- Experimental
- true
- Source
- NamedTuple.scala
- Graph
- Supertypes
- Self type
Members list
- no keywords
- final
- inline
- opaque
- from NamedTupleDecomposition$}
Type members
A type which is a supertype of all named tuples
Type of the concatenation of two tuples X
and Y
The type of the named tuple consisting of all elements of X
except the first N
ones, or no elements if N
exceeds Size[X]
The type of the named tuple consisting of all elements of X
except the first N
ones, or no elements if N
exceeds Size[X]
- Source
- NamedTuple.scala
The type of the element value at position N in the named tuple X
The type of the empty named tuple
A type specially treated by the compiler to represent all fields of a class argument T
as a named tuple. Or, if T
is already a named tuple, From[T]
is the same as T
A type specially treated by the compiler to represent all fields of a class argument T
as a named tuple. Or, if T
is already a named tuple, From[T]
is the same as T
- Source
- NamedTuple.scala
The type of the first element value of a named tuple
The type of the initial part of a named tuple without its last element
The type of the initial part of a named tuple without its last element
- Source
- NamedTuple.scala
The type of the last element value of a named tuple
The type of the named tuple X
mapped with the type-level function F
. If X = (n1 : T1, ..., ni : Ti)
then Map[X, F] =
(n1 : F[T1], ..., ni : F[Ti])`.
The type of the named tuple X
mapped with the type-level function F
. If X = (n1 : T1, ..., ni : Ti)
then Map[X, F] =
(n1 : F[T1], ..., ni : F[Ti])`.
- Source
- NamedTuple.scala
The type to which named tuples get mapped to. For instance, (name: String, age: Int) gets mapped to NamedTuple[("name", "age"), (String, Int)]
The type to which named tuples get mapped to. For instance, (name: String, age: Int) gets mapped to NamedTuple[("name", "age"), (String, Int)]
- Source
- NamedTuple.scala
A named tuple with the elements of tuple X
in reversed order
The size of a named tuple, represented as a literal constant subtype of Int
The size of a named tuple, represented as a literal constant subtype of Int
- Source
- NamedTuple.scala
The pair type `(Take(X, N), Drop[X, N]).
The type of a named tuple consisting of all elements of named tuple X except the first one
The type of a named tuple consisting of all elements of named tuple X except the first one
- Source
- NamedTuple.scala
The type of the named tuple consisting of the first N
elements of X
, or all elements if N
exceeds Size[X]
The type of the named tuple consisting of the first N
elements of X
, or all elements if N
exceeds Size[X]
- Source
- NamedTuple.scala
The type of the named tuple consisting of all element values of named tuple X
zipped with corresponding element values of named tuple Y
. If the two tuples have different sizes, the extra elements of the larger tuple will be disregarded. The names of X
and Y
at the same index must be the same. The result tuple keeps the same names as the operand tuples. For example, if
The type of the named tuple consisting of all element values of named tuple X
zipped with corresponding element values of named tuple Y
. If the two tuples have different sizes, the extra elements of the larger tuple will be disregarded. The names of X
and Y
at the same index must be the same. The result tuple keeps the same names as the operand tuples. For example, if
X = (n1 : S1, ..., ni : Si)
Y = (n1 : T1, ..., nj : Tj) where j >= i
Zip[X, Y] = (n1 : (S1, T1), ..., ni: (Si, Ti))
- Source
- NamedTuple.scala
Value members
Concrete methods
- Source
- NamedTuple.scala
A named tuple expression will desugar to a call to build
. For instance, (name = "Lyra", age = 23)
will desugar to build[("name", "age")]()(("Lyra", 23))
A named tuple expression will desugar to a call to build
. For instance, (name = "Lyra", age = 23)
will desugar to build[("name", "age")]()(("Lyra", 23))
- Source
- NamedTuple.scala
- Source
- NamedTuple.scala
Concrete fields
The empty named tuple
- Source
- NamedTuple.scala
The underlying tuple without the names
Defined exports
- Source
- NamedTuple.scala
- Source
- NamedTuple.scala