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Software Developer's Journal (Polish Edition)
Created by piokoch on 2008-11-18.
Updated: 2008-11-19, 10:00
The article published in Polish edition of Software Developer's Journal "XML w większej Scali" (XML in a larger Scala) is available on-line: http://www.erudis.pl/pl/publikacje/scala-xml. The article is written in Polish and contains:
- introduction to the Scala language
- information on how to run Scala program from IDE and using Jakarta Ant
- important features of Scala (from the practical point of view): JavaBeans, containers, closures, case classes, etc.
- XML parsing facility available in Scala
The example application attached to the article is created mostly for Java programmers, in fact the article is "javaish", i.e. Scala is presented in such a way to be easily accesible to Java programmers.
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