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Constants.scala being in three places with two implementations?
Thu, 2011-07-21, 17:17
I'm wondering about this phenomena:
mac-grek:scala-trunk grek$ find . -name Constants.scala./src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/Constants.scala./src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Constants.scala ./src/library/scala/reflect/generic/Constants.scala
I sort of understand why we have three copies but I'm not sure if the exact shape is just sign of Work-In-Progress or that's a final state.
In particular, I wanted to fix implementation of escapedStringValue method and I'm not very sure where to put it. I'll go and put it into both internal and generic packages.
Grzegorz Kossakowski
I'm wondering about this phenomena:
mac-grek:scala-trunk grek$ find . -name Constants.scala./src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/Constants.scala./src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Constants.scala ./src/library/scala/reflect/generic/Constants.scala
I sort of understand why we have three copies but I'm not sure if the exact shape is just sign of Work-In-Progress or that's a final state.
In particular, I wanted to fix implementation of escapedStringValue method and I'm not very sure where to put it. I'll go and put it into both internal and generic packages.
Grzegorz Kossakowski
Thu, 2011-07-21, 19:07
Re: Constants.scala being in three places with two implementati
On 7/21/11 9:16 AM, Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:
> mac-grek:scala-trunk grek$ find . -name Constants.scala
> ./src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/Constants.scala
> ./src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Constants.scala
> ./src/library/scala/reflect/generic/Constants.scala
You'll find all the ones in generic/* are deprecated in their entirety.
It is very annoying having them in the source base, I should figure out
how I can delete them locally without git noticing. I don't know how we
landed here, but don't add anything to the generic ones.
Thu, 2011-07-21, 19:17
Re: Constants.scala being in three places with two implementati
On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 10:58:31AM -0700, Paul Phillips said
> On 7/21/11 9:16 AM, Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:
> > mac-grek:scala-trunk grek$ find . -name Constants.scala
> > ./src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/Constants.scala
> > ./src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Constants.scala
> > ./src/library/scala/reflect/generic/Constants.scala
> You'll find all the ones in generic/* are deprecated in their entirety.
> It is very annoying having them in the source base, I should figure out
> how I can delete them locally without git noticing. I don't know how we
> landed here, but don't add anything to the generic ones.
Just found out you can
git update-index --assume-unchanged src/library/scala/reflect/generic/*
and git won't bother checking if those files are modified or even
present. It's a neat trick I could use in some other situations, like
when somebody has decided that things like configure scripts should be
stored in the repository even though they're auto-generated.
Thu, 2011-07-21, 19:47
Re: Constants.scala being in three places with two implementati
On 7/21/11 11:13 AM, Geoff Reedy wrote:
> Just found out you can
> git update-index --assume-unchanged src/library/scala/reflect/generic/*
Money! Thanks a lot.
On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 6:16 PM, Grzegorz Kossakowski <grzegorz.kossakowski@gmail.com> wrote:
The comment on generic/Constants.scala says:
@deprecated("scala.reflect.generic will be removed", "2.9.1")
So that should give one clue :-)
api/Constants is pure interface, no implementation. So, by exclusion the fix needs to go in internal/Constants,
-- Martin