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1 reply
Joined: 2008-12-17,
User offline. Last seen 28 weeks 5 days ago.


just stumbled over, and i'm quite excited at the outlook of scala 2.10.

i know `Predef.???` is an old thread, i just wanted to add that SuperCollider has a more verbose but very nice method for this:

notYetImplemented { NotYetImplementedError(nil, this).throw; }

i think this makes much more sense than `???` and also `undefined` (which is confusing with respect to partial functions, sets, maps etc.).

so you'd have

class X {
def aMethod: Int = notYetImplemented

best, .h.h.

Joined: 2009-04-23,
User offline. Last seen 38 weeks 5 days ago.
Re: ???

On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 21:45, Sciss wrote:
> hi,
> just stumbled over, and i'm quite excited at the outlook of scala 2.10.
> i know `Predef.???` is an old thread, i just wanted to add that SuperCollider has a more verbose but very nice method for this:
>   notYetImplemented { NotYetImplementedError(nil, this).throw; }
> i think this makes much more sense than `???` and also `undefined` (which is confusing with respect to partial functions, sets, maps etc.).
> so you'd have
>    class X {
>       def aMethod: Int = notYetImplemented
>    }

Doesn't look good on a powerpoint.

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