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Scala Meeting Report 2012/02/14

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This summary is intended for Scala contributors and maintainers, and assumes a certain familiarity with Scala's internals.

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Scala Meeting 2012/02/14


Lukas: extensions of effect type system (relative effects / “like”-effects). parsing reviews and drafting response.
Vojin: Scala side of the actors migration, Delite with masters student
Tiark: thesis, delite, ecoop rebuttal
Miguel: done optimizing inliner, looking for reviews
Chris: moving the slick prototype from Code.lift to macros, bug assignment
Vlad: LMS, specialization, student projects
Eugene: stabilizing reification, idempotency of typechecking
Martin: value classes (hit a blocker with Array -- see scala-sips)
Nada:  formalizing DOT in Coq and PLT-Redex, ECOOP rebuttal
Adriaan: virtpatmat (try-catches are now completely handled by the new pattern matcher, missingCase support for the new PartialFunction)
Heather: reading papers / brainstorming about serializing closures, tasks for akka team, planning semester projects.
Alex: working on dataflow ideas, concurrent pools, reading on concurrent avl trees and stacks
Ingo: performance work on scala.react
Toni: scaladays, website work next week
Hubert: paper for APPLC workshop
Georges: reading up


Milestone 2

Due next Monday if we keep the 1-month schedule. Freeze period (= nightly builds, no new features) should be only 2-3 days.
- Always on the 20th of the month (or the next working day)
- Adriaan will create a publicly editable google doc where committers can list their contributions for every milestone.
- There should be some short release notes (number / list of fixed tickets, new features)


Why do we need this?
Eugene will try resetAllAttrs instead of UnTyper in hopes of it preserving the required type information

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