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Scala Days - A Full Program

Check out the list of accepted talks and the preliminary program. It is going to hard to choose which sessions to miss this year, over 50 practical talks and 8 research paper presentations. Scala Days 2011, June 2/3, offers four packed tracks with leading industry developers giving the latest updates on Scala use. While a big piece of the action is around the advances in Scala concurrent and parallel processing capabilities, there is an abondance of really neat tools, ideas and libraries for Enterprise developers. If you are using Scala or thinking about using Scala then Scala Days is the place to learn what's happening in Scala.

Just for starters, talks about Play, easy-to-use web framework, with Sadek Drobi and Guillaume Bort from Zenexity or Event Driven Architectures using Lift and Akka with Timothy Perrett from Xerox, Dependency Injection from Dick wall, well known co-host of the Java Posse Podcast, Scala from a Rubyist point of view with Rémy-Christophe Schermesser, the REPLs power mode with Paul Phillips, Scala on Android with Michael Galpin from EBAY, Grid computing with Nikita Ivanov from Gridgain and the Hydrogen project at Autodesk with Garrick Evans.

But there is lots, lots more. Effect Types, Debugging, XML, neat Database access, and Akka Future-construct from Viktor Klang. Martin will be giving the keynote about the future of Scala, while Doug Lea's, a well know concurrency expert, will be encouraging us to think about how Scala's support for many flavors of sequential programming applies to parallelism, as well as making life interesting for implementers of core functionality and libraries.

The latest Scala Eclipse Plugin has taken a quantum leap and listen to the team that created it, Iulian Dragos and Eugene Vigdorchik, or learn about how Scala is comming to .NET from Miguel Garcia, or participate in some advanced workshops on the exciting EPFL/Stanford parallel programming project given by Tiark Rompf. Learn how this work pays off in massive hetrogeneous parallel processing environments using Scala DSL's in machine learning and mechanical engineering with Arvind Sujeeth and Zach DeVito. 

Want to know more about Scala? There will be training courses at Stanford on the 31st May and 1st June: Fast Track to Scala (O-O meets Functional), Advanced Scala, and Akka Fast Track to Concurrency given by  Martin Odersky, Iulian Dragos, Heiko Seeberger and Viktor Klang. You can learn more about the courses or register for one at Scala Solutions.

The Bay area has always been the place for the hottest technology companies, and many of them use Scala, so you can expect to see many represented at Scaladays: companies like Novell, LinkedIn, Ebay, Twitter, Foursquare, Autodesk, Xerox and so on. You will be in great company. Plenty of time to mix with the people who have the skills and imagination to help you seize business benefits using Scala. The Scala community is known for being fast innovators and for simply getting stuff done.

Over 150 people already registered! Don't leave it too late to reserve your place at Scaladays 2011. Register soon!

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