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Docspree Success
Created by soc on 2011-08-31.
Updated: 2011-09-05, 12:31
The monthly Scala Docspree is a community-run event set up by developers who are passionate about adding high quality documentation to the Scala ecosystem. Great documentation helps everyone, from beginners just starting to experts looking for quick answers. This enthusiastic and dedicated group gets together every third Saturday of the month for a Docspree. The first one was a great success and if you think some part of Scala documentation needs beefing up then join an upcoming Docspree session. All new comers are heartily welcomed. Simon Ochsenreither tells us more about the first one here.
This month’s Scala Docspree held on the August 20th has finished and a dozen participants from all over the world have successfully contributed documentation to the Scala standard library.
This time, participants from Canada, the US, Britain, Germany, Switzerland and Japan focused on documentation for the AnyVal hierarchy (e. g. Int, Long, Double, ...) as well as thoroughly documenting scala.Predef, sys.process and many collection classes, like HashMap, List, Queue, Stream and Vector.
The changes will show up in the nightly documentation soon.
Thanks to everyone participating, writing documentation, reviewing or merging changes, giving useful hints or lending a helping hand on ##scala-docspree during the event: Your help is very much appreciated!
All contributors, of any level of experience with Scala, are welcome to participate:
- If you are interested in contributing documentation, you can get further information about the event from the Scala Wiki and can familiarize yourself with ScalaDoc’s syntax, tags and the overall workflow.
- If you don't feel able to write documentation, you can act as a reviewer for documentation that is produced to help ensure the high quality of every contribution.
- If you have a class or method which you think needs more documentation, feel free to add it to the Wishlist, so we can take your wishes into account.
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Re: Docspree Success
Would it be possible to mention Iain McGinniss as the inventor and organizer of the DocSpree instead of me (I just created the news item...), I don't want to appear as if I did all the work, when it was in fact Iain!