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Javamagazin - Scala changes the world of Java
Created by bagwell on 2009-03-04.
Updated: 2009-03-05, 15:06
Martin Kneissl reports that the latest issue of Javamagazin (Germany), one of the most popular within the Java community, is encouraging programmers to take a serious look at Scala. The article "Vorhang auf: Scala verändert die Java-Welt" ("Lift the curtain: Scala changes the Java world") appears in the 04.2009 edition which is now on the streets and should appear on their web site shortly.
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Link to scala issue
The table of contents for the Scala issue is on http://it-republik.de/jaxenter/java-magazin-ausgaben/Scala-000292.html.
Re: Link to scala issue
The link has been updated, thanks!