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Scala Days 2011
Created by bagwell on 2011-03-07.
Updated: 2011-03-07, 18:02
Last year over 150 developers and researches got together for an intense but thoroughly enjoyable two days learning about the latest Scala technology developments and applications. This year, Scala Days 2011 takes place June 2 and 3 and has moved to the beautiful Stanford University campus in California, with room for a whole lot more people and many more sessions. You can register now!
A full complement of research papers is already in, and the abstracts are flowing in from the Scala community for all sorts of talks on commercial Scala applications, developer tools and programming techniques. Perhaps you are a developer or project manager and have implemented a Scala application in your company. Then come to Scala Days and talk about it. Each successful developer, project leader and manager is eager to learn new tricks of the trade and avoid the pitfalls. Sharing your experience can be fun and provides vital help to others. Submit an abstract and be included in the program.
Not only will the whole EPFL Scala development team be at Scala Days, but also the research team from Stanford PPP lab too. This gives you a unique opportunity to meet the two groups, meet Martin Odersky, Kunle Olukotun, share your knowledge, and learn about the latest research in applying Scala to multi-core concurrent processing. You can also keep abreast of the fast moving commercial uses of Scala by meeting or listening to talks by many individuals passionate about Scala, people like Iulian Dragos, Heiko Seeberger, Jonas Bonér, Mark Harrah, Peter Vlugter, Phil Bagwell, Paul Phillips, Viktor Klang, Chris Conrad, Harry Heymann and many others. There will be a wide range of sessions, from pure research to Scala production application experience.
Discover research that explores technology that will soon become essential for industry practitioners. See what is hot. There will be many research sessions covering a diverse set of topics. This year the European Research Council project and the Scala work on DSL for parallel processing in multi-core environments starts to bring tangible results; or you can learn about using the new parallel collections from Aleksandar Prokopec. Scala Days will be a great place to learn about the latest tools and techniques that you can use effectively in your own projects. A chance to talk to the industry experts and get a head start on your own work.
Last year the event was over subscribed so don't forget to reserve the dates and register soon!
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