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@bridge looks problematic

3 replies
Joined: 2010-03-11,
User offline. Last seen 33 weeks 5 days ago.
I wanted to ask what's the current opinion about bridge annotation? Is it going to stay or go away?
I'm asking because @bridge introduces a new set of problems I need to solve while working on Scala+GWT. Specifically, @bridge triggers generation of overloaded by return type method definitions. I believe they are introduced in mixin phase.
Since I'm running after cleanup I need to handle them. On the other hand, they were introduced to deal with binary compatibility of class files. Binary compatiblity is not an issue for me so I'd like to ignore existence of bridge methods altogether.
Supporting method overloading on return type in my project looks like a lot of work that I'd like to avoid doing.
They key question is: what's the future of @bridge annotation? Should I be investing my time into defending myself from implications of it's existence?

Grzegorz Kossakowski

Joined: 2010-02-07,
User offline. Last seen 34 weeks 5 days ago.
Re: @bridge looks problematic

> Should I be investing my time into defending myself from implications
> of it's existence?
Can't you just check the "isSynthetic" attribute of the method?



Joined: 2010-03-11,
User offline. Last seen 33 weeks 5 days ago.
Re: @bridge looks problematic
On 15 July 2011 21:26, Simon Ochsenreither <> wrote:
Should I be investing my time into defending myself from implications of it's existence?
Can't you just check the "isSynthetic" attribute of the method?

I believe that synthetic methods are used for other purposes too like for getters and setters, etc. 
Am I right?
Grzegorz Kossakowski

Joined: 2010-02-07,
User offline. Last seen 34 weeks 5 days ago.
Re: @bridge looks problematic

> I believe that synthetic methods are used for other purposes too like
> for getters and setters, etc.
Possible, yes. Maybe just check if there is a synthetic and a
non-synthetic one with the same name and ignore the first one or
something like that ...

Bye, Simon

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