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JIRA RSS feeds
Sat, 2011-10-01, 23:46
I have a public RSS feed of issues from JIRA which stopped working
around August 2nd (date of the last issue on the feed). Try to get the
RSS again from JIRA seems to indicate there's something broken:
HTTP Status 400 - The value 'Documentation (incl. API)' does not exist
for the field 'component'.
type Status report
message The value 'Documentation (incl. API)' does not exist for the
field 'component'.
description The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect
(The value 'Documentation (incl. API)' does not exist for the field
Is this a known issue?
Tue, 2011-10-04, 15:37
Re: JIRA RSS feeds
On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 10:34, Lukas Rytz wrote:
> It seems the component is now named "Documentation and API"
> Cheers: Lukas
Oh, there are a number of other components renamed as well. This does
seem to have fixed RSS, though it's funny in that the filter could
still be used from JIRA, with no other consequences except not picking
up everything I wanted.
> 2011/10/2 Daniel Sobral
>> I have a public RSS feed of issues from JIRA which stopped working
>> around August 2nd (date of the last issue on the feed). Try to get the
>> RSS again from JIRA seems to indicate there's something broken:
>> HTTP Status 400 - The value 'Documentation (incl. API)' does not exist
>> for the field 'component'.
>> type Status report
>> message The value 'Documentation (incl. API)' does not exist for the
>> field 'component'.
>> description The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect
>> (The value 'Documentation (incl. API)' does not exist for the field
>> 'component'.).
>> Is this a known issue?
>> --
>> Daniel C. Sobral
>> I travel to the future all the time.
Tue, 2011-10-04, 17:17
Re: JIRA RSS feeds
On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 7:27 AM, Daniel Sobral wrote:
> Oh, there are a number of other components renamed as well. This does
> seem to have fixed RSS, though it's funny in that the filter could
> still be used from JIRA, with no other consequences except not picking
> up everything I wanted.
BTW the renaming of components was primarily driven by the desire not
to have every potential assignee start with the phrase "Scala "
because it makes it impossible to assign with the keyboard. Thus
"Scala Community" becomes "Community", and etc. It's pretty sad when
one's names must be chosen via "the alphabet pigeonhole principle",
but when someone else is handling all the incoming tickets they can
name things their way.
Cheers: Lukas
2011/10/2 Daniel Sobral <dcsobral@gmail.com>