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Another Scala Join Library

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Joined: 2011-04-27,
User offline. Last seen 1 year 10 weeks ago.

Hi all,

In concurrent programming, join pattern is a useful constructor for
resources synchronisation. It has both been built into a new language
(e.g. JoCaml) and been introduced as libraries of modern languages
(e.g. the Joins class for .Net).

I recently improved Dr. Philipp Haller's Scala Joins Library by
providing uniformed "and" operator, theoretically unlimited number of
join patterns in a single block, and other features. With those
features, my library should overcome main problems of porting it to
the standard library.

The source code and a short user manual of my library could be found

I hope that more users could benefit from this library. I am pleased
to hear your comments on the implementation or the user manual of my

Best Regards

Yours, Jiansen

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