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Scala Meeting 2011/09/13

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Joined: 2010-02-08,
User offline. Last seen 31 weeks 4 days ago.

We are currently publishing a summary of each of the weekly meetings of the Scala Core Team.

This information is made available as a service to the community. It is by necessity rather brief and gives only a rough approximation of the main points of discussions explored during each meeting; it should not be taken as a source of reliable information, nor as a record of concrete or firm decisions, nor as anything other than a record of a simple discussion.

The summary that follows is primarily intended for Scala contributors and maintainers. If you are not a contributor to the Scala system, the information below is unlikely to be very useful to you, and you might lack some of the necessary background to make sense of all the discussion items.

We do not have enough people on the team to be able to write a more complete record, and we might also not have the resources to discuss every point in detail afterwards. Nevertheless, we hope that this record, cursory as it is, is better than nothing.

Scala Meeting 2011/09/13


Iulian: eclipse, release of beta 10

Nada: starting to look at compiler internals

Grzegorz: improving compilation time for scala+gwt

Tiark: gave talk at DSL conf in bordeaux, Delite stuff (Liszt port,...)

Eugene: papers, semester project ideas

Miguel: clr generics

Frederik: akka courseware, fixing stuff on

Luc: importing unprefixed type

Martin: type completion bug, reflection, expression trees

Manohar: json serializer

Lukas: Effects are actually not ordered (they are simple sets / lattices), but the order in which they happen affects the effect typing environments. Trying to update codereview to a new version, re-writing the tool which automatically creates reviews using the REST api.

Trond: akka courseware, fixing stuff on

Vlad: candidacy exam. scaladoc

Adriaan: compiling the scala library with the virtualising pattern matcher, fixing bugs along the way

Voijn: fixed build issues, added tasks and timeline for Distributed Collections. Presentation for candidacy exam.

Mirco: branch naming convention for scala-ide, java-scala interop bug (caused spurious bugs in the editor), beta 10

Toni:  migrating scala-ide website, 2.8.2 RC 2

Phil: advertising and training

Hubert: pushed first draft of error trees, working on improving performance, bug fixing for eclipse

Alex: specialisation fixes, interop with mixins was problematic, master student on benchmarking is making good progress, at LCPC conf: best student paper!


JIRA troubles

Something is wrong with JIRA. It seems to forget who performed certain actions, which results in anonymous users reopening tickets. The damage could be worse: is it also dropping comments? When you comment on tickets (or reopen them, ...), please make sure the comment actually shows up, and let us know if it doesn’t! We apologize for the inconvenience.

We’ve checked what could cause this, but it’s not clear to us how this can happen / how to reproduce.  We’ll try to upgrade to the latest version and see if that fixes it. 

Enumeration’s reliance on reflection is problematic for GWT

Grzegorz will write a compiler plugin that replaces calls to the standard Enumeration to one that doesn’t use reflection.


Requested: r25625, r25596 -> 2.8.2 RC3, wait a week and then release final

Scaladoc - plugging into internal.Types.toString / safeToString

 - we want to generate strings for types and add hyperlinks

 - don’t want to duplicate code => need to override String somehow

Conclusion: try the SymbolString solution first

Meeting format 

The group’s getting too big for weekly meetings: attendance * duration = a lot of person hours not spent on bugfixing,... So we’ll meet the first Tuesday of every month from now on.

Joined: 2010-02-08,
User offline. Last seen 31 weeks 4 days ago.
Re: Scala Meeting 2011/09/13

On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 10:10 AM, Adriaan Moors <> wrote:

Meeting format 

The group’s getting too big for weekly meetings: attendance * duration = a lot of person hours not spent on bugfixing,... So we’ll meet the first Tuesday of every month from now on.

that was referring to the plenary meetings (including Typesafe): they will be monthly the EPFL Scala meetings will keep their weekly schedule

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