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Writing documentation: "object" is ambiguous, no precise rules concerning operators, no way to refer to instance methods

10 replies
Simon Ochsenreither
Joined: 2011-07-17,
User offline. Last seen 42 years 45 weeks ago.
Hi everyone,

I'm currently rewriting and moving parts of the old Sygneca wiki to the new "official" Scala wiki.

During this process I have hit the wall repeatedly because the lack of any guide on terminology in Scala is a huge problem when writing documentation.

I'm writing this mail to seek some decision about the most pressing problems, which will require adjustments in wording (not semantics!) to the documentation, the Scala style guide and probably the language spec, to resolve these problems once and for all.

The biggest problems at the moment are:

"object" is ambiguous

Depending on context, it can mean "an instance" or "singleton object".

No clear definition of what constitutes an operator

The Scala language spec is not precise on which requirements a method must full-fill to qualify as an operator.

How to refer to instance methods

Java uses to refer to "static" methods and Foo#foo to instance methods. In Scala # cannot be used due to the usage in path-dependent types.

See and how this has started.

In my personal opinion, I pretty much agree with the opinion voiced by Randall Schulz:

The term object has long been used ambiguously to mean either a class or an instance. Scala makes it imperative to stop engaging in this ambiguity and use the term object solely to refer to the language construct whose keyword is object. Instead, the term value or instance should be used for the more general case. I'd tend to use instance only for instances of classes and not to refer to what Java calls primitive types.

Ordinarily I prefer to use the specification of the language as the source of terminology, so, e.g., when I'm talking about C++ I refer to "member functions," not "methods."

However, given the widespread antipathy towards the notion of "operator overloading," it's probably best not to refer to non-alphanumeric, single-argument method names as operators. Possible alternatives include "symbolic methods" or "infix method invocation." All very cumbersome, but if Scala's pseudo-operator syntax is going to be used against the language by tossing around "operator overloading" as a slur, then it's best avoided.

I hope we can find some solution, because the situation proves to become more and more difficult.

Thanks and bye,


Joined: 2008-09-02,
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Re: Writing documentation: "object" is ambiguous, no precise ru

On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 11:55 AM, Simon Ochsenreither <> wrote:
Hi everyone,

I'm currently rewriting and moving parts of the old Sygneca wiki to the new "official" Scala wiki.

During this process I have hit the wall repeatedly because the lack of any guide on terminology in Scala is a huge problem when writing documentation.

I'm writing this mail to seek some decision about the most pressing problems, which will require adjustments in wording (not semantics!) to the documentation, the Scala style guide and probably the language spec, to resolve these problems once and for all.

The biggest problems at the moment are:

"object" is ambiguous

Depending on context, it can mean "an instance" or "singleton object".

No clear definition of what constitutes an operator

The Scala language spec is not precise on which requirements a method must full-fill to qualify as an operator.

Scala does not have "operators".  It has "operator notation" and 'operator-style method names'.   The funky part is the precedence rules of method application when using operator notation.  These are spec'ed out pretty well.  I think we can carefully avoid using the term 'operators'.  Instead we should use the term 'operator notation'.  I have a branch of the scala style guide where I clean up the usage of these terms, but I think we need to push the entire community to do so.   Because Scala has operator notation, does *not* mean it has operator overloading.   It splits a fine, hairy line between "everything is a method" and "operators are special".

How to refer to instance methods

Java uses to refer to "static" methods and Foo#foo to instance methods. In Scala # cannot be used due to the usage in path-dependent types.

All methods are instance methods in Scala.  "static" methods are a compiler optimisation. 
See and how this has started.

In my personal opinion, I pretty much agree with the opinion voiced by Randall Schulz:

The term object has long been used ambiguously to mean either a class or an instance. Scala makes it imperative to stop engaging in this ambiguity and use the term object solely to refer to the language construct whose keyword is object. Instead, the term value or instance should be used for the more general case. I'd tend to use instance only for instances of classes and not to refer to what Java calls primitive types.

Ordinarily I prefer to use the specification of the language as the source of terminology, so, e.g., when I'm talking about C++ I refer to "member functions," not "methods."

However, given the widespread antipathy towards the notion of "operator overloading," it's probably best not to refer to non-alphanumeric, single-argument method names as operators. Possible alternatives include "symbolic methods" or "infix method invocation." All very cumbersome, but if Scala's pseudo-operator syntax is going to be used against the language by tossing around "operator overloading" as a slur, then it's best avoided.

I hope we can find some solution, because the situation proves to become more and more difficult.

Thanks and bye,


Joined: 2009-04-23,
User offline. Last seen 38 weeks 5 days ago.
Re: Writing documentation: "object" is ambiguous, no precise ru

On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 12:55, Simon Ochsenreither
> Hi everyone,
> I'm currently rewriting and moving parts of the old Sygneca wiki to the new
> "official" Scala wiki.

