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A Tour of Scala: Abstract Types
Created by admin on 2008-07-05.
Updated: 2011-02-15, 11:55
In Scala, classes are parameterized with values (the constructor parameters) and with types (if classes are generic). For reasons of regularity, it is not only possible to have values as object members; types along with values are members of objects. Furthermore, both forms of members can be concrete and abstract.
Here is an example which defines both a deferred value definition and an abstract type definition as members of class Buffer
abstract class Buffer { type T val element: T }
Abstract types are types whose identity is not precisely known. In the example above, we only know that each object of class Buffer
has a type member T
, but the definition of class Buffer
does not reveal to what concrete type the member type T
corresponds. Like value definitions, we can override type definitions in subclasses. This allows us to reveal more information about an abstract type by tightening the type bound (which describes possible concrete instantiations of the abstract type).
In the following program we derive a class SeqBuffer
which allows us to store only sequences in the buffer by stating that type T
has to be a subtype of Seq[U]
for a new abstract type U
abstract class SeqBuffer extends Buffer { type U type T <: Seq[U] def length = element.length }
Traits or classes with abstract type members are often used in combination with anonymous class instantiations. To illustrate this, we now look at a program which deals with a sequence buffer that refers to a list of integers:
abstract class IntSeqBuffer extends SeqBuffer { type U = Int } object AbstractTypeTest1 extends Application { def newIntSeqBuf(elem1: Int, elem2: Int): IntSeqBuffer = new IntSeqBuffer { type T = List[U] val element = List(elem1, elem2) } val buf = newIntSeqBuf(7, 8) println("length = " + buf.length) println("content = " + buf.element) }
The return type of method newIntSeqBuf
refers to a specialization of trait Buffer
in which type U
is now equivalent toInt
. We have a similar type alias in the anonymous class instantiation within the body of method newIntSeqBuf
. Here we create a new instance of IntSeqBuffer
in which type T
refers to List[Int]
Please note that it is often possible to turn abstract type members into type parameters of classes and vice versa. Here is a version of the code above which only uses type parameters:
abstract class Buffer[+T] { val element: T } abstract class SeqBuffer[U, +T <: Seq[U]] extends Buffer[T] { def length = element.length } object AbstractTypeTest2 extends Application { def newIntSeqBuf(e1: Int, e2: Int): SeqBuffer[Int, Seq[Int]] = new SeqBuffer[Int, List[Int]] { val element = List(e1, e2) } val buf = newIntSeqBuf(7, 8) println("length = " + buf.length) println("content = " + buf.element) }
Note that we have to use variance annotations here; otherwise we would not be able to hide the concrete sequence implementation type of the object returned from method newIntSeqBuf
. Furthermore, there are cases where it is not possible to replace abstract types with type parameters.