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Scala Days - Shaping Up!

Already over 60 people are coming to Scala Days 2011, June 2/3, a full complement of research papers are in, and more than 20 practical technical talks have been proposed, with more on the way. They cover a diverse set of interests including: DSL usage at NASA, Effect Types, Debugging, XML, Web Frameworks, Grid computing, and Akka in the wild. Of course, Martin will be talking about the future of Scala, while Doug Lea's keynote will be encouraging us to think about how Scala's support for many flavors of sequential programming applies to parallelism, as well as making life interesting for implementers of core functionality and libraries.

There will be opportunities to find out about the latest Scala Eclipse Plugin developments from the team that produced the new version, Iulian Dragos and Eugene Vigdorchik, or learn about how Scala is comming to .NET from Miguel Garcia, or participate in some advanced workshops on the exciting EPFL/Stanford parallel programming project given by Tiark Rompf and others.

The Bay area has always been the place for the hottest technology companies, and many of them use Scala, so you can expect to see them represented at Scaladays: companies like LinkedIn, Twitter, Foursquare, Autodesk and so on. You will be in great company, and the large Stanford facility means more room and many more sessions: there is still time for you to submit another talk and be included in the program.

On the days preceding Scala Days, training courses will be available: Scala, Advanced Scala, and Practical Akka. More information on how to register will follow shortly.

Don't leave it too late to reserve your place at Scaladays 2011. Register soon!

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