Let me take the opportunity to give you a huge Thank You for this
effort! This is something that needed to be done, and it is very low
on the glamour scale. At least you'll probably learn some interesting
stuff -- that wiki had some pearls of Scala coding.

> During this process I have hit the wall repeatedly because the lack of any
> guide on terminology in Scala is a huge problem when writing documentation.
> I'm writing this mail to seek some decision about the most pressing
> problems, which will require adjustments in wording (not semantics!) to the
> documentation, the Scala style guide and probably the language spec, to
> resolve these problems once and for all.
> The biggest problems at the moment are:
> "object" is ambiguous
> Depending on context, it can mean "an instance" or "singleton object".

This is something I truly don't understand. The paradigm is called
Object Oriented Programming, not Instance Oriented Programming or
Class Oriented Programming. And an Object, in that paradigm, is some
piece of data which is interacted with through an API of methods it

There's no reason for "instance" to ever have arisen as a way to
describe objects, and I very much dislike that terminology. Likewise,
I dislike Scala's hi-jack of "object" both for the confusion it causes
and for removing from the dictionary of valid identifiers a perfectly
good and useful word. Generally speaking, I think nouns and verbs
should never be used as reserved keywords -- I often want to name
things as "match" as well, and everyone has seen "clazz" out there.
But I digress...

I usually refer to stuff declared with the "object" keyword as either
"companion object" or "singleton object", depending on whether there's
a class of the same name or not. I think that referring to them simply
as "object" will cause confusion among newcomers to Scala from an OO
background -- particularly one that doesn't have strong roots in Java
or C++ (such as the Smalltalkers).

> No clear definition of what constitutes an operator

To me, "operator" refers to identifiers that do not have alphanumeric
characters -- so I exclude, from this definition, stuff like
"isEmpty_?". I might further restrict it to refer only to _methods_
with that characteristic, but value-identifiers with that
characteristic are often used where one would expect to see a method

Joined: 2009-04-23,
User offline. Last seen 38 weeks 5 days ago.
Re: Writing documentation: "object" is ambiguous, no precise ru

On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 14:13, Josh Suereth wrote:
>> How to refer to instance methods
>> Java uses to refer to "static" methods and Foo#foo to instance
>> methods. In Scala # cannot be used due to the usage in path-dependent types.
> All methods are instance methods in Scala.  "static" methods are a compiler
> optimisation.

True, but it misses the point. If I write "", am I speaking of
method "foo" in the class "Foo", or method "foo" in the (singleton)
object "Foo"?

Joined: 2008-07-29,
User offline. Last seen 45 weeks 6 days ago.
Re: Writing documentation: "object" is ambiguous, no precise ru
Programming in Scala contains a glossary which is as close as one can get to an official definition of terms. It would be good to see whether there are holes, so we can fix them in a future edition.


 -- Martin

On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 7:13 PM, Josh Suereth <> wrote:

On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 11:55 AM, Simon Ochsenreither <> wrote:
Hi everyone,

I'm currently rewriting and moving parts of the old Sygneca wiki to the new "official" Scala wiki.

During this process I have hit the wall repeatedly because the lack of any guide on terminology in Scala is a huge problem when writing documentation.

I'm writing this mail to seek some decision about the most pressing problems, which will require adjustments in wording (not semantics!) to the documentation, the Scala style guide and probably the language spec, to resolve these problems once and for all.

The biggest problems at the moment are:

"object" is ambiguous

Depending on context, it can mean "an instance" or "singleton object".

No clear definition of what constitutes an operator

The Scala language spec is not precise on which requirements a method must full-fill to qualify as an operator.

Scala does not have "operators".  It has "operator notation" and 'operator-style method names'.   The funky part is the precedence rules of method application when using operator notation.  These are spec'ed out pretty well.  I think we can carefully avoid using the term 'operators'.  Instead we should use the term 'operator notation'.  I have a branch of the scala style guide where I clean up the usage of these terms, but I think we need to push the entire community to do so.   Because Scala has operator notation, does *not* mean it has operator overloading.   It splits a fine, hairy line between "everything is a method" and "operators are special".

How to refer to instance methods

Java uses to refer to "static" methods and Foo#foo to instance methods. In Scala # cannot be used due to the usage in path-dependent types.

All methods are instance methods in Scala.  "static" methods are a compiler optimisation. 
See and how this has started.

In my personal opinion, I pretty much agree with the opinion voiced by Randall Schulz:

The term object has long been used ambiguously to mean either a class or an instance. Scala makes it imperative to stop engaging in this ambiguity and use the term object solely to refer to the language construct whose keyword is object. Instead, the term value or instance should be used for the more general case. I'd tend to use instance only for instances of classes and not to refer to what Java calls primitive types.

