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Northeast Scala Symposium
Created by nermin on 2010-12-22.
Updated: 2010-12-23, 12:17
The Boston, Philadelphia, and New York Scala user groups have combined to organize the first ever Northeast Scala Symposium! This event will be held at the Meetup headquarters in New York, on February 18th, 2011.
We have got lots of great speakers within our groups. At the Symposium, we'll get to share them among the groups and get to know Scala enthusiasts (and employers) across the region.
Daniel Spiewak has been chosen as a headline speaker and will be delivering a talk about Functional Data Structures in Scala. Jonas Bonér will be following with his Akka talk. More details can be found here:
Your registration fee of $50 covers the headline speaker's travel offset, and food and beverages for the event. To RSVP, please visit http://www.meetup.com/ny-scala/calendar/15526582/
We hope to see you there!
- Nathan Hamblen New York Scala Enthusiasts
- Nermin Serifovic, Boston Area Scala Enthusiasts
- Brian Clapper Philly Area Scala Enthusiasts
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