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Implicit class + inline class SID (Scala Improvement Document)

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Joined: 2008-09-02,
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Cross-posting to scala-language + scala-internals because I wasn't sure where else to push this.

You asked for it, and it's ready for public viewing!   Here is a modified proposal for implicit classes that includes the ability to inline classes.   The ulitmate goal of this proposal is for better 'implicit' performance within Scala.   Specifically for the extension method + typeclass/typetrait patterns embedded in Scala implicits.
Please take a look and offer constructive feedback!

Note:  This proposal does not include any syntax sugar fixes for defining typeclasses.  I have an alternative, much more controversial, SID that outlines an annotaiton-based approach to generating typeclass boilerlate.  I can send it to those who are interested, because it's designed to be acheived via annotations + a compiler plugin currently.
- Josh

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