Ordinarily I prefer to use the specification of the language as the source of terminology, so, e.g., when I'm talking about C++ I refer to "member functions," not "methods."

However, given the widespread antipathy towards the notion of "operator overloading," it's probably best not to refer to non-alphanumeric, single-argument method names as operators. Possible alternatives include "symbolic methods" or "infix method invocation." All very cumbersome, but if Scala's pseudo-operator syntax is going to be used against the language by tossing around "operator overloading" as a slur, then it's best avoided.

I hope we can find some solution, because the situation proves to become more and more difficult.

Thanks and bye,


Martin Odersky
Prof., EPFL and Chairman, Typesafe
PSED, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Tel. EPFL: +41 21 693 6863
Tel. Typesafe: +41 21 691 4967

Joined: 2009-04-23,
User offline. Last seen 38 weeks 5 days ago.
Re: Writing documentation: "object" is ambiguous, no precise ru

On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 16:20, martin odersky wrote:
> Programming in Scala contains a glossary which is as close as one can get to
> an official definition of terms. It would be good to see whether there are
> holes, so we can fix them in a future edition.

I went through it right now, and it seems to answer all the questions soc had.

Accordingly, we should use "instance", "singleton object" -- further
divided in "companion object" and "standalone object", and "operator"
refers to a method when used in "operator notation".

Simon Ochsenreither
Joined: 2011-07-17,
User offline. Last seen 42 years 45 weeks ago.
Aw: Re: Writing documentation: "object" is ambiguous, no precis

Let me take the opportunity to give you a huge Thank You for this
effort! This is something that needed to be done, and it is very low
on the glamour scale. At least you'll probably learn some interesting
stuff -- that wiki had some pearls of Scala coding.

No problem! You're right, after fixing the Parsing article a bit, I understand the whole design much better!

> "object" is ambiguous
> Depending on context, it can mean "an instance" or "singleton object".

I usually refer to stuff declared with the "object" keyword as either
"companion object" or "singleton object", depending on whether there's
a class of the same name or not. I think that referring to them simply
as "object" will cause confusion among newcomers to Scala from an OO
background -- particularly one that doesn't have strong roots in Java
or C++ (such as the Smalltalkers).

Well, we can't change the fact that the thing formerly called "module" is called "object" now.

I would propose using "object" ONLY for [singleton | companion] objects, with the optional part as necessary and making "instance" the suggested term for speaking about instances of a class.

> No clear definition of what constitutes an operator

To me, "operator" refers to identifiers that do not have alphanumeric
characters -- so I exclude, from this definition, stuff like
"isEmpty_?". I might further restrict it to refer only to _methods_
with that characteristic, but value-identifiers with that
characteristic are often used where one would expect to see a method
-- for example, "::" in extractors. I *would* have used "symbols" to
refer to them, except that symbol is a Scala type.

IMHO that's part of the problem. Everyone has a different opinion of what constitutes an operator :-/

> How to refer to instance methods
> Java uses to refer to "static" methods and Foo#foo to instance
> methods. In Scala # cannot be used due to the usage in path-dependent types.

Yes, that _is_ a problem. I'd rather follow Java's lead on this, in
particular because when you say "Foo#foo", you are speaking of the
method "foo" of any instance of "Foo", just like the meaning of
"Foo#Foo" as a type. If Scala ever develops methods as first class
citizens, I wouldn't be the least surprised that very notation used.

Unfortunately... that's a convention that hasn't "taken" in the Scala
community. I'd love to adopt it, if the community at large decided to
go this way.

Maybe I haven't understood it, but I don't see how things can be solved without "inventing" another symbol. If we use # for instance methods, we have to reinvent a new symbol for path-dependent types.

The problem is that the following is legal:

class Foo {
  class foo
  def foo = null

So we need at least two symbols, because Foo#foo is ambiguous.

Thanks and bye!
Simon Ochsenreither
Joined: 2011-07-17,
User offline. Last seen 42 years 45 weeks ago.
Aw: Re: Writing documentation: "object" is ambiguous, no precis
Scala does not have "operators".  It has "operator notation" and 'operator-style method names'.   The funky part is the precedence rules of method application when using operator notation.  These are spec'ed out pretty well.  I think we can carefully avoid using the term 'operators'.  Instead we should use the term 'operator notation'.  I have a branch of the scala style guide where I clean up the usage of these terms, but I think we need to push the entire community to do so.   Because Scala has operator notation, does *not* mean it has operator overloading.   It splits a fine, hairy line between "everything is a method" and "operators are special".

IMHO the best thing would be to abandon the complete usage of "operator". It is a world of pain, because everyone thinks it is something different _and_ we get lumped together with C++ by the same people who usually love the cleanliness of Smalltalk's scheme. Considering how near we are to the Smalltalk why of doing things and the changes on top were done to be less surprising and not to be more exotic, this is very unfortunate.

In the end "operator" covers many different things:
 - Which characters/symbols are used
 - How the method is called
 - How precedence works

Why can't we be a bit more precise and use:
 - symbolic method names (when we want to talk about the name)
 - infix [method] notation (when we want to talk about the syntax)
 - [symbolic] method precedence (when we want to refer to the order in which things are called)

What do you think?

All methods are instance methods in Scala.  "static" methods are a compiler optimisation.

The problem is (singleton/companion) objects.

Thanks and bye!

Joined: 2009-04-23,
User offline. Last seen 38 weeks 5 days ago.
Re: Re: Writing documentation: "object" is ambiguous, no precis

On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 18:08, Simon Ochsenreither
> Hi!
> The problem is that the following is legal:
> class Foo {
>   class foo
>   def foo = null
> }
> So we need at least two symbols, because Foo#foo is ambiguous.

Types and methods/values do not share namespaces, so there's no
ambiguity. Unless, of course, you say it without context. What is
"Foo"? A class? An object? Foo#foo isn't any different -- if you are
speaking of types, it is one thing, if you are speaking of methods, it
is another.

For that matter, consider Am I referring to a type called foo
in object Foo, or a method called Foo?

Joined: 2008-12-17,
User offline. Last seen 35 weeks 3 days ago.
Re: Writing documentation: "object" is ambiguous, no precise ru

On 8/7/11 8:55 AM, Simon Ochsenreither wrote:
> Java uses to refer to "static" methods and Foo#foo to instance
> methods. In Scala # cannot be used due to the usage in path-dependent types.

As mentioned elsewhere, this is a problem (if it is a problem) we already have with the less exotic "." selection. I undertook mapping out the possibility space: perhaps this will be elucidative.

trait outer {
/* I'm trait Foo! What's inside me?

foo#Foo // I'm class Foo type
foo#Foo.type // I'm object Foo type
foo#Bar // I'm type Bar type

And a method called "Bar", whose type we can't express
at language level. No terms. (So that's why S#T is called
a "type selection"...) However we could attempt to
proceed by analogy:

// This would be the type of whatever term called "Bar"
// is to be found in type foo. Unfortunately such usage
// would be at odds with its present meaning, where it
// indicates a stable underlying value.
trait foo {
object Foo
class Foo
type Bar
def Bar

val foo: foo
/* I'm value foo! What's inside me?

foo.Foo // I'm class Foo type
foo.Foo // I'm object Foo term
foo.Foo.type // I'm object Foo's type type
("How can anyone tell you guys apart?")
("Well, Foo has an ugly mole on his cheek.")
("Shut up, Foo!")
("You shut up!")

foo.Bar // I'm type Bar type
foo.Bar // I'm method Bar, except I don't exist as a value term?
foo.Bar.type // I'm the type of that method I guess. type

Jorge Ortiz
Joined: 2008-12-16,
User offline. Last seen 29 weeks 4 days ago.
Re: Writing documentation: "object" is ambiguous, no precise ru
In addition to foo#Foo.type, isn't there also a distinct foo#"object Foo" which is not expressible in source code?

On Sat, Aug 13, 2011 at 1:33 PM, Paul Phillips <> wrote:
On 8/7/11 8:55 AM, Simon Ochsenreither wrote:
> Java uses to refer to "static" methods and Foo#foo to instance
> methods. In Scala # cannot be used due to the usage in path-dependent types.

As mentioned elsewhere, this is a problem (if it is a problem) we already have with the less exotic "." selection.  I undertook mapping out the possibility space: perhaps this will be elucidative.

trait outer {
 /*  I'm trait Foo! What's inside me?

     foo#Foo       // I'm class Foo      type
     foo#Foo.type  // I'm object Foo     type
     foo#Bar       // I'm type Bar       type

     And a method called "Bar", whose type we can't express
     at language level.  No terms.  (So that's why S#T is called
     a "type selection"...) However we could attempt to
     proceed by analogy:

     // This would be the type of whatever term called "Bar"
     // is to be found in type foo.  Unfortunately such usage
     // would be at odds with its present meaning, where it
     // indicates a stable underlying value.
 trait foo {
   object Foo
    class Foo
     type Bar
      def Bar

 val foo: foo
 /*  I'm value foo! What's inside me?

     foo.Foo       // I'm class Foo          type
     foo.Foo       // I'm object Foo         term
     foo.Foo.type  // I'm object Foo's type  type
     ("How can anyone tell you guys apart?")
     ("Well, Foo has an ugly mole on his cheek.")
     ("Shut up, Foo!")
     ("You shut up!")

     foo.Bar       // I'm type Bar                                     type
     foo.Bar       // I'm method Bar, except I don't exist as a value  term?
     foo.Bar.type  // I'm the type of that method I guess.             type

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