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Hi Klaus,
Copying scala-internals, to see whether we get some ideas how this could be done. I agree that DSL-specific syntax highlighting would be a big win.
Wooooo.......... niiiiiiiiiiice!
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of martin odersky Sent: December-05-11 2:39 PM To: Klaus Havelund Cc: scala-internals Subject: [scala-internals] Re: DSL coloring in IDEs
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Wooooo.......... niiiiiiiiiiice!
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of martin odersky
Sent: December-05-11 2:39 PM
To: Klaus Havelund
Cc: scala-internals
Subject: [scala-internals] Re: DSL coloring in IDEs
Hi Klaus,
Copying scala-internals, to see whether we get some ideas how this could be
done. I agree that DSL-specific syntax highlighting would be a big win.