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Re: Equality and case objects
Thu, 2009-04-02, 18:45
>>>>> "martin" == martin odersky writes:
martin> I think it might not be too late. Case class inheritance was
martin> added rather late, and as an afterthought, without having
martin> really thought the issues through. So we might not break too
martin> much code deprecating them. (I also noted a rather unfortunate
martin> misunderstanding where newbies start with an abstract case
martin> class extended by other case classes; they did not intend to
martin> match on the abstract class; they were just unsure where to put
martin> the case, so they put it everywhere).
I'd been doing Scala for a whole year before I finally realized
this was wrong to do...
I think in every case I did this in the past, the new "case classes
without a parameter list have been deprecated" warning on the trunk
would now yell at me, at least.
Им вообще не полагалось ехать по Ван-Бюренскому шоссе Это было незадолго до часа пик, а они катили по полосе водовозов и, конечно, шакала заметили только тогда, когда уже сбили его и поздно было что-то делать