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Metawidget adds support for Scala

Metawidget is a 'smart User Interface widget' that populates itself, at runtime, with UI components to match the properties of business objects. As of the 0.7 release, Metawidget has added support for Scala. Metawidget can now both generate and bind UIs for business objects written in Scala. It supports using Scala in conjunction with a wide variety of complementary technologies, including desktop frameworks (Swing), Web toolkits (JSF, Spring etc), JPA, Hibernate Validator and many more.

The download includes several sample applications demonstrating different technologies, including a pure Scala one. There is also a live demo (albeit written in Groovy) that lets you try Metawidget directly in your browser. Please leave your feedback on the Metawidget forum.

Copyright © 2012 École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland