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typer and tree mutation

6 replies
Joined: 2008-12-17,
User offline. Last seen 35 weeks 3 days ago.
Regarding comment found here:

+       *  To the moment I know only one such situation: typedAnnotations does not typecheck the annotation in-place, but rather creates new trees and typechecks them, so the original remains symless.
+       *  This is laboriously worked around in the code below. I hope this will be the only workaround in this department.
Does this imply you are depending on trees being typed in place everywhere else? Because that is a huge departure from the way things are supposed to work.  If the typer were by design mutating the incoming tree in place, then all the typing methods should return Unit (for clarity) or tree.type (for convenience, now that we can do such cool dependent things) but they all return either Tree or a tree of the same type, because you're supposed to always use the returned tree.
I realize that is less than universally done, but as far as I know, none of the places where it happens now are explicitly depending on it for correctness.
Enshrining  what is supposed to be only an optimization into reification will make it very difficult to get to somewhere we should be heading, albeit slowly: the typer as functional, parallelizable component, in principle a function from Tree => Tree (or Tree => Type or Tree => (Tree, Type) depending on how much one thinks the typer ought to do.)
Eugene Burmako
Joined: 2011-09-17,
User offline. Last seen 42 years 45 weeks ago.
Re: typer and tree mutation
No, I don't actually rely on typechecking being performed in-place. The only thing I need is having symful originals, which can be achieved in multiple ways.
So the phrase "[we have a problem]: typedAnnotations does not typecheck the annotation in-place" means "we have a problem with annotated originals being symless, which happens because typedAnnotations does not typecheck the annotation in-place", but not "we have a problem that should be solved by typedAnnotations working in-place". Sorry for the confusion.
On 15 February 2012 17:01, Paul Phillips <> wrote:
Regarding comment found here:

+       *  To the moment I know only one such situation: typedAnnotations does not typecheck the annotation in-place, but rather creates new trees and typechecks them, so the original remains symless.
+       *  This is laboriously worked around in the code below. I hope this will be the only workaround in this department.
Does this imply you are depending on trees being typed in place everywhere else? Because that is a huge departure from the way things are supposed to work.  If the typer were by design mutating the incoming tree in place, then all the typing methods should return Unit (for clarity) or tree.type (for convenience, now that we can do such cool dependent things) but they all return either Tree or a tree of the same type, because you're supposed to always use the returned tree.
I realize that is less than universally done, but as far as I know, none of the places where it happens now are explicitly depending on it for correctness.
Enshrining  what is supposed to be only an optimization into reification will make it very difficult to get to somewhere we should be heading, albeit slowly: the typer as functional, parallelizable component, in principle a function from Tree => Tree (or Tree => Type or Tree => (Tree, Type) depending on how much one thinks the typer ought to do.)

Eugene Burmako
Joined: 2011-09-17,
User offline. Last seen 42 years 45 weeks ago.
Re: typer and tree mutation

Speaking of robustness of the reifier, I passionately hate the fact
that we cannot reify Types. This makes reifier very brittle.

Before annotations I managed to contain it. For annotations I had to
prohibit reification of annotations that refer to symbols that are
declared inside the quasiquote. Same story for classOf, and who knows
what else will manifest itself in the upcoming days.

Any ideas about dealing with this are very welcome.

On Feb 15, 5:49 pm, Eugene Burmako wrote:
> No, I don't actually rely on typechecking being performed in-place. The
> only thing I need is having symful originals, which can be achieved in
> multiple ways.
> So the phrase "[we have a problem]: typedAnnotations does not typecheck the
> annotation in-place" means "we have a problem with annotated originals
> being symless, which happens because typedAnnotations does not typecheck
> the annotation in-place", but not "we have a problem that should be solved
> by typedAnnotations working in-place". Sorry for the confusion.
> On 15 February 2012 17:01, Paul Phillips wrote:
> > Regarding comment found here:
> >
> > +       *  To the moment I know only one such situation: typedAnnotations does not typecheck the annotation in-place, but rather creates new trees and typechecks them, so the original remains symless.
> > +       *  This is laboriously worked around in the code below. I hope this will be the only workaround in this department.
> > Does this imply you are depending on trees being typed in place everywhere
> > else? Because that is a huge departure from the way things are supposed to
> > work.  If the typer were by design mutating the incoming tree in place,
> > then all the typing methods should return Unit (for clarity) or tree.type
> > (for convenience, now that we can do such cool dependent things) but they
> > all return either Tree or a tree of the same type, because you're supposed
> > to always use the returned tree.
> > I realize that is less than universally done, but as far as I know, none
> > of the places where it happens now are explicitly depending on it for
> > correctness.
> > Enshrining  what is supposed to be only an optimization into reification
> > will make it very difficult to get to somewhere we should be heading,
> > albeit slowly: the typer as functional, parallelizable component, in
> > principle a function from Tree => Tree (or Tree => Type or Tree => (Tree,
> > Type) depending on how much one thinks the typer ought to do.)

Joined: 2008-12-17,
User offline. Last seen 35 weeks 3 days ago.
Re: Re: typer and tree mutation

On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 8:54 AM, Eugene Burmako <> wrote:
Speaking of robustness of the reifier, I passionately hate the fact
that we cannot reify Types. 

Any ideas about dealing with this are very welcome.

We'd have to start with, why can't we reify types? 
Joined: 2008-12-17,
User offline. Last seen 35 weeks 3 days ago.
Re: typer and tree mutation

On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 8:49 AM, Eugene Burmako <> wrote:
No, I don't actually rely on typechecking being performed in-place. The only thing I need is having symful originals, which can be achieved in multiple ways.

I wonder if we should have an explicit "symboled" method.  That's what enterXXX does, plus or minus, but it would make more sense to me if the overall mechanism more closely  paralleled the typer.
Eugene Burmako
Joined: 2011-09-17,
User offline. Last seen 42 years 45 weeks ago.
Re: Re: typer and tree mutation
On the onset of reification Martin tried that, and it didn't work. /cc'ing Martin to learn about the details.

On 15 February 2012 17:57, Paul Phillips <> wrote:

On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 8:54 AM, Eugene Burmako <> wrote:
Speaking of robustness of the reifier, I passionately hate the fact
that we cannot reify Types. 

Any ideas about dealing with this are very welcome.

We'd have to start with, why can't we reify types? 

Joined: 2010-02-08,
User offline. Last seen 31 weeks 4 days ago.
Re: Re: typer and tree mutation
We'd have to start with, why can't we reify types? 
I guess one challenge is where you stop reifying: some types reference locally defined types, others reference existing ones
you can't simply close transitively due to time/space constraints, but if you don't, you'll need to come up with a stable (in time) way of referring to the types you don't reify ("the first type parameter of the enclosing method", "the skolem of the existential unpacked in some outer scope",...)

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