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Fwd: NPE in presentation compiler - what can I attempt to narrow this down

12 replies
Chris Twiner
Joined: 2008-12-17,
User offline. Last seen 42 years 45 weeks ago.

Hi All,

before I raise a ticket (can't find similar stack trace on jira) I'd
like to know how I can narrow this down in order to help it being

The attached stack traces are from a build based on the latest 2.9.x
branch out of the github project.

Tried to get it working in Eclipse but it fails very early on and I
can't see any point in continuing with that approach at narrowing
things down:


(thats on the core-tests subproject, which jaxen-tests depends on)

Background: its a test only project in sbt, with the presentation
compiler being run out of ensime.  There are two package objects, that
pull in a number of traits and provide some functions of their own, in
the main project (jaxen-tests in scales-xml).

Using sbt to build it is mostly flawless (except the odd case of
package object issues causing a ;clean;compile).


Joined: 2011-03-17,
User offline. Last seen 1 year 26 weeks ago.
Re: Fwd: NPE in presentation compiler - what can I attempt to n

On Sat, Dec 3, 2011 at 4:44 PM, Chris Twiner <> wrote:
Hi All,

before I raise a ticket (can't find similar stack trace on jira) I'd
like to know how I can narrow this down in order to help it being

The attached stack traces are from a build based on the latest 2.9.x
branch out of the github project.

Tried to get it working in Eclipse but it fails very early on and I
can't see any point in continuing with that approach at narrowing
things down:


(thats on the core-tests subproject, which jaxen-tests depends on)

Background: its a test only project in sbt, with the presentation
compiler being run out of ensime.  There are two package objects, that
pull in a number of traits and provide some functions of their own, in
the main project (jaxen-tests in scales-xml).

Using sbt to build it is mostly flawless (except the odd case of
package object issues causing a ;clean;compile).


Hi Chris,

The compiler outputs some message before crashing: but Eclipse won't show that. So, how to get the error message:

 - start Eclipse from console - it should log errors there
 - clean your project and recompile it
 - check out the messages from the compiler -- look for "exception when typing:"
 - if you still don't see anything like "exception while typing:":
   - enable presentation compiler output in Preferences > Scala > plugininfo [X] Enable logging of the Scala Plugin Info
   - enable verbose from Preferences > Scala > Compiler
   - restart eclipse
   - clean your project and recompile it

If you have the exact error it will be easier to track down the problem.


Chris Twiner
Joined: 2008-12-17,
User offline. Last seen 42 years 45 weeks ago.
Re: Fwd: NPE in presentation compiler - what can I attempt to n

Hi All, and thanks Vlad for the suggestions.

I finally got eclipse to work with using sbt-eclipse instead of manual
config. So much nicer.

As expected/hoped I get the same npe from the presentation compiler:


Thats the verification part.

Any ideas on how to narrow this bug down before I raise a ticket? I'm
expecting that someone, PaulP for example, has played with this bit of
code (adaptToNewRun) before. I'm obviously starting off with a binary
approach, but a guiding hand would be great.


On Sat, Dec 3, 2011 at 5:24 PM, Vlad Ureche wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 3, 2011 at 4:44 PM, Chris Twiner wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> before I raise a ticket (can't find similar stack trace on jira) I'd
>> like to know how I can narrow this down in order to help it being
>> fixed.
>> The attached stack traces are from a build based on the latest 2.9.x
>> branch out of the github project.
>> Tried to get it working in Eclipse but it fails very early on and I
>> can't see any point in continuing with that approach at narrowing
>> things down:
>> java.lang.Error
>> at
>> at$Eraser.typed1(Erasure.scala:737)
>> at$Typer.typed(Typers.scala:4273)
>> at
>> at
>> (thats on the core-tests subproject, which jaxen-tests depends on)
>> Background: its a test only project in sbt, with the presentation
>> compiler being run out of ensime.  There are two package objects, that
>> pull in a number of traits and provide some functions of their own, in
>> the main project (jaxen-tests in scales-xml).
>> Using sbt to build it is mostly flawless (except the odd case of
>> package object issues causing a ;clean;compile).
>> Cheers,
>> Chris
> Hi Chris,
> The compiler outputs some message before crashing:
> but Eclipse won't show that. So, how to get the error message:
>  - start Eclipse from console - it should log errors there
>  - clean your project and recompile it
>  - check out the messages from the compiler -- look for "exception when
> typing:"
>  - if you still don't see anything like "exception while typing:":
>    - enable presentation compiler output in Preferences > Scala > plugininfo
> [X] Enable logging of the Scala Plugin Info
>    - enable verbose from Preferences > Scala > Compiler
>    - restart eclipse
>    - clean your project and recompile it
> If you have the exact error it will be easier to track down the problem.
> Vlad

Joined: 2010-03-11,
User offline. Last seen 33 weeks 5 days ago.
Re: Fwd: NPE in presentation compiler - what can I attempt to n

On 4 December 2011 15:44, Chris Twiner wrote:
> Hi All, and thanks Vlad for the suggestions.
> I finally got eclipse to work with using sbt-eclipse instead of manual
> config.  So much nicer.
> As expected/hoped I get the same npe from the presentation compiler:
> java.lang.NullPointerException
> at$adaptToNewRunMap$.adaptToNewRun(Types.scala:3920)
> at$adaptToNewRunMap$.adaptToNewRun(Types.scala:3921)
> at$adaptToNewRunMap$.apply(Types.scala:3984)
> at$Symbol.adaptToNewRun$1(Symbols.scala:822)
> Thats the verification part.
> Any ideas on how to narrow this bug down before I raise a ticket?  I'm
> expecting that someone, PaulP for example, has played with this bit of
> code (adaptToNewRun) before.  I'm obviously starting off with a binary
> approach, but a guiding hand would be great.

Do yo have small, self-contained test-case for this problem?

Chris Twiner
Joined: 2008-12-17,
User offline. Last seen 42 years 45 weeks ago.
Re: Fwd: NPE in presentation compiler - what can I attempt to n

That's what i am trying to get but i have no idea which of the 70+ source files could be causing it or if its the project structure or if its just that I am using package objects.

That's what i need the guiding hand for, to help me focus on what kind of thing could cause this.

On Dec 4, 2011 3:53 PM, "Grzegorz Kossakowski" <> wrote:
On 4 December 2011 15:44, Chris Twiner <> wrote:
> Hi All, and thanks Vlad for the suggestions.
> I finally got eclipse to work with using sbt-eclipse instead of manual
> config.  So much nicer.
> As expected/hoped I get the same npe from the presentation compiler:
> java.lang.NullPointerException
> at$adaptToNewRunMap$.adaptToNewRun(Types.scala:3920)
> at$adaptToNewRunMap$.adaptToNewRun(Types.scala:3921)
> at$adaptToNewRunMap$.apply(Types.scala:3984)
> at$Symbol.adaptToNewRun$1(Symbols.scala:822)
> Thats the verification part.
> Any ideas on how to narrow this bug down before I raise a ticket?  I'm
> expecting that someone, PaulP for example, has played with this bit of
> code (adaptToNewRun) before.  I'm obviously starting off with a binary
> approach, but a guiding hand would be great.

Do yo have small, self-contained test-case for this problem?

Grzegorz Kossakowski
Joined: 2010-03-11,
User offline. Last seen 33 weeks 5 days ago.
Re: Fwd: NPE in presentation compiler - what can I attempt to n

On 4 December 2011 16:04, Chris Twiner wrote:
> That's what i am trying to get but i have no idea which of the 70+ source
> files could be causing it or if its the project structure or if its just
> that I am using package objects.
> That's what i need the guiding hand for, to help me focus on what kind of
> thing could cause this.

Oh, I see. Have you tried enabling -verbose and inspecting output of
the compiler before the crash?

You should see names of files that compiler is processing.

Joined: 2008-07-29,
User offline. Last seen 45 weeks 6 days ago.
Re: Fwd: NPE in presentation compiler - what can I attempt to n

Can you go into Types.scala and show me the line that causes the
problem? The version I have installed is newer, so I can't see where
exactly the problem is happening.


Chris Twiner
Joined: 2008-12-17,
User offline. Last seen 42 years 45 weeks ago.
Re: Fwd: NPE in presentation compiler - what can I attempt to n

Sure thing:

object adaptToNewRunMap extends TypeMap {
private def adaptToNewRun(pre: Type, sym: Symbol): Symbol = {
if (phase.flatClasses) {
} else if (sym.isModuleClass) { //<---- 3920
adaptToNewRun(pre, sym.sourceModule).moduleClass //<-- 3921
where I assume sym.sourceModule is null
} else if ((pre eq NoPrefix) || (pre eq NoType) || sym.isPackageClass) {
} else {

I've tried to reproduce within eclipse, but I've not yet been
successful. The verbose presentation logs just showed the file I was
loading and the npe.

If it makes sense to just return sym if sym.sourceModule is null, I'll
also give that a try tomorrow.

On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 8:42 PM, martin odersky wrote:
> Can you go into Types.scala and show me the line that causes the
> problem? The version I have installed is newer, so I can't see where
> exactly the problem is happening.
> Thanks
>  -- Martin

Joined: 2008-07-29,
User offline. Last seen 45 weeks 6 days ago.
Re: Fwd: NPE in presentation compiler - what can I attempt to n

On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 2:45 PM, Chris Twiner wrote:
> Sure thing:
>  object adaptToNewRunMap extends TypeMap {
>    private def adaptToNewRun(pre: Type, sym: Symbol): Symbol = {
>      if (phase.flatClasses) {
>        sym
>      } else if (sym.isModuleClass) { //<---- 3920
>        adaptToNewRun(pre, sym.sourceModule).moduleClass //<-- 3921
> where I assume sym.sourceModule is null
>      } else if ((pre eq NoPrefix) || (pre eq NoType) || sym.isPackageClass) {
>        sym
>      } else {
> I've tried to reproduce within eclipse, but I've not yet been
> successful.  The verbose presentation logs just showed the file I was
> loading and the npe.
> If it makes sense to just return sym if sym.sourceModule is null, I'll
> also give that a try tomorrow.
That would be an obvious thing to try, yes. Thanks for helping to
clear that one up!

