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Scala Events

Northeast Scala Symposium

If you are in the Boston area then why not goto the next Northeast Scala Symposium which is scheduled for March 9 - 11, 2012 in Cambridge, MA, U.S. In addition to great technical talks there will be a variety of workshops and intense hacking sessions. Registration is open! Join a great community who are hoping to see you there too! Call for talks will be open too. You can submit a talk proposal until January 10 2012.

Just Released Akka V2.0 Milestone 1

If you are following the lastest developments in Akka you may be interested to try the enhanced Akka milestone 1 version and give feedback to the Akka team. Read the release description blog article or find the latest software versions.


Copyright © 2012 École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland