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libscala: now with github api

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Joined: 2008-12-17,
User offline. Last seen 35 weeks 3 days ago.

I have been dissatisfied with the github gem for a while and finally I
gave in and started applying the github api directly. I bet any heavy
github users can think of ALL KINDS of places they'd like to
streamline the interface. The github api seems to be the way forward,
since I'm never going to come around to their web-centric aesthetic.
Consider the ball rolling:

% pullreqs

49 365c9bb163 soc Migration improvements
2012-01-09 SI-4990#2
82 51667dc039 erikroze Immutable TreeMap/TreeSet performance
(S 2012-01-26 SI-5331
124 dce6b34c38 stephenj Fixes SI-4929, with a test to verify.
2012-01-22 SI-4929-2
136 372bfc4717 dcsobral Regex improvements
2012-01-25 SI-2460
137 2ddee14899 LannyRip SI-5045 Regex.unapplySeq should use 2012-01-25 master
139 6972dc556c dcsobral Document regex replacement strings
behav 2012-01-25 SI-4750
142 1cb962518e dcsobral Add a split method with limit to Regex.
2012-01-25 SI-5088
145 2df3934168 dcsobral Performance improvements for
CommentFact 2012-01-26 DocSpeed
147 4224d2a7b0 xeno-by -Yshow-symkinds: prints kinds next to
sy 2012-01-28 topic/yshowsymkinds

git merge soc/SI-4990#2 erikrozendaal/SI-5331
stephenjudkins/SI-4929-2 dcsobral/SI-2460 LannyRipple/master
dcsobral/SI-4750 dcsobral/SI-5088 dcsobral/DocSpeed

git merge 365c9bb163 51667dc039 dce6b34c38 372bfc4717 2ddee14899
6972dc556c 1cb962518e 2df3934168 4224d2a7b0

It's all here:

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