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Your Summer of Code 2012 with Scala
Created by plocinic on 2012-03-19.
Updated: 2012-03-19, 11:03
This year the Scala team will apply for the third time for Google Summer of Code program to work with enthusiastic students on challenging Scala projects and got accepted again! During Summer of Code 2010 and 2011 many successful projects were developed and we want to continue it. Google invites students to come up with interesting, non-trivial problems for their favourite open-source projects, and work on them over the summer. Aside from the satisfaction of solving challenging problems, students get paid for their work.
We have collected a list of project ideas for you; we expect students to explore these ideas in much more detail, adding their own suggestions and plans on how to proceed. We are always eager to hear about any other ideas but before applying we suggest discussing them on our mailing list. Find all the details about Scala and the Google Summer of Code on this page. The deadline for student applications is 6th of April!
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