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hello past self, nice to meet you

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Joined: 2008-12-17,
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Oh, the things one runs across as one sifts carefully through every
usage of the MODULE and FINAL flags in trunk because of the subtle
non-local effects which arise from decoupling them. If only someone had
anticipated this eventuality... (Ow, I broke my arm trying to reach that
spot on my back.)

Setup line: "It's not relevant whether this example poses any issues."
Oh sure, that's such 2010 thinking. NOW it's relevant.

commit 067942feb951ce655539423eeba53251160ac45d
Author: extempore
Date: Wed Oct 13 04:48:20 2010 +0000

/** ISSUE #2: Implicit flag relationships must be made explicit.
* For instance, every time the MODULE flag is set, the FINAL flag is
* set along with it:
.setFlag(FINAL | MODULE | PACKAGE | JAVA).setInfo(rootLoader)
new ModuleSymbol(this, pos, name).setFlag(MODULE | FINAL)
new ModuleSymbol(this, pos, name).setFlag(MODULE | FINAL)
val m = new ModuleSymbol(this, pos, name).setFlag(MODULE | FINAL)
setFlag(module.getFlag(ModuleToClassFlags) | MODULE | FINAL)
sourceModule.flags = MODULE | FINAL

* However the same is not true of when the MODULE flag is cleared:

.setFlag(sym.flags | STABLE).resetFlag(MODULE)
sym.resetFlag(MODULE | FINAL | CASE)

* It's not relevant whether this example poses any issues: we must
* not tolerate these uncertainties. If the flags are to move together
* then both setting and clearing have to be encapsulated. If there
* is a useful and used distinction between the various permutations
* of on and off, then it must be documented. It's the only way!

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