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Re: Scala Meeting 2011/09/06

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Joined: 2009-03-17,
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On 13/09/2011 23:02, Francois wrote:
4E6FC503 [dot] 3020003 [at] gmail [dot] com" type="cite"> On 13/09/2011 10:24, Adriaan Moors wrote:
CAJQegsgyYgpTyyO1hZnp5D6zq_EDe54YupsBXa2u51154ga-Wg [at] mail [dot] gmail [dot] com" type="cite">[...]


[...] Adriaan: re-implemented most of pattern matching run-time semantics in 500 LOC that translates matching similarly to how we desugar for-comprehensions, now battling with last 10% and discrepancies between the spec and the current pattern matcher implementation

Wow, that seems awesome !

(not to other people stuff doesn't seem wonderful, but that knowing that someone is working on that one is really cool :)

Sorry, the mailer fires by itself, it should have been something like: "(not that stuff of other people doesn't seem wonderful, but knowing that someone is working on that one is really cool :)"

Francois ARMAND

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