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Scala Meeting report 2011/09/20

1 reply
Joined: 2010-02-08,
User offline. Last seen 31 weeks 4 days ago.

We are currently publishing a summary of each of the weekly meetings of the Scala Core Team.

This information is made available as a service to the community. It is by necessity rather brief and gives only a rough approximation of the main points of discussions explored during each meeting; it should not be taken as a source of reliable information, nor as a record of concrete or firm decisions, nor as anything other than a record of a simple discussion.

The summary that follows is primarily intended for Scala contributors and maintainers. If you are not a contributor to the Scala system, the information below is unlikely to be very useful to you, and you might lack some of the necessary background to make sense of all the discussion items.

We do not have enough people on the team to be able to write a more complete record, and we might also not have the resources to discuss every point in detail afterwards. Nevertheless, we hope that this record, cursory as it is, is better than nothing.

Scala Meeting 2011/09/20


Eugene: exploring macros, the semester project will involve quasiquotations, in the meanwhile we’ll be thinking about the design of macros themselves (also see the topic on scala-user)

Miguel: clr generics, plus new write-ups (superaccessors, refchecks)

Martin: Wrestling with reflection. Dependency tracking with fingerprints.

Lukas: More work on effect-type-checking environments.

Adriaan: virtualised pattern matcher “almost done”, updating spec for implicits & type inference

Voijn: Candidacy exam. Teaching prep. Exploring DeLite and LMS internals.

Toni: completed Scala Days videos, released 2.8.2 RC3.

Hubert: usual work on error trees and eclipse, started preparing for teaching

Alex: One specialized ticket. Started working on DeLite with Vojin. Looking at continuations papers. Working with master student.

Heather: custom thread pools for parallel collections, lots of documentation reviewing and merging.

Manohar: Working with Tiark on Delite benchmarking project. Reading papers on the topic.

Nada: LMS, dynamic typing 

Grzegorz: Working on Scala Gwt compilation. Much faster. (protobufs, no longer compiling twice, dev mode is working)

Phil: wrapping up vector concat, pay as you go; starting scala days prep


Binary Compatibility

Right now we make sure that code compiled with, say, 2.8.0 will run using the 2.8.2 libraries. Some people are inquiring about the reverse: compiling under 2.8.2 and sending the code to users who have 2.8.0 installed. Right now that may not work. 

We feel this is too stringent a restriction, and will thus only offer forward compatibility.

Scala Days

We’re starting to prepare for the next Scala days!

Joined: 2011-06-04,
User offline. Last seen 42 years 45 weeks ago.
Re: Scala Meeting report 2011/09/20

I was very pleased with Eugene's post this week about macro's. As an
avid community post reader (much less a contributer to be honest), I
enjoy reading updates about the direction Scala is taking.

With that in mind, I'd be very interested seeing similar efforts with
respect to eg. virtualized pattern matcher (what can we expect with
respect to that) and also the intriguing mentioning of "dynamic
typing" (Nada).

In general, I would love to hear more of what is brewing at EPFL.


On Sep 20, 5:33 pm, Adriaan Moors wrote:
> We are currently publishing a summary of each of the weekly meetings of the
> Scala Core Team.
> This information is made available as a service to the community. It is by
> necessity rather brief and gives only a rough approximation of the main
> points of discussions explored during each meeting; it should not be taken
> as a source of reliable information, nor as a record of concrete or firm
> decisions, nor as anything other than a record of a simple discussion.
> The summary that follows is primarily intended for Scala contributors and
> maintainers. If you are not a contributor to the Scala system, the
> information below is unlikely to be very useful to you, and you might lack
> some of the necessary background to make sense of all the discussion items.
> We do not have enough people on the team to be able to write a more complete
> record, and we might also not have the resources to discuss every point in
> detail afterwards. Nevertheless, we hope that this record, cursory as it is,
> is better than nothing.
> *
> *
> *Scala Meeting 2011/09/20*
> *Attending*
> Eugene: exploring macros, the semester project will involve quasiquotations,
> in the meanwhile we’ll be thinking about the design of macros themselves
> (also see the topic on scala-user)
> Miguel: clr generics, plus new write-ups (superaccessors, refchecks)
> Martin: Wrestling with reflection. Dependency tracking with fingerprints.
> Lukas: More work on effect-type-checking environments.
> Adriaan: virtualised pattern matcher “almost done”, updating spec for
> implicits & type inference
> Voijn: Candidacy exam. Teaching prep. Exploring DeLite and LMS internals.
> Toni: completed Scala Days videos, released 2.8.2 RC3.
> Hubert: usual work on error trees and eclipse, started preparing for
> teaching
> Alex: One specialized ticket. Started working on DeLite with Vojin. Looking
> at continuations papers. Working with master student.
> Heather: custom thread pools for parallel collections, lots of documentation
> reviewing and merging.
> Manohar: Working with Tiark on Delite benchmarking project. Reading papers
> on the topic.
> Nada: LMS, dynamic typing
> Grzegorz: Working on Scala Gwt compilation. Much faster. (protobufs, no
> longer compiling twice, dev mode is working)
> Phil: wrapping up vector concat, pay as you go; starting scala days prep
> *
> *
> *Discussion*
> *Binary Compatibility*
> Right now we make sure that code compiled with, say, 2.8.0 will run using
> the 2.8.2 libraries. Some people are inquiring about the reverse: compiling
> under 2.8.2 and sending the code to users who have 2.8.0 installed. Right
> now that may not work.
> We feel this is too stringent a restriction, and will thus only offer
> forward compatibility.
> *Scala Days*
> We’re starting to prepare for the next Scala days!

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