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A Tour of Scala: Case Classes
Created by admin on 2008-07-05.
Updated: 2008-12-21, 00:59
Scala supports the notion of case classes. Case classes are regular classes which export their constructor parameters and which provide a recursive decomposition mechanism via pattern matching.
Here is an example for a class hierarchy which consists of an abstract super class Term
and three concrete case classes Var
, Fun
, and App
abstract class Term case class Var(name: String) extends Term case class Fun(arg: String, body: Term) extends Term case class App(f: Term, v: Term) extends Term
This class hierarchy can be used to represent terms of the untyped lambda calculus. To facilitate the construction of case class instances, Scala does not require that the new
primitive is used. One can simply use the class name as a function.
Here is an example:
Fun("x", Fun("y", App(Var("x"), Var("y"))))
The constructor parameters of case classes are treated as public values and can be accessed directly.
val x = Var("x") Console.println(x.name)
For every case class the Scala compiler generates equals
method which implements structural equality and atoString
method. For instance:
val x1 = Var("x") val x2 = Var("x") val y1 = Var("y") println("" + x1 + " == " + x2 + " => " + (x1 == x2)) println("" + x1 + " == " + y1 + " => " + (x1 == y1))
will print
Var(x) == Var(x) => true Var(x) == Var(y) => false
It makes only sense to define case classes if pattern matching is used to decompose data structures. The following object defines a pretty printer function for our lambda calculus representation:
object TermTest extends Application { def printTerm(term: Term) { term match { case Var(n) => print(n) case Fun(x, b) => print("^" + x + ".") printTerm(b) case App(f, v) => Console.print("(") printTerm(f) print(" ") printTerm(v) print(")") } } def isIdentityFun(term: Term): Boolean = term match { case Fun(x, Var(y)) if x == y => true case _ => false } val id = Fun("x", Var("x")) val t = Fun("x", Fun("y", App(Var("x"), Var("y")))) printTerm(t) println println(isIdentityFun(id)) println(isIdentityFun(t)) }
In our example, the function print
is expressed as a pattern matching statement starting with the match
keyword and consisting of sequences of case Pattern => Body
The program above also defines a function isIdentityFun
which checks if a given term corresponds to a simple identity function. This example uses deep patterns and guards. After matching a pattern with a given value, the guard (defined after the keyword if
) is evaluated. If it returns true
, the match succeeds; otherwise, it fails and the next pattern will be tried.