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Get a symbol by its owner and its name
Thu, 2012-02-09, 14:28
Is there a way to get a symbol if I know its owner and its name?
Positive answer will be very useful for importers (that provide
bijection between universes, e.g. between reflective mirror and
reflective compiler).
Currently importers create a new symbol for every symbol they haven't
seen yet. This means that certain symbols can be created multiple
times - once inside their own universe and once again during an import
from a universe that already has the same symbol.
On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 5:27 AM, Eugene Burmako <eugene.burmako@epfl.ch> wrote:
Much of the time this would be owner.info.member(name). Not always. And owner and name doesn't uniquely identify a symbol, most obviously in the case of an overloaded method.