame

    A frame that can be used for main application windows.

    A frame that can be used for main application windows. Shuts down the framework and quits the application when closed.

  33. class Menu extends MenuItem with Wrapper

    A menu.

    A menu. Contains menu items. Being a menu item itself, menus can be nested.

    See also


  34. class MenuBar extends Component with Wrapper

    A menu bar.

    A menu bar. Each window can contain at most one. Contains a number of menus.

    See also


  35. class MenuItem extends AbstractButton

    A menu item that can be used in a menu.

    A menu item that can be used in a menu.

    See also


  36. trait Orientable extends Oriented

    An Oriented whose orientation can be changed.

  37. trait Oriented extends AnyRef

    Something that can have an orientation.

  38. abstract class Panel extends Component with Wrapper

    A component that can contain other components.

    A component that can contain other components.

    See also


  39. class PasswordField extends TextField

    A password field, that displays a replacement character for each character in the password.

    A password field, that displays a replacement character for each character in the password.

    See also


  40. type Point = java.awt.Point
  41. class PopupMenu extends Component with Wrapper with Publisher

    A popup menu.

    A popup menu.

    Example usage:

    val popupMenu = new PopupMenu {
      contents += new Menu("menu 1") {
        contents += new RadioMenuItem("radio 1.1")
        contents += new RadioMenuItem("radio 1.2")
      contents += new Menu("menu 2") {
        contents += new RadioMenuItem("radio 2.1")
        contents += new RadioMenuItem("radio 2.2")
    val button = new Button("Show Popup Menu")
    reactions += {
      case e: ButtonClicked => popupMenu.show(button, 0, button.bounds.height)
    See also


  42. class ProgressBar extends Component with Wrapper

    A bar indicating progress of some action.

    A bar indicating progress of some action. Can be in indeterminate mode, in which it indicates that the action is in progress (usually by some animation) but does not indicate the amount of work done or to be done.

    See also


  43. trait Publisher extends Reactor

    Notifies registered reactions when an event is published.

    Notifies registered reactions when an event is published. Publishers are also reactors and listen to themselves per default as a convenience.

    In order to reduce memory leaks, reactions are weakly referenced by default, unless they implement Reactions.StronglyReferenced. That way, the lifetime of reactions are more easily bound to the registering object, which are reactors in common client code and hold strong references to their reactions. As a result, reactors can be garbage collected even though they still have reactions registered at some publisher, but not vice versa since reactors (strongly) reference publishers they are interested in.

  44. class RadioButton extends ToggleButton

    A two state button that is usually used in a ButtonGroup together with other RadioButtons, in order to indicate that at most one of them can be selected.

    A two state button that is usually used in a ButtonGroup together with other RadioButtons, in order to indicate that at most one of them can be selected.

    See also


  45. class RadioMenuItem extends MenuItem

    A menu item with a radio button.

    A menu item with a radio button.

    See also


  46. abstract class Reactions extends Reaction

    Used by reactors to let clients register custom event reactions.

  47. trait Reactor extends AnyRef

    The counterpart to publishers.

    The counterpart to publishers. Listens to events from registered publishers.

  48. type Rectangle = java.awt.Rectangle
  49. abstract class RefBuffer[A <: AnyRef] extends Buffer[A] with SingleRefCollection[A]
  50. sealed trait RichWindow extends Window

    A window that adds some functionality to the plain Window class and serves as the common base class for frames and dialogs.

    A window that adds some functionality to the plain Window class and serves as the common base class for frames and dialogs.

    Implementation note: this class is sealed since we need to know that a rich window is either a dialog or a frame at some point.

  51. trait RootPanel extends Container

    The root of a component hierarchy.

    The root of a component hierarchy. Contains at most one component.

    See also


  52. class ScrollBar extends Component with Wrapper with Wrapper
  53. class ScrollPane extends Component with Container

    Can have at most a single child component, which will be put inside a canvas (the viewport) that can be scrolled.

    Can have at most a single child component, which will be put inside a canvas (the viewport) that can be scrolled.

    See also


  54. trait Scrollable extends Component

    A component that is specially suitable for being placed inside a ScrollPane.

    A component that is specially suitable for being placed inside a ScrollPane.

    See also


  55. class Separator extends Component with Wrapper

    A bar that can be used a separator, most commonly in menus.

    A bar that can be used a separator, most commonly in menus.

    See also


  56. trait SequentialContainer extends Container

    A container for which a sequential order of children makes sense, such as flow panels, or menus.

    A container for which a sequential order of children makes sense, such as flow panels, or menus. Its contents are mutable.

  57. abstract class SimpleSwingApplication extends SwingApplication

    Extend this class for most simple UI applications.

    Extend this class for most simple UI applications. Clients need to implement the top method. Framework initialization is done by this class.

    In order to conform to Swing's threading policy, never implement top or any additional member that created Swing components as a value unless component creation happens on the EDT (see Swing.onEDT and Swing.onEDTWait). Lazy values are okay for the same reason if they are initialized on the EDT always.

  58. class Slider extends Component with Wrapper with Publisher

    Lets users select a value from a given range.

    Lets users select a value from a given range. Visually, this is represented as a draggable knob on a horizontal or vertical bar.

    Fires a ValueChanged event whenever the slider's value changes and when the knob is released.

    See also


  59. class SplitPane extends Component with Container with Wrapper

    A container with exactly two children.

    A container with exactly two children. Arranges them side by side, either horizontally or vertically. Displays a draggable divider component between them that lets the user adjust the size ratio of the children.

    See also


  60. abstract class SwingApplication extends Reactor

    Convenience class with utility methods for GUI applications.

  61. class TabbedPane extends Component with Publisher

    Displays the contents of one of several pages at a time.

    Displays the contents of one of several pages at a time. For each page a tab is visible at all times. The user can click on one of these tabs to move the corresponding page to the front.

    See also


  62. class Table extends Component with Wrapper

    Displays a matrix of items.

    Displays a matrix of items.

    To obtain a scrollable table or row and columns headers, wrap the table in a scroll pane.

    See also


  63. class TextArea extends TextComponent with HasColumns with HasRows

    A text component that allows multiline text input and display.

    A text component that allows multiline text input and display.

    See also


  64. class TextComponent extends Component with Publisher

    A component that allows some kind of text input and display.

    A component that allows some kind of text input and display.

    See also


  65. class TextField extends TextComponent with HasColumns with Wrapper

    A text component that allows single line text input and display.

    A text component that allows single line text input and display.

    See also


  66. class TextPane extends TextComponent

    A text component used to model styled paragraphs of text.

    A text component used to model styled paragraphs of text.

    See also


  67. class ToggleButton extends AbstractButton

    A two state button with a push button like user interface.

    A two state button with a push button like user interface. Usually used in tool bars.

    See also


  68. class ToolBar extends Component with Wrapper

    Like a menu, a way to map text or icons to actions; but detachable from the rest of the user interface.

  69. trait UIElement extends Proxy with LazyPublisher

    The base trait of all user interface elements.

    The base trait of all user interface elements. Subclasses belong to one of two groups: top-level elements such as windows and dialogs, or Components.


    [Implementation] A UIElement automatically adds itself to the component cache on creation.


    [Java Swing] This trait does not have an exact counterpart in Java Swing. The peer is of type java.awt.Component since this is the least common upper bound of possible underlying peers.

    See also


  70. abstract class Window extends UIElement with RootPanel with Publisher

    A window with decoration such as a title, border, and action buttons.

    A window with decoration such as a title, border, and action buttons.

    An AWT window cannot be wrapped dynamically with this class, i.e., you cannot write something like new Window { def peer = myAWTWindow }

    See also


Value Members

  1. implicit lazy val implicitConversions: implicitConversions
  2. implicit lazy val reflectiveCalls: reflectiveCalls
  3. object Action
  4. object Adjustable
  5. object Alignment extends Enumeration

    Horizontal and vertical alignments.

    Horizontal and vertical alignments. We sacrifice a bit of type-safety for simplicity here.

    See also


  6. object BorderPanel
  7. object Button
  8. object ColorChooser

    Wrapper for JColorChooser.

    Wrapper for JColorChooser. Publishes ColorChanged events, when the color selection changes.

    See also


  9. object ComboBox
  10. object Component

    Utility methods, mostly for wrapping components.

  11. object Container
  12. object Dialog

    Simple predefined dialogs.

    Simple predefined dialogs.

    See also


  13. object FileChooser
  14. object FlowPanel
  15. object FormattedTextField
  16. object GridBagPanel
  17. object GridPanel
  18. object ListView
  19. object MenuBar
  20. object Orientable
  21. object Orientation extends Enumeration
  22. object Oriented
  23. object Reactions
  24. object RichWindow
  25. object ScrollBar
  26. object ScrollPane
  27. object Scrollable
  28. object SequentialContainer
  29. object Swing

    Helpers for this package.

  30. object TabbedPane
  31. object Table
  32. object TextComponent
  33. object UIElement