Chris Twiner
Joined: 2008-12-17,
User offline. Last seen 42 years 45 weeks ago.
Re: Fwd: NPE in presentation compiler - what can I attempt to n

Unfortunately it just causes an npe elsewhere :(  the code hasn't been changed for a while so..

I am going down the stack trace adding more logging info to find the actual type used.

On Dec 6, 2011 4:53 AM, "martin odersky" <> wrote:
On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 2:45 PM, Chris Twiner <> wrote:
> Sure thing:
>  object adaptToNewRunMap extends TypeMap {
>    private def adaptToNewRun(pre: Type, sym: Symbol): Symbol = {
>      if (phase.flatClasses) {
>        sym
>      } else if (sym.isModuleClass) { //<---- 3920
>        adaptToNewRun(pre, sym.sourceModule).moduleClass //<-- 3921
> where I assume sym.sourceModule is null
>      } else if ((pre eq NoPrefix) || (pre eq NoType) || sym.isPackageClass) {
>        sym
>      } else {
> I've tried to reproduce within eclipse, but I've not yet been
> successful.  The verbose presentation logs just showed the file I was
> loading and the npe.
> If it makes sense to just return sym if sym.sourceModule is null, I'll
> also give that a try tomorrow.
That would be an obvious thing to try, yes. Thanks for helping to
clear that one up!

Chris Twiner
Joined: 2008-12-17,
User offline. Last seen 42 years 45 weeks ago.
Re: Fwd: NPE in presentation compiler - what can I attempt to n

Found a reproducible case (see attached two project files) after
adding suitable printlns. I can't seem to reproduce within a single
project, it seems that it must be a pot luck thing which of the two
Symbols it picks up.

So the problem is in Scales I have:

package object xml {
type Attributes = ListSet[Attribute]


package xml

object Attributes {

So the type for one is indeed a module, but the `type` is not. It
seems there is a race between the setting of the two. Both symbols
must be referenced in the RaceyUser compilation unit to trigger the

In Ensime simply re-running the full type check seems to sometimes
trigger the NPE, and sometimes not. In Eclipse, with the attached
test projects, it seems a comment out one of the calls in RaceyUser
and save will disable the strangeness, closing and re-opening the file
re-introduces this - but both with or without the presentation
compiler npe's the compiler does correctly compile it and it is

Aside from the *cough* bad idea *cough* of having a type and object
share the name - does anything like this ring bells or should I open a
new ticket?

On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 9:59 AM, Chris Twiner wrote:
> Unfortunately it just causes an npe elsewhere :(  the code hasn't been
> changed for a while so..
> I am going down the stack trace adding more logging info to find the actual
> type used.
> On Dec 6, 2011 4:53 AM, "martin odersky" wrote:
>> On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 2:45 PM, Chris Twiner
>> wrote:
>> > Sure thing:
>> >
>> >  object adaptToNewRunMap extends TypeMap {
>> >    private def adaptToNewRun(pre: Type, sym: Symbol): Symbol = {
>> >      if (phase.flatClasses) {
>> >        sym
>> >      } else if (sym.isModuleClass) { //<---- 3920
>> >        adaptToNewRun(pre, sym.sourceModule).moduleClass //<-- 3921
>> > where I assume sym.sourceModule is null
>> >      } else if ((pre eq NoPrefix) || (pre eq NoType) ||
>> > sym.isPackageClass) {
>> >        sym
>> >      } else {
>> >

Jason Zaugg
Joined: 2009-05-18,
User offline. Last seen 38 weeks 5 days ago.
Re: Fwd: NPE in presentation compiler - what can I attempt to n
On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 8:51 PM, Chris Twiner <> wrote:

Aside from the *cough* bad idea *cough* of having a type and object
share the name - does anything like this ring bells or should I open a
new ticket?

Sounds like a similar situation to SI-5031. For that one, I worked around it by defining the same-named object in the package object, rather than in a separate file.
Chris Twiner
Joined: 2008-12-17,
User offline. Last seen 42 years 45 weeks ago.
Re: Fwd: NPE in presentation compiler - what can I attempt to n

lol, I had looked at that but didn't see the link due to the
difference in stack traces.

But I just tried it out, fixes it as well for the eclipse test case.

else if (sym.isModuleClass) compiles(sym.sourceModule)

the same problem, just shown in a different way.

On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 9:36 PM, Jason Zaugg wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 8:51 PM, Chris Twiner wrote:
>> Aside from the *cough* bad idea *cough* of having a type and object
>> share the name - does anything like this ring bells or should I open a
>> new ticket?
> Sounds like a similar situation to SI-5031. For that one, I worked around it
> by defining the same-named object in the package object, rather than in a
> separate file.
> -jason
> [1]

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