Low-level Typed AST metaprogramming API.
Provides all functionality related to AST-based metaprogramming.
Each type XYZ
in the API is defined as an abstract type type XYZ
Methods on XYZ
are provided by a given XYZMethods
which implements extension methods on XYZ
in the trait XYZMethods
module is defined by a val XYZ: XYZModule
which contains the methods defined in XYZModule
Type tests (TypeTest
) are also given to perform subtype checks on these types.
Type hierarchy
+- Tree -+- PackageClause
+- Statement -+- Import
| +- Export
| +- Definition --+- ClassDef
| | +- TypeDef
| | +- DefDef
| | +- ValDef
| |
| +- Term --------+- Ref -+- Ident
| | +- Select
| |
| +- Literal
| +- This
| +- New
| +- NamedArg
| +- Apply
| +- TypeApply
| +- Super
| +- Typed
| +- Assign
| +- Block
| +- Closure
| +- If
| +- Match
| +- SummonFrom
| +- Try
| +- Return
| +- Repeated
| +- Inlined
| +- SelectOuter
| +- While
+- TypeTree ----+- Inferred
| +- TypeIdent
| +- TypeSelect
| +- TypeProjection
| +- Singleton
| +- Refined
| +- Applied
| +- Annotated
| +- MatchTypeTree
| +- ByName
| +- LambdaTypeTree
| +- TypeBind
| +- TypeBlock
+- TypeBoundsTree
+- WildcardTypeTree
+- CaseDef
+- TypeCaseDef
+- Bind
+- Unapply
+- Alternatives
+- ParamClause -+- TypeParamClause
+- TermParamClause
+- TypeRepr -+- NamedType -+- TermRef
| +- TypeRef
+- ConstantType
+- SuperType
+- Refinement
+- AppliedType
+- AnnotatedType
+- AndOrType -+- AndType
| +- OrType
+- MatchType
+- ByNameType
+- ParamRef
+- ThisType
+- RecursiveThis
+- RecursiveType
+- LambdaType -+- MethodOrPoly -+- MethodType
| | +- PolyType
| +- TypeLambda
+- MatchCase
+- TypeBounds
+- NoPrefix
+- Selector -+- SimpleSelector
+- RenameSelector
+- OmitSelector
+- GivenSelector
+- Signature
+- Position
+- SourceFile
+- Constant -+- BooleanConstant
+- ByteConstant
+- ShortConstant
+- IntConstant
+- LongConstant
+- FloatConstant
+- DoubleConstant
+- CharConstant
+- StringConstant
+- UnitConstant
+- NullConstant
+- ClassOfConstant
+- Symbol
+- Flags
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Type members
Methods of the module object val Alternatives
Methods of the module object val Alternatives
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val AndType
Methods of the module object val AndType
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val Annotated
Methods of the module object val Annotated
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val AnnotatedType
Methods of the module object val AnnotatedType
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val Applied
Methods of the module object val Applied
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val AppliedType
Methods of the module object val AppliedType
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val Apply
Methods of the module object val Apply
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val Assign
Methods of the module object val Assign
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val Bind
Methods of the module object val Bind
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val Block
Methods of the module object val Block
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val BooleanConstant
Methods of the module object val BooleanConstant
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val ByName
Methods of the module object val ByName
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val ByNameType
Methods of the module object val ByNameType
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val ByteConstant
Methods of the module object val ByteConstant
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val CaseDef
Methods of the module object val CaseDef
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val CharConstant
Methods of the module object val CharConstant
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val ClassDef
Methods of the module object val ClassDef
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val ClassOf
Methods of the module object val ClassOf
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val Closure
Methods of the module object val Closure
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val CompilationInfo
Methods of the module object val CompilationInfo
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- Quotes.scala
Constant value represented as the constant itself
Constant value represented as the constant itself
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val Type
Methods of the module object val Type
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val DefDef
Methods of the module object val DefDef
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val Definition
Methods of the module object val Definition
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val DoubleConstant
Methods of the module object val DoubleConstant
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val Export
Methods of the module object val Export
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val Flags
Methods of the module object val Flags
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val FloatConstant
Methods of the module object val FloatConstant
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val GivenSelector
Methods of the module object val GivenSelector
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val Ident
Methods of the module object val Ident
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val If
Methods of the module object val If
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val Implicits
Methods of the module object val Implicits
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val Import
Methods of the module object val Import
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val Inferred
Methods of the module object val Inferred
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val Inlined
Methods of the module object val Inlined
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val IntConstant
Methods of the module object val IntConstant
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val Lambda
Methods of the module object val Lambda
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val LambdaTypeTree
Methods of the module object val LambdaTypeTree
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val Literal
Methods of the module object val Literal
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val LongConstant
Methods of the module object val LongConstant
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val MatchCase
Methods of the module object val MatchCase
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val Match
Methods of the module object val Match
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val MatchType
Methods of the module object val MatchType
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val MatchTypeTree
Methods of the module object val MatchTypeTree
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val MethodType
Methods of the module object val MethodType
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val NamedArg
Methods of the module object val NamedArg
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val New
Methods of the module object val New
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val NoPrefix
Methods of the module object val NoPrefix
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val NullConstant
Methods of the module object val NullConstant
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val OmitSelector
Methods of the module object val OmitSelector
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val OrType
Methods of the module object val OrType
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val PackageClause
Methods of the module object val PackageClause
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val ParamClause
Methods of the module object val ParamClause
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val ParamRef
Methods of the module object val ParamRef
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val PolyType
Methods of the module object val PolyType
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val Position
Methods of the module object val Position
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- Quotes.scala
Type class used in show
methods to provide customizable String
Type class used in show
methods to provide customizable String
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val Printer
Methods of the module object val Printer
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val RecursiveThis
Methods of the module object val RecursiveThis
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val RecursiveType
Methods of the module object val RecursiveType
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val Ref
Methods of the module object val Ref
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val Refined
Methods of the module object val Refined
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val Refinement
Methods of the module object val Refinement
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val RenameSelector
Methods of the module object val RenameSelector
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val Repeated
Methods of the module object val Repeated
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val Return
Methods of the module object val Return
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val Select
Methods of the module object val Select
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val SelectOuter
Methods of the module object val SelectOuter
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val Selector
Methods of the module object val Selector
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val Short
Methods of the module object val Short
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val Signature
Methods of the module object val Signature
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val SimpleSelector
Methods of the module object val SimpleSelector
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val Singleton
Methods of the module object val Singleton
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val SourceFile
Methods of the module object val SourceFile
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val StringConstant
Methods of the module object val StringConstant
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val SummonFrom
Methods of the module object val SummonFrom
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val Super
Methods of the module object val Super
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val SuperType
Methods of the module object val SuperType
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val Symbol
Methods of the module object val Symbol
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val Term
Methods of the module object val Term
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val TermParamClause
Methods of the module object val TermParamClause
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val TermRef
Methods of the module object val TermRef
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val This
Methods of the module object val This
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val ThisType
Methods of the module object val ThisType
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Customizable Tree accumulator.
Customizable Tree accumulator.
import quotes.reflect._
class MyTreeAccumulator extends TreeAccumulator[X] {
def foldTree(x: X, tree: Tree)(owner: Symbol): X = ...
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Customizable tree mapper.
Customizable tree mapper.
import quotes.reflect._
class MyTreeMap extends TreeMap {
override def transformTree(tree: Tree)(owner: Symbol): Tree = ...
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val Tree
Methods of the module object val Tree
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Customizable tree traverser.
Customizable tree traverser.
import quotes.reflect._
class MyTraverser extends TreeTraverser {
override def traverseTree(tree: Tree)(owner: Symbol): Unit = ...
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val Try
Methods of the module object val Try
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val TypeApply
Methods of the module object val TypeApply
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val TypeBind
Methods of the module object val TypeBind
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val TypeBlock
Methods of the module object val TypeBlock
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val TypeBounds
Methods of the module object val TypeBounds
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val TypeBoundsTree
Methods of the module object val TypeBoundsTree
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val TypeCaseDef
Methods of the module object val TypeCaseDef
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val TypeDef
Methods of the module object val TypeDef
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val TypeIdent
Methods of the module object val TypeIdent
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val TypeLambda
Methods of the module object val TypeLambda
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val TypeParamClause
Methods of the module object val TypeParamClause
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val TypeProjection
Methods of the module object val TypeProjection
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val TypeRef
Methods of the module object val TypeRef
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val TypeRepr
Methods of the module object val TypeRepr
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val TypeSelect
Methods of the module object val TypeSelect
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val TypeTree
Methods of the module object val TypeTree
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val Typed
Methods of the module object val Typed
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val Unapply
Methods of the module object val Unapply
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val UnitConstant
Methods of the module object val UnitConstant
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val ValDef
Methods of the module object val ValDef
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val While
Methods of the module object val While
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val WildcardTypeTree
Methods of the module object val WildcardTypeTree
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val defn
Methods of the module object val defn
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- Quotes.scala
Methods of the module object val report
Methods of the module object val report
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- Quotes.scala
Pattern representing X | Y | ...
Pattern representing X | Y | ...
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- Quotes.scala
Intersection type T & U
or an union type T | U
Intersection type T & U
or an union type T | U
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- Quotes.scala
Type tree representing a type application
Type tree representing a type application
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- Quotes.scala
A higher kinded type applied to some types T[U]
A higher kinded type applied to some types T[U]
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- Quotes.scala
Tree representing an application of arguments.
Tree representing an application of arguments.
It represents a single list of arguments, multiple argument lists will have nested Apply
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- Quotes.scala
Tree representing an assignment x = y
in the source code
Tree representing an assignment x = y
in the source code
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- Quotes.scala
Tree representing a block { ... }
in the source code
Tree representing a block { ... }
in the source code
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- Quotes.scala
Type tree representing a by name parameter
Type tree representing a by name parameter
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- Quotes.scala
Type of a by-name definition of type =>T
Type of a by-name definition of type =>T
May represent by-name parameter such as thunk
def log[T](thunk: =>T): T = ...
May also represent a the return type of a parameterless method definition such as
def foo: Int = ...
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Branch of a pattern match or catch clause
Branch of a pattern match or catch clause
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- Quotes.scala
Tree representing a class definition.
Tree representing a class definition. This includes anonymous class definitions and the class of a module object
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- Quotes.scala
Constant class value representing a classOf[T]
Constant class value representing a classOf[T]
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- Quotes.scala
A lambda (...) => ...
in the source code is represented as
a local method and a closure:
A lambda (...) => ...
in the source code is represented as
a local method and a closure:
{ def m(...) = ... closure(m) }
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Constant value represented as the constant itself
Constant value represented as the constant itself
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- Quotes.scala
A singleton type representing a known constant value
A singleton type representing a known constant value
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- Quotes.scala
Tree representing a method definition in the source code
Tree representing a method definition in the source code
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- Quotes.scala
Tree representing a definition in the source code.
Tree representing a definition in the source code. It can be ClassDef
, TypeDef
, DefDef
or ValDef
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Tree representing an export clause in the source code.
Tree representing an export clause in the source code. Export forwarders generated from this clause appear in the same scope.
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
given import/export selector: .given
/.{given T}
in import foo.given
/export foo.{given T}
given import/export selector: .given
/.{given T}
in import foo.given
/export foo.{given T}
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- Quotes.scala
Tree representing a reference to definition with a given name
Tree representing a reference to definition with a given name
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- Quotes.scala
Tree representing an if/then/else if (...) ... else ...
in the source code
Tree representing an if/then/else if (...) ... else ...
in the source code
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Tree representing an import in the source code.
Tree representing an import in the source code.
See also documentation on Selector
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- Quotes.scala
Tree representing the scope of an inlined tree
Tree representing the scope of an inlined tree
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- Quotes.scala
Type of the definition of a method taking a single list of type or term parameters
Type of the definition of a method taking a single list of type or term parameters
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Type tree representing a lambda abstraction type
Type tree representing a lambda abstraction type
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- Quotes.scala
Tree representing a literal value in the source code
Tree representing a literal value in the source code
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- Quotes.scala
Tree representing a pattern match x match { ... }
in the source code
Tree representing a pattern match x match { ... }
in the source code
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- Quotes.scala
Case of a MatchType
containing pattern case P => R
Case of a MatchType
containing pattern case P => R
Note: cases with type bindings are represented nested in a TypeLambda
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- Quotes.scala
Type of the definition of a method taking a single list of type or term parameters
Type of the definition of a method taking a single list of type or term parameters
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Type of the definition of a method taking a single list of parameters.
Type of the definition of a method taking a single list of parameters. It's return type may be a MethodType.
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Tree representing an argument passed with an explicit name.
Tree representing an argument passed with an explicit name. Such as arg1 = x
in foo(arg1 = x)
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- Quotes.scala
Type of a reference to a type or term symbol
Type of a reference to a type or term symbol
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- Quotes.scala
Omit import/export selector: .{bar => _}
in import foo.{bar => _}
Omit import/export selector: .{bar => _}
in import foo.{bar => _}
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Tree representing a package clause in the source code
Tree representing a package clause in the source code
package foo {
// package stats
// package stats
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- Quotes.scala
A parameter clause [X1, ..., Xn]
or (x1: X1, ..., xn: Xx)
A parameter clause [X1, ..., Xn]
or (x1: X1, ..., xn: Xx)
[X1, ..., Xn]
are represented with TypeParamClause
and (x1: X1, ..., xn: Xx)
are represented with TermParamClause
encodes the following enumeration
enum ParamClause:
case TypeParamClause(params: List[TypeDef])
case TermParamClause(params: List[ValDef])
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Type of the definition of a method taking a list of type parameters.
Type of the definition of a method taking a list of type parameters. It's return type may be a MethodType.
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- Quotes.scala
Tree representing a reference to definition
Tree representing a reference to definition
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- Quotes.scala
A type with a type refinement T { type U }
A type with a type refinement T { type U }
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- Quotes.scala
Rename import/export selector: .{bar => baz}
in import foo.{bar => baz}
Rename import/export selector: .{bar => baz}
in import foo.{bar => baz}
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Tree representing a variable argument list in the source code
Tree representing a variable argument list in the source code
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- Quotes.scala
Tree representing a return
in the source code
Tree representing a return
in the source code
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Tree representing a selection of definition with a given name on a given prefix
Tree representing a selection of definition with a given name on a given prefix
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Tree representing a selection of definition with a given name on a given prefix and number of nested scopes of inlined trees
Tree representing a selection of definition with a given name on a given prefix and number of nested scopes of inlined trees
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Import/Export selectors:
- SimpleSelector: .bar
in import
- RenameSelector: .{bar => baz}
in export foo.{bar => baz}
- OmitSelector: .{bar => _}
in import foo.{bar => _}
- GivenSelector: .given
/.{given T}
in export foo.given
/import foo.{given T}
Import/Export selectors:
- SimpleSelector: .bar
in import
- RenameSelector: .{bar => baz}
in export foo.{bar => baz}
- OmitSelector: .{bar => _}
in import foo.{bar => _}
- GivenSelector: .given
/.{given T}
in export foo.given
/import foo.{given T}
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Simple import/export selector: .bar
in import
Simple import/export selector: .bar
in import
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- Quotes.scala
Tree representing a statement in the source code
Tree representing a statement in the source code
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- Quotes.scala
Tree representing a summoning match summonFrom { ... }
in the source code
Tree representing a summoning match summonFrom { ... }
in the source code
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- Quotes.scala
Tree representing super
in the source code
Tree representing super
in the source code
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- Quotes.scala
Symbol of a definition.
Symbol of a definition.
Symbols can be compared with ==
to know if two definitions are the same.
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- Quotes.scala
Tree representing an expression in the source code
Tree representing an expression in the source code
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
A term parameter clause (x1: X1, ..., xn: Xx)
Can also be (implicit X1, ..., Xn)
, (given X1, ..., Xn)
or (given x1: X1, ..., xn: Xn)
A term parameter clause (x1: X1, ..., xn: Xx)
Can also be (implicit X1, ..., Xn)
, (given X1, ..., Xn)
or (given x1: X1, ..., xn: Xn)
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Tree representing this
or C.this
in the source code
Tree representing this
or C.this
in the source code
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- Quotes.scala
Tree representing code written in the source
Tree representing code written in the source
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- Quotes.scala
Tree representing a try catch try x catch { ... } finally { ... }
in the source code
Tree representing a try catch try x catch { ... } finally { ... }
in the source code
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- Quotes.scala
Tree representing an application of type arguments
Tree representing an application of type arguments
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- Quotes.scala
Type tree within a block with aliases { type U1 = ... ; T[U1, U2] }
Type tree within a block with aliases { type U1 = ... ; T[U1, U2] }
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Type tree representing a type bound written in the source
Type tree representing a type bound written in the source
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- Quotes.scala
Tree representing a type (parameter or member) definition in the source code
Tree representing a type (parameter or member) definition in the source code
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Type tree representing a reference to definition with a given name
Type tree representing a reference to definition with a given name
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- Quotes.scala
Type of the definition of a type lambda taking a list of type parameters.
Type of the definition of a type lambda taking a list of type parameters. It's return type may be a TypeLambda.
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- Quotes.scala
Type tree representing a selection of definition with a given name on a given type prefix
Type tree representing a selection of definition with a given name on a given type prefix
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- Quotes.scala
A type, type constructors, type bounds or NoPrefix
A type, type constructors, type bounds or NoPrefix
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Type tree representing a selection of definition with a given name on a given term prefix
Type tree representing a selection of definition with a given name on a given term prefix
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Type tree representing a type written in the source
Type tree representing a type written in the source
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- Quotes.scala
Tree representing a type ascription x: T
in the source code
Tree representing a type ascription x: T
in the source code
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Tree representing a value definition in the source code This includes val
, lazy val
, var
, object
and parameter definitions.
Tree representing a value definition in the source code This includes val
, lazy val
, var
, object
and parameter definitions.
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Type tree representing wildcard type bounds written in the source.
Type tree representing wildcard type bounds written in the source.
The wildcard type _
(for example in in List[_]
) will be a type tree that
represents a type but has TypeBounds
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- Quotes.scala
Value members
Abstract fields
Constant value represented as the constant itself
Constant value represented as the constant itself
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- Quotes.scala
A lambda (...) => ...
in the source code is represented as
a local method and a closure:
A lambda (...) => ...
in the source code is represented as
a local method and a closure:
def m(...) = ...
- Note:
Due to the encoding, in pattern matches the case for
should come before the case forBlock
to avoid mishandling ofLambda
.- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Module object of type Printer
Module object of type Printer
Contains custom printers such as TreeCode
, TreeAnsiCode
, TreeCases
, TypeReprCode
, ..., SymbolFullName
and FlagsCombination
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
A value containing all standard definitions
A value containing all standard definitions
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Module containing error and warning reporting.
Module containing error and warning reporting.
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Concrete fields
Default pinter for Constant
used when calling
Default pinter for Constant
used when calling
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Default pinter for Tree
used when calling
Default pinter for Tree
used when calling
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Default pinter for TypeRepr
used when calling
Default pinter for TypeRepr
used when calling
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of Alternatives
Extension methods of Alternatives
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is an Alternatives
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is an Alternatives
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if an ImplicitSearchResult
is an AmbiguousImplicits
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if an ImplicitSearchResult
is an AmbiguousImplicits
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of AndOrType
Extension methods of AndOrType
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is an AndOrType
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is an AndOrType
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is an AndType
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is an AndType
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of Annotated
Extension methods of Annotated
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of AnnotatedType
Extension methods of AnnotatedType
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is an Annotated
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is an Annotated
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is an AnnotatedType
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is an AnnotatedType
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of AppliedType
Extension methods of AppliedType
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is an Applied
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is an Applied
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is an AppliedType
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is an AppliedType
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is an Apply
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is an Apply
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is an Assign
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is an Assign
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a Bind
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a Bind
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a Block
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a Block
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Constant
is a BooleanConstant
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Constant
is a BooleanConstant
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of ByNameType
Extension methods of ByNameType
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a ByName
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a ByName
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is a ByNameType
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is a ByNameType
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Constant
is a ByteConstant
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Constant
is a ByteConstant
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a CaseDef
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a CaseDef
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Constant
is a CharConstant
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Constant
is a CharConstant
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a ClassDef
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a ClassDef
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Constant
is a ClassOfConstant
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Constant
is a ClassOfConstant
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a Closure
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a Closure
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of ConstantType
Extension methods of ConstantType
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is a ConstantType
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is a ConstantType
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a DefDef
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a DefDef
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of Definition
Extension methods of Definition
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a Definition
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a Definition
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if an ImplicitSearchResult
is a DivergingImplicit
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if an ImplicitSearchResult
is a DivergingImplicit
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Constant
is a DoubleConstant
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Constant
is a DoubleConstant
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is an Export
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is an Export
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Constant
is a FloatConstant
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Constant
is a FloatConstant
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of GivenSelector
Extension methods of GivenSelector
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if an Selector
is a GivenSelector
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if an Selector
is a GivenSelector
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is an Ident
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is an Ident
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is an If
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is an If
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of ImplicitSearchFailure
Extension methods of ImplicitSearchFailure
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if an ImplicitSearchResult
is an ImplicitSearchFailure
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if an ImplicitSearchResult
is an ImplicitSearchFailure
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of ImplicitSearchSuccess
Extension methods of ImplicitSearchSuccess
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if an ImplicitSearchResult
is an ImplicitSearchSuccess
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if an ImplicitSearchResult
is an ImplicitSearchSuccess
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is an Import
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is an Import
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is an Inferred
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is an Inferred
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is an Inlined
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is an Inlined
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Constant
is a IntConstant
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Constant
is a IntConstant
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of LambdaType
Extension methods of LambdaType
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of LambdaTypeTree
Extension methods of LambdaTypeTree
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a LambdaTypeTree
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a LambdaTypeTree
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is a LambdaType
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is a LambdaType
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a Literal
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a Literal
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Constant
is a LongConstant
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Constant
is a LongConstant
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of MatchCase
Extension methods of MatchCase
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is a MatchCase
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is a MatchCase
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of MatchType
Extension methods of MatchType
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a Match
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a Match
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of MatchTypeTree
Extension methods of MatchTypeTree
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a MatchTypeTree
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a MatchTypeTree
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is a MatchType
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is a MatchType
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is a MethodOrPoly
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is a MethodOrPoly
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of MethodType
Extension methods of MethodType
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is a MethodType
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is a MethodType
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a NamedArg
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a NamedArg
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of NamedType
Extension methods of NamedType
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is a NamedType
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is a NamedType
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a New
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a New
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if an ImplicitSearchResult
is a NoMatchingImplicits
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if an ImplicitSearchResult
is a NoMatchingImplicits
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is a NoPrefix
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is a NoPrefix
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Constant
is a NullConstant
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Constant
is a NullConstant
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of OmitSelector
Extension methods of OmitSelector
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Selector
is an OmitSelector
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Selector
is an OmitSelector
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is an OrType
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is an OrType
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of PackageClause
Extension methods of PackageClause
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a PackageClause
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a PackageClause
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of ParamClause
Extension methods of ParamClause
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is a ParamRef
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is a ParamRef
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is a PolyType
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is a PolyType
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of RecursiveThis
Extension methods of RecursiveThis
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is a RecursiveThis
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is a RecursiveThis
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of RecursiveType
Extension methods of RecursiveType
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is a RecursiveType
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is a RecursiveType
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a Ref
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a Ref
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a Refined
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a Refined
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of Refinement
Extension methods of Refinement
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is a Refinement
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is a Refinement
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of RenameSelector
Extension methods of RenameSelector
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Selector
is a RenameSelector
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Selector
is a RenameSelector
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a Repeated
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a Repeated
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a Return
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a Return
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of SelectOuter
Extension methods of SelectOuter
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a SelectOuter
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a SelectOuter
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a Select
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a Select
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Constant
is a ShortConstant
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Constant
is a ShortConstant
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of Signature
Extension methods of Signature
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of SimpleSelector
Extension methods of SimpleSelector
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Selector
is a SimpleSelector
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Selector
is a SimpleSelector
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of Singleton
Extension methods of Singleton
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a Singleton
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a Singleton
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of SourceFile
Extension methods of SourceFile
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a Statement
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a Statement
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Constant
is a StringConstant
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Constant
is a StringConstant
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of SummonFrom
Extension methods of SummonFrom
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a SummonFrom
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a SummonFrom
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of SuperType
Extension methods of SuperType
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a Super
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a Super
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is a SuperType
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is a SuperType
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of TermParamClause
Extension methods of TermParamClause
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a ParamClause
is a TermParamClause
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a ParamClause
is a TermParamClause
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is a TermRef
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is a TermRef
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a Term
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a Term
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a This
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a This
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is a ThisType
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is a ThisType
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a Try
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a Try
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of TypeApply
Extension methods of TypeApply
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a TypeApply
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a TypeApply
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a TypeBind
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a TypeBind
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of TypeBlock
Extension methods of TypeBlock
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a TypeBlock
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a TypeBlock
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of TypeBounds
Extension methods of TypeBounds
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of TypeBoundsTree
Extension methods of TypeBoundsTree
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a TypeBoundsTree
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a TypeBoundsTree
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is a TypeBounds
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is a TypeBounds
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of TypeCaseDef
Extension methods of TypeCaseDef
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a TypeCaseDef
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a TypeCaseDef
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a TypeDef
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a TypeDef
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of TypeIdent
Extension methods of TypeIdent
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a TypeIdent
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a TypeIdent
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of TypeLambda
Extension methods of TypeLambda
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is a TypeLambda
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is a TypeLambda
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of TypeParamClause
Extension methods of TypeParamClause
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a ParamClause
is a TypeParamClause
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a ParamClause
is a TypeParamClause
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of TypeProjection
Extension methods of TypeProjection
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a TypeProjection
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a TypeProjection
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is a TypeRef
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a TypeRepr
is a TypeRef
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of TypeSelect
Extension methods of TypeSelect
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a TypeSelect
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a TypeSelect
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a TypeTree
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a TypeTree
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a Typed
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a Typed
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is an Unapply
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is an Unapply
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Constant
is a UnitConstant
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Constant
is a UnitConstant
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a ValDef
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a ValDef
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a While
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a While
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Extension methods of WildcardTypeTree
Extension methods of WildcardTypeTree
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a WildcardTypeTree
that allows testing at runtime in a pattern match if a Tree
is a WildcardTypeTree
- Source:
- Quotes.scala
Returns the Term
representation this expression
Returns the Term
representation this expression
- Source:
- Quotes.scala