trait UIElement extends Proxy with LazyPublisher

The base trait of all user interface elements. Subclasses belong to one of two groups: top-level elements such as windows and dialogs, or Components.


[Implementation] A UIElement automatically adds itself to the component cache on creation.


[Java Swing] This trait does not have an exact counterpart in Java Swing. The peer is of type java.awt.Component since this is the least common upper bound of possible underlying peers.

See also


Linear Supertypes
LazyPublisher, Publisher, Reactor, Proxy, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. UIElement
  2. LazyPublisher
  3. Publisher
  4. Reactor
  5. Proxy
  6. AnyRef
  7. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def peer: java.awt.Component

    The underlying Swing peer.

Concrete Value Members

  1. def background: Color
  2. def background_=(c: Color): Unit
  3. def bounds: Rectangle
  4. def componentOrientation: ComponentOrientation
  5. def componentOrientation_=(x: ComponentOrientation): Unit
  6. def cursor: Cursor
  7. def cursor_=(c: Cursor): Unit
  8. def deafTo(ps: Publisher*): Unit

    Installed reaction won't receive events from the given publisher anylonger.

    Installed reaction won't receive events from the given publisher anylonger.

    Definition Classes
  9. def displayable: Boolean
  10. def equals(that: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    Proxy → Any
  11. def font: Font
  12. def font_=(f: Font): Unit
  13. def foreground: Color
  14. def foreground_=(c: Color): Unit
  15. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    Proxy → Any
  16. def ignoreRepaint: Boolean
  17. def ignoreRepaint_=(b: Boolean): Unit
  18. def listenTo(ps: Publisher*): Unit

    Listen to the given publisher as long as deafTo isn't called for them.

    Listen to the given publisher as long as deafTo isn't called for them.

    Definition Classes
  19. def locale: Locale
  20. def location: Point
  21. def locationOnScreen: Point
  22. def maximumSize: Dimension
  23. def maximumSize_=(x: Dimension): Unit
  24. def minimumSize: Dimension
  25. def minimumSize_=(x: Dimension): Unit
  26. def preferredSize: Dimension
  27. def preferredSize_=(x: Dimension): Unit
  28. def publish(e: Event): Unit

    Notify all registered reactions.

    Notify all registered reactions.

    Definition Classes
  29. val reactions: Reactions

    All reactions of this reactor.

    All reactions of this reactor.

    Definition Classes
  30. def repaint(rect: Rectangle): Unit
  31. def repaint(): Unit
  32. def self: java.awt.Component
    Definition Classes
    UIElement → Proxy
  33. def showing: Boolean
  34. def size: Dimension
  35. def subscribe(listener: Reaction): Unit
    Definition Classes
    LazyPublisher → Publisher
  36. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    Proxy → Any
  37. def toolkit: Toolkit
  38. def unsubscribe(listener: Reaction): Unit
    Definition Classes
    LazyPublisher → Publisher
  39. def validate(): Unit
  40. def visible: Boolean
  41. def visible_=(b: Boolean): Unit