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Scala Days 2012 - The Speakers & Talks
Created by bagwell on 2012-03-05.
Updated: 2012-03-06, 07:11
The biggest and most exciting Scala Days so far. Great keynotes, fabulous location in London at the Barbican and top notch talks.
Check out the list of accepted talks! It is going to be even harder this year to choose which sessions to go to and which to reluctantly miss. 37 excellent practical talks and 8 research paper presentations.
Scala Days 2012, April 17/18, offers three packed tracks with leading industry developers giving the latest updates on Scala use. If you are using Scala or thinking about using Scala then Scala Days is the place to learn what's happening in the world of Scala.
It was hard for the talk review committee, Andy Hicks, Nathan Hamblen, Chris Conrad, Adriaan Moors and Phil Bagwell to pick just 37 from the 75 top notch talks proposed. "Every talk brought a different and insightful perspective to Scala. We wanted to see them all."
There will be Scala IDE updates on Intellij with Alexander Podkhalyuzin and Eclipse with Iulian Dragos. The latest status on key open source components from the principle designer/conributors, Akka by Jonas Bonér, Lift by Indrajit Raychaudhuri, Play by Peter Hausel, Scala Test by Bill Venners/Dick Wall, Scala IO by Jesse Eichar, Scalaz by Jordan West, Slick by Stefan Zeiger, latest Cloud Support with Cloud Foundry by Ramnivas Laddad and Heroku by Scott Clasen.
There will be talks on how to make your code resilent to binary version changes by Josh Suereth and getting more performance out of your code by understanding the compiler by Paul Phillips, Virtualization by Adriaan Moors, The Optimizer by Miguel Garcia and Data Structures by Phil Bagwell.
Insight in how to better manage oncurrency with Akka Futures by Viktor Klang or at Twitter by Marius A Eriksen or concurrent Data Structures by Aleksandar Prokopec and a whole lot more sessions on Programming Style, algorithms, web tools and full blown Scala applications. Check out the complete program to learn more about them all.
Over 280 enthusiasts already registered! It will soon be too late for you to join them at Scaladays 2012. Better register soon!
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