This trait forms part of collections that can be reduced
using a -=
- Source:
- Shrinkable.scala
trait Buffer[A]
class AbstractBuffer[A]
class ArrayBuffer[A]
class ArrayDeque[A]
class Queue[A]
class Stack[A]
class ListBuffer[A]
class UnrolledBuffer[T]
trait IndexedBuffer[A]
class LongMap[V]
class SystemProperties
class HashSet[A]
class LinkedHashSet[A]
trait Set[A]
class AbstractSet[A]
class BitSet
class TreeSet[A]
trait SortedSet[A]
Value members
Abstract methods
Removes a single element from this shrinkable collection.
Removes a single element from this shrinkable collection.
- Value parameters:
- elem
the element to remove.
- Returns:
the shrinkable collection itself
- Source:
- Shrinkable.scala
Concrete methods
Removes all elements produced by an iterator from this shrinkable collection.
Removes all elements produced by an iterator from this shrinkable collection.
- Value parameters:
- xs
the iterator producing the elements to remove.
- Returns:
the shrinkable collection itself
- Source:
- Shrinkable.scala
Deprecated methods
Removes two or more elements from this shrinkable collection.
Removes two or more elements from this shrinkable collection.
- Value parameters:
- elem1
the first element to remove.
- elem2
the second element to remove.
- elems
the remaining elements to remove.
- Returns:
the shrinkable collection itself
- Deprecated
- Source:
- Shrinkable